across the Americas
Map 1: Narco-terrorism Spreads Across the Americas (PDF)
British-sponsored narco-terrorism is spreading across the Americas, using the January 1994 separatist uprising in Chiapas, Mexico as a model. The two principal organizations the British have deployed for this task, are the London-based Revolutionary International Movement (RIM) and the Cuban-run São Paulo Forum (SPF).
There are four countries in Ibero-America where SPF member parties either run the government (Cuba and Haiti), or hold cabinet positions (Bolivia and Chile). There are other areas, shown on the map, which are either current or targeted war-zones, where narco-terrorist forces deployed by the SPF and RIM are engaged in combat.
EIR has identified the following 11 immediate flashpoints of separatist narco-terrorist explosions throughout the Americas, where Britain's "new Chiapas" project is already under way. In every case, the lead agents are part of either the SPF or the RIM apparatus, or are directly run or manipulated by Prince Philip's World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
1. Canada
Quebec separatism. The Oct. 30 referendum on Quebec independence, which was narrowly defeated, has set off a "gang-countergang" conflict all across Canada, involving Quebecois separatists, WWF-manipulated Indian and other indigenous peoples, and separatist elements in western Canada. Prospects run high for a protracted political destabilization, and a possible revival of Quebec separatist terrorism.2-5. United States
Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) in Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Miami. This Maoist terrorist organization, which launched RIM, is run from London, and has been involved in provoking urban riots in all of the above cities. It has close ties to dope-trafficking street gangs, including the Bloods and the Crips; in Miami, RCP members run the Aristide networks in the Haitian community, which police link directly to Colombia's Cali Cartel.6. Puerto Rico
The New Puerto Rican Independence Movement (NMIP) and its allies are threatening to use violence to stop the emplacement of a key anti-drug radar on the island. They recently organized a 10,000-person demonstration in San Juan against the radar. Puerto Rico has historically been a stepping-stone for bringing such terrorist activity to the U.S. mainland.7. Mexico
The "Internet International," the real muscle behind the Zapatista (EZLN) uprising in Chiapas, has long planned to spread the indigenist revolt to other states. The immediate target is Guerrero, the country's leading drug-producing region, which has been plagued by guerrilla groups since the 1960s. The Revolutionary National Civic Association (ACNR) has launched terrorist provocations, in which dozens have died, designed to create Chiapas-like conditions.8. Colombia
The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the allied National Liberation Army (ELN) jointly have about 11,000 men under arms, and have been in armed insurrection against the State for decades. Now they have unleashed terrorist violence in the Urabá region on the border with Panama, hoping to provoke its secession from Colombia, with U.N. backing. This year, they have killed 700 people there. The FARC is also known as Colombia's "Third Cartel," for its extensive involvement in the drug trade, including in Urabá.9. Venezuela
Lt. Col. Hugo Chávez (ret.), head of the Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement (MBR-200), is using his base in the state of Apure to link up with Colombia's ELN guerrillas across the border. In February 1995, this led to an ELN cross-border raid in Cararabo, and the murder of eight Venezuelan marines there. Chávez is also trying to overthrow the anti-International Monetary Fund government of Rafael Caldera—with the City of London and Wall Street cheering him on.10. Bolivia
There are an estimated 50,000 coca-growing families in Bolivia, and another 200,000 in Peru. The Andean Coca Leaf Producers Council (CAPHC), based in the Chapare region, is threatening to organize and arm all of them to violently impose drug legalization in the area, and to establish a separatist State.11. Brazil
The Landless Movement (MST) is organizing violent land seizures throughout the country, with emphasis on Brazil's most productive agricultural areas in the south. There have been shootouts with military and farmer self-defense units, which could spread rapidly to virtual civil war.