British Magazine Publishes
Death Threat vs. LaRouche
by Mark Burdman
High-level circles in the British oligarchy have planted an article in a widely read British women's magazine, the which is an unmistakeable death threat against Lyndon LaRouche, a candidate for the Democratic Party nomination for the American Presidency and the founder of EIR. Best estimates are that the article, which appeared in the tabloid women's magazine Take a Break, was planted by Britain's MI6 secret service and/or senior advisers to Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace.
In its Aug. 5 edition, Take a Break published an article under the banner headline, "Shut This Man's Mouth," with a large photo of LaRouche appearing next to these words. Written by one Katie Fraser, the piece characterized LaRouche as "dangerous," and claimed that Buckingham Palace has become "increasingly alarmed" at the fact that exposés by LaRouche-associated publications about the British monarchy, such as the alleged royal family's involvement in the death of Princess Diana, "are being spread around the globe," and are being read in places like China, the Middle East, South America, and Africa, thanks to their circulation, including over the Internet.
Fraser quoted an unnamed commentator, declaring that LaRouche's claims represent "the biggest threat ever to the reputation of the Queen worldwide.... Something has to be done." Another commentator asserted: "It is vital to protect the Queen as a symbol of decency in a sometimes wicked world. She is a figurehead for all that is good about Britain. That must be protected at all costs" (emphasis added).
Fraser claimed that "until recently, the British establishment has ignored" LaRouche's claims, "hoping they would fade quietly away. But they have not faded away. In fact, they are continuing to grow like a virus. Now the question is: Can they be ignored any longer? ... Politicians and commentators alike are waiting to see what course of action the Queen's advisers are likely to recommend."
The author emphasized that this is all the more serious, because "LaRouche commands a big following in the U.S., where he will be standing for President next year."
Fraser concluded: "Take a Break says it's time that Lyndon LaRouche was told to shut his evil mouth once and for all."
A well-connected British source reacted to the article by commenting: "These people are out for blood." He described the article as a "trial balloon," a "flier," and a "reconnaissance in force," by elements in the British monarchy structure and/or Prime Minister Tony Blair's office, who set the article into motion, in order to see what reaction it brings. If the "test" works, then what can be expected, is a "big attack." He said that running such an inflammatory piece through a women's magazine was "a flank attack" by the relevant British elites, who were upset because LaRouche and his publications have "struck home" and are having a significant global effect.
British Elites Prepare for `Post-Crash' World
The appearance of this violent diatribe is a further sign that leading elements in the British establishment are becoming unnerved, as the world hurtles toward general financial disintegration. As we have previously reported, British strategic planners have set in motion something called "Operation Surety," for the imposition of emergency powers in the United Kingdom, involving the domestic, large-scale deployment of military forces, to deal with civil unrest and disorders in the months to come. This is being done, in anticipation that the late-summer, early-autumn period will witness new shocks to the financial system. Peter Nove, the Police Commissioner of the City of London, warned in a late-July press conference, that Britain is on the eve of a new era of large-scale violence.
Preparing for a "post-crash world," senior elements in the British establishment obviously believe that they cannot tolerate an individual such as LaRouche, whose proposals for a "New Bretton Woods" bankruptcy reorganization of the world economy would threaten the hegemonic financial/banking power of the City of London and the Queen's Commonwealth. This is especially so, given the awareness in the British establishment, as the Take a Break article repeatedly and explicitly acknowledges, that LaRouche's global credibility and influence are growing.
In a time of advanced social, economic, and political turmoil, the continued existence of an institution like the British monarchy must come into question. After all, the monarchy has never really recovered from the undermining of its influence, that occurred in the wake of Princess Diana's death.
One well-placed American source told EIR that recent private polls conducted on behalf of the monarchy revealed that a large majority of Britons still believe that there was a conspiracy to murder Princess Diana. This, the source added, is deeply disturbing, because it had been anticipated, in the royal court, that such sentiment would fade over time. This has not happened, even among the types of people who read Take a Break, who represent the backbone of support for the Queen.
It is lawful, that figures in and around the monarchy are feeling very touchy. A leading establishment expert on British royalty told this reporter on Aug. 4, that "the chances are only 50-50, that the monarchy will survive in Britain. Anything uncomplimentary that people believe in, is just another nail in the coffin for the monarchy. To put it another way, anything that rocks the boat is immensely dangerous to the monarchy. LaRouche should think very carefully about what he is doing. The Queen is still one of the most powerful figures in the world, but that might not be true forever." This source estimated that the Take a Break article was, in one way or another, motivated by the circle of older-generation advisers to the Queen, centered around the Lord Chamberlain, Lord Camoys. Another source suggested that Camoys and the Queen's "Personal Secretary, Sir Robert Fellowes," were likely involved in motivating the Take a Break article.
Indeed, the Take a Break smear contained absurd misrepresentations of LaRouche and EIR's coverage of the monarchy, and the death of Princess Diana. The article claimed that LaRouche accuses the Queen of running a drug cartel, called "Dope, Inc.," and of ordering the murders of Princess Diana and President John F. Kennedy. In fact, LaRouche, in 1978, commissioned a book-length study of the worldwide drug trade, entitled Dope, Inc., Britain's Opium War Against the United States, which presented extensive evidence of the City of London's role in the drug trade dating back to the 19th-century Opium Wars. EIR has also provided extensive coverage of the unanswered questions surrounding the wrongful death of Princess Diana, questions that remain unanswered to this day.
The Royals and the Occult
Take a Break is published by the Bauer Publishing House, with international headquarters in Hamburg. Over the past couple of decades, Bauer has found itself involved in a number of murky activities, through publications such as the German edition of Playboy magazine, and a "literary" magazine called Transatlantik. Two decades ago, individuals associated with the latter publication were caught in strange operations against LaRouche and his associates.
The editor of Take a Break is John Dale, formerly a senior commentator at the right-wing London Daily Mail tabloid. After the appearance of the "Shut This Man's Mouth" piece, Dale was contacted by this correspondent, whereupon he lied that Take a Break had tried to reach LaRouche's offices before going to print. He then hung up the phone, refusing further discussion.
Dale has, in his career, run special operations on behalf of the royal family, and, obviously, has served as a mouthpiece for a segment of the royals' apparatus. In 1986, he authored a book, The Prince and the Paranormal: The Psychic Bloodline of the Royal Family. At the time of its publication, it was billed as an attack on Prince Charles, because he engages in odd beliefs and practices that are inappropriate to a future monarch and future head of the Church of England. But, in truth, the book was a promotional for the occult traditions and practices of the British royal family over the past century and a half.
Dale documented the fact that British royals have engaged in occult, "paranormal" practices such as spiritualism (using mediums, through séances, to speak to the dead), faith healing, magic, homeopathic and other "alternative" medicines, and the like, since the time of Queen Victoria. Through a certain form of genetic transmission, and through the recent influence of such royal family figures as Lord "Dickie" Mountbatten, these "psychic" proclivities were passed on to Prince Charles, who, according to Dale, "must be congratulated for displaying the guts to speak out where others have remained silent."
Dale showed that this practice of the occult by royalty is very much part of the mythos purveyed by the would-be inhabitants of Mount Olympus. He cited the view of one practitioner of spiritualism, the late King Paul of Greece, the uncle of Prince Philip, that spiritualism is a positive practice, in the tradition of "the famed Delphic Oracle of Greece."
Dale's book amounts to an extended legitimation of the occult and related practices. He repeatedly uses adjectives like "respectable," "reputable," "brave," and so on, to refer to practitioners of spiritualism and other forms of the occult. The ultimate point then becomes that Prince Charles is only the latest, in a long and noble (literally) tradition. Dale's book must be seen as one expression of the activities of the "Occult Bureau" of MI6.
One of Britain's more astute social-psychology experts told EIR on Aug. 3, that a book like Dale's has the real object of reinforcing the aura of magic and magical powers around the royal family. He said: "Such books seek to prove that royalty has special powers. It's a variant on the notion of the `divine right of kings.' The message is: `Royalty is not the same as the rest of us.' It's a means of giving legitimation for royalty, with a special status, to portray them as wizards, with extraordinary powers. It's a way of creating what I call the `super-other,' making the royals into a deity."
It is not surprising, that EIR has received a report from Britain, that recent editions of Take a Break ran columns by a psychic, who purports to have "communicated with Princess Diana." The articles included Diana's comments "from beyond the grave," in which she asked the readers to accept that her death was an "accident," and that they should ignore stories alleging that she was murdered.
LaRouche Campaign Responds
Inclusively, the Take a Break article represents an intolerable act of British interference in the American Presidential campaign. On Aug. 2, his campaign vehicle, LaRouche's Committee for a New Bretton Woods, was quick to respond, with a statement issued in Washington by Debra Hanania-Freeman, national spokeswoman for LaRouche. Freeman said: "After consulting with security experts familiar with the modus operandi of British intelligence networks, we are treating the piece as a cover for an MI6 order, probably with direct backing from someone in the royal household, to assassinate Lyndon LaRouche.... The inflammatory article ... reflects a growing hysteria around Buckingham Palace, over the growing global influence of LaRouche's ideas and his continuing exposé of the British oligarchy.... The appearance of such a highly politicized piece, that is so violent in tone, taken together with John Dale's background, signals that this crowd is out for blood."
Freeman said that representatives of LaRouche's Presidential campaign were in the process of contacting the appropriate authorities about the threat against the candidate. "We are also passing the information on to the White House," Freeman added, "so they can assess whether the article also constitutes a threat to the security of President Clinton."