Can Bush Menace Be Stopped
by the Eurasian Nations?
By early May, the combination of the Bush Administration's doggedly insane domestic privatization and looting policies, tearing up the United States' physical economy, and the White House strategic and military policies, including its enthusiastic green light to Ariel Sharon's Mideast warmongering, were becoming cause for alarm for many of the nations of Eurasia, and most certainly for Pope John Paul II's Vatican. Signs appeared, notably in the extremely blunt rebukes delivered to the United States at the UN, of moves to attempt to stop Bush's course toward disaster. But most important in this regard, as Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. identified it in his latest international initiative, is the potential for a new Eurasian alliance of actions toward a new international monetary system, and also toward the urgent development of Africa.
This was the subject of an extraordinary panel of the historic conference, "The Ecumenical Battle for the Common Good," held in Bad Schwalbach, Germany on May 4-6 with LaRouche as its designer and keynote speaker. The May 5 conference panel on "A Twenty-Five-Year Development Perspective for Eurasia" featured speakers representing Russia—Yuri Gromyko of the Moscow Academy for Culture and Educational Development; China—Dr. Wen Tiejun of the China Society for Restructuring the Economic System; India—Prof. Sujit Dutta of the New Delhi Institute for Defense Studies and Analysis; Egypt—Dr. Mohammad Al-Sayed Selim of the Center for Asian Studies at Cairo University; as well as EIR experts Lothar Komp and Ramtanu Maitra.
A Eurasian Transport Union
In their speeches, which we present in this section, can be seen the influential ideas necessary to move the Eurasian combination of nations—precisely that Eurasia which the Bush-league neo-conservatives claim and hope "does not exist"—to create a New Bretton Woods system, as LaRouche outlines it.
The power of these ideas, led by LaRouche's formulations, shone forth dramatically only ten days later, when on May 16, Russian Transport Minister Sergei Frank announced in Moscow that Russia has created the "Eurasian Transport Union." Frank stressed that this Union, had the support, at various levels of 40 Asian and European countries, and had been formally joined by India and Iran, among others. Russia first put forward this proposal at a conference in St. Petersburg last year.
The Union's main goal, said Frank, is the creation of international transport corridors leading from Europe to Asia via Russian territory, including a new North-South transport corridor starting at the Indian port of Calcutta, and linking it with North European countries through the territories of Iran and Russia.
In his keynote at Bad Schwalbach May 4 (EIR, May 18, 2001), LaRouche had outlined the significance of development of transcontinental Eurasian high-speed transport, "Rotterdam to Tokyo," in precisely this way. "Through the mediation of Russia ... it is possible for Europe to unite with Russia and nations in Asia to set up a long-term system, under which, instead of consumer goods markets and investments for these countries, you set up long-term development of the productive powers of labor in these nations.... In order to make this work, as has been understood for almost a century and a half, develop a system of infrastructural development which could effectively link the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean across Eurasia."
The scope of the proposals for railroad "development corridors across Eurasia" was expanded by the panel speakers, according to the challenge—given by LaRouche in the keynote of the opening panel—of Eurasian development to save Africa.