LaRouches Address Russia's Destiny
At Hearings of the Duma in Moscow
by EIR Staff
U.S. Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. spoke before the Russian State Duma's Economics Committee in Moscow on June 29, at the invitation of the Economics Committee's chairman, Dr. Sergei Glazyev. LaRouche's subject was the global financial and economic crisis, and the way to overcome it. In addition to the Duma delegates, more than 100 scientists, economic experts, and media representatives attended the special hearing, whose theme was "Ensuring the Development of the Russian Economy Under Conditions of a Destabilized World Financial System." Other speakers included Academician Dmitri Lvov of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the international Schiller Institutes; Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum of German Schiller Institute; Sen. Ivo Tarolli, Secretary of Italy's Christian Democratic Center party; H.E. Datuk Yahya Baba, Malaysia's Ambassador to Moscow; and Dr. Tatyana Koryagina, senior economist of the Institute for Macroeconomic Research at the Ministry of Economic Development andTrade.
The appearance of Senator Tarolli is of special note. He has introduced a series of resolutions into the Italian Senate, pressing for government support and aggressive promotion of the New Bretton Woods proposal, first advanced by Lyndon LaRouche, for the convening an international heads-of-state conference, in order to overhaul the bankrupt global financial system. His remarks before the Duma focussed on these proposals.
Addressing the Russian media
On June 28, Glazyev and LaRouche were featured panelists at a two-hour press conference, in which about 50 media representatives took part, including five television crews and reporters from Izvestiya and the English-language Moscow Times. A transcript of the panelists' opening remarks was distributed in the United States by Federal News Service, under the title, "Press Conference With a Group of Russian and Foreign Experts Regarding the Current Economic Situation in Russia."
LaRouche made three points central to his presentations before the Duma Committee and the press:
- the impossibility of saving the present world financial system from collapse through inflationary tricks, and the pressing need for international agreement on a new Bretton Woods system with fixed exchange rates;
- the opportunity for a worldwide economic upturn, through building development corridors through Eurasia, in which Russia, as both a European and a Eurasian power, takes on decisive importance;
- positive developments in Eurasia, which demonstrate the possibility of realizing the Eurasian Land-Bridge.
LaRouche also cited certain improvements in the political situation in the United States in recent weeks, including the change in power in the U.S. Senate, and growing opposition within the Republican Party, to the policies which Presddent George W. Bush has followed thus far.
On the evening of June 28, LaRouche delivered a lecture on the Russian-Ukrainian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky, before 150 scientists at the Institute of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, also known as the Lebedev Institute.