International Youth Movement
Of LaRouche Is Recruiting!
by Lawrence K. FreemanLyndon LaRouche—the electable Presidential Democrat—has unleashed a new movement for change under his leadership around the world. He is recruiting hundreds of young people between the ages of 18 and 25, through his political application of the the method of Plato and Socrates to the profound global economic crisis. At meetings in Europe, the United States, and Mexico, young people of the "no future" generation sit for hours in dialogue with the octogenarian LaRouche, as he makes them aware of the sacred power of the cognitive quality of their own minds.
The LaRouche International Youth Movement is the only politically active such movement in the United States, and is developing the power to reverse today's decadent "Baby Boomer" generation culture.
LaRouche uniquely understands the betrayal of the youth of today by their Baby Boomer parents, who have brought leading nations into such an economic, strategic, and moral disaster, they have deprived the younger generation of any meaningful future for their lives and their own posterity. They appreciate that LaRouche doesn't practice the duplicity of society, but tells them the truth—if they want a future, it's their mission to create it for humanity. The overall characteristic of these youth is, that although poorly educated, often at "prestigious" universities, they are far from stupid. In fact, their anger at being deprived of an education, and their desire to know the principles governing the universe, and their minds, motivates them to leave college for LaRouche's "university on wheels."
Twelve Days of Breakthroughs
Through his ability to stimulate their creative mentative powers, candidate LaRouche has created a large cadre of deployable youth concentrated on the East and West Coasts of the United States, including on college campuses—though not at all limited by American shores. Typically, weekend "cadre schools" are organized so the youth can envelope themselves in 48 hours of cognitive activity away from their normal daily routines. To understand the scope of LaRouche's Youth Movement, one merely has to look at the density of educational activity of just 12 days in October-November.
Over the Oct. 25-27 weekend, 30 young volunteers from the Seattle area met for a dialogue with LaRouche over the phone. That same weekend, 15-20 youth met in Rennes, France, where classes were taught by, among others, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder and President of the Schiller Institute. On the next weekend, Nov. 1-3, two major youth educationals were held. One in Berlin was led by Mrs. LaRouche and Jonathan Tennenbaum, for 40 leaders of the rapidly growing German LaRouche youth movement. The second was conducted in a central Pennsylvania campground, with approximately 80 youth from the Northeast corridor from Norfolk, Virginia to Boston. After addressing this gathering personally, in a four-hour Socratic dialogue, LaRouche travelled to Saltillo, Mexico, where he met with 45 youth from Monterrey. Over the past two years, LaRouche has devoted a growing portion of his time to educating the "no future" generation in dozens of such settings.
At the retreat in Central Pennsylvania, LaRouche's dialogue with the students was as beautiful as it was intense, raising the cognitive level to new heights. LaRouche concluded his opening remarks (they follow this article) by challenging the younger generation to provide leadership in organizing the Baby Boomer generation—which he referred to as "doormice" of Alice in Wonderland—out of their frightened, delusional state of mind. "The reason youth movements create revolutions," LaRouche told the youngsters, "is because the youth when faced with the prospect of no future, or a very bad future, say, 'Well, we can't change everything. But we can get out there and begin to organize our own generation, and our parents' generation, to waken them, to act to get us all out of this mess.' You do it by example."
Immortality as a Mortal Mission
LaRouche then answered questions in a thought-provoking dialogue for another two and one-half hours. One of the most moving exchanges was with a student from Morgan State University in Baltimore, where youth organizers have polarized the campus to the point that the campus newspaper has attacked LaRouche, for recruiting African-Americans away from "promising futures," to his movement. The Morgan student told LaRouche that while he liked the idea of the General Welfare put forth by our Founding Fathers, he was unsure that they intended this principle to apply to Native and African-Americans. LaRouche responded by challenging the student to take personal responsibility for winning that war. He introduced the idea of making your immortality the basis for your mortal identity: "Think of the life of humanity, which had been on this planet for more than 2 million years: human beings. What has happened to humanity, in the past 2 million years? How many civilizations have been wiped out? How many nations have been wiped out? What suffering has happened, without remedy, for whole sections of humanity? Think about it! Live in immortality. Adopt immortality, as your goal of your self-image.... Think of immortality as: You arrive, you have a limited time, in which to live. You don't know the minute, or how long.... You're going to have to adopt some kind of mission in life, of what you're going to do, with that life, which you need not be ashamed of, a thousand years from now. Have you done what you should, in your time, to advance the cause of humanity? ... And you have nothing to be ashamed of, in the eyes of those who came before you. If they suffered, you are doing something about it."
LaRouche continued, "That's the sense of immortality. You have to find it in yourself, and then you have the strength to project it to others. The trick of this business is to inspire people. To find in themselves, that which is inspiring. You can have tremendous power. If you feel impotent, you feel helpless; you don't know how to deal with these questions. They're dismaying. You say, 'How could this country do this terrible thing?' Well, tell me a country that didn't.... You and I and others have to decide, this is not going to go on! Then, we go back, and fix up the past, because our ancestors [should] not be ashamed of us."
This not the first time that LaRouche has dedicated his energies to educating a youth movement. It was almost 40 years ago, in the 1960s, that LaRouche recruited hundreds of college-age Baby Boomers, who became the leaders of his unprecedented international movement today. Against the backdrop of the vacuum of leadership in the depression crisis of North America, Europe, and the world, is there anyone more qualified than LaRouche to get these nations out of this economic mess, that we have created? Is there anyone more qualified to revamp our educational system and give the "no future" generation a future? For those young minds who have had the opportunity to share in the discovery of ideas with LaRouche, the answer is, as the expression goes: "It's a no brainer."