Berlin Seminar Promotes a
New Westphalia Treaty
by EIR StaffAn international EIR seminar of political figures, economists, military, strategic analysts, regional experts, and intellectuals, was convened in Berlin on Jan. 12-13, to discuss the current strategic, economic-financial, and cultural world crisis and the perspectives for solving it through concerted international action for a "New Treaty of Westphalia."
Lyndon LaRouche and Helga Zepp-LaRouche engaged in an intensive discussion with 40-plus participants from the United States, Russia, China, India, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Egypt, Iraq, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
The aim of the seminar was to outline the parameters of a new world financial and monetary system, to be brought into being by a new transatlantic-Eurasian dialogue, on the imminent breakdown crisis. These concepts were developed in LaRouche's article in EIR of Jan. 7, "Dialogue of Civilizations: Earth's Next Fifty Years," which had been circulated in advance to all seminar participants.
Reports were presented on the internal political process in the United States, highlighting the role of LaRouche and his movement; the Russian crisis, characterized by internal economic-social dislocations and external geopolitical pressures, as well as enormous scientific and economic potentials; the current situation in China and India; the continuing disaster in Iraq, and the broader Southwest Asian region; and the political and economic situation in Western and Central Europe. [See full listing of transcripts.]
The strategic alternative presented by LaRouche, was a vision of U.S.-Eurasian cooperation over the next 50 years, to guarantee all countries just access to vital raw materials resources and the joint development of new raw materials and technologies. This should be the content of a revived "Peace of Westphalia," and the true meaning of a dialogue of cultures.
LaRouche identified three focal points in the current juncture, in his keynote speech:
- The solution to the global financial, economic, and strategic crisis, must emerge from the United States, despite the insanity prevailing in the George W. Bush Administration. There is, currently, a major shift occurring in U.S. politics: Forces in the Democratic Party, which have been catalyzed by LaRouche's faction since the 2000 elections, and in particular since the July 2004 Democratic Party Convention in Boston, are challenging the Bush-Cheney regime, notably on the issue of Social Security privatization. This involves important circles, including Republicans, in the U.S. Congress. In parallel, "institutional forces" in the military and the intelligence services, and among diplomats and intellectuals, are mounting a major effort to redirect U.S. domestic and foreign policy. These forces will initiate cooperation with the countries of Eurasia.
- We require a new long-term agreement among sovereign nations, for equal and just access to existing raw materials resources, as well as the development of new categories of resources. The greatest deposits of raw materials are in Central Asia and Siberia. In this context, the role of Russia's scientific sector was defined as key for the elaboration of raw materials.
- The collapse of the post-Bretton Woods monetary system requires abandoning the "independent" central bank system, and replacing it with national banking systems, through which sovereign governments hold the sole right to issue currency, and are bound by the duty to promote economic development in the interests of the common good. Under such conditions, a cooperative treaty agreement for a New Bretton Woods system can be achieved between the United States and the states of Eurasia.
Agreement on Raw Materials Required
On the meeting's second day, LaRouche took up the issue of raw materials further. He emphasized that, faced with the challenge of providing for a large population, China realized that it needed to concentrate on major infrastructure development projects, especially water development projects such as the Three Gorges Dam. Russia, although politically weakened, has mineral resources and also the science to develop raw materials. The key is the scientific tradition of V.I. Vernadsky. India may not be concerned now with raw materials, but it will become so. Europe needs raw materials and it also needs a science-driver project. For that reason, Europe needs Russian, Chinese, and Indian cooperation.
LaRouche also addressed the question, "How do you get rid of the financial oligarchy?" You have to destroy its power, he said, by putting the economy under the control of sovereign nation-states. The United States must go back to sovereign nation-state banking, it must regulate prices, including those of raw materials.
He also called for the nullification of Third World debts, which are illegitimate and must be cancelled. The debt has been paid many times over! It is the International Monetary Fund which must be put into financial receivership. We must then create credit and loan capital, to invest in infrastructure development.
But, to accomplish this, the crucial fight is that against the privatization of Social Security in the United States. We must invoke the principle of the General Welfare as that is expressed in the Preamble, as President Franklin D. Roosevelt did, in finding a solution to the Great Depression.
The seminar concluded with five members of the LaRouche Youth Movement singing a multiple-voice setting of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy."