The Ibero-American Solidarity Movement (MSIa): Anatomy of a Fascist Intelligence Operation
by William F. Wertz, Jr.
During the period 1983-89, while Lyndon LaRouche and his leading U.S. associates were under heavy attack from the U.S. and Soviet opponents of LaRouche's role in the original design of President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative proposal (SDI), certain far right-wing opponents of the SDI from within the Nazi and related links to Chile's dictator Augusto Pinochet, covertly recruited certain Judases from within a secret network linked to U.S. death-squad figure Nestor Sanchez, et al.
In September of 1990, with LaRouche in prison, some of these Judases, including one Fernando Quijano, dropped their masks, and presented their Nazi-linked, anti-semitic credentials openly. LaRouche's erstwhile associate Quijano gave a speech in Northern Virginia in which he defended the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 for "military reasons of state security"; he defended the Spanish Inquisition; and he attacked the American Revolution, by representing the Venetian-manipulated Battle of Lepanto in 1571 as "the greatest moment that history, that Christianity, would ever have, past, present, and future." With that address, Quijano's earlier betrayal of his organization, LaRouche's International Caucus of Labor Committees, to a fascist network, shifted from covert to overt commitments.
Quijano used LaRouche's imprisonment as the opportunity to attempt to seize control of the U.S. organization. LaRouche's release from prison in 1994 caught him and his fellow Pope-hating far-right Judases by surprise. During much of this period, some former LaRouche friends had concealed their covert association with Quijano in the pro-Nazi network of death-squad specialist Sanchez. LaRouche's full freedom to act, from 2000 on, resulted in his public exposure and formal expulsion of this anti-Semitic nest. That expelled circle of associates of third-generation Nazi networks in Mexico and other parts of Ibero-America, is the subject of the following condensed report on that group of scoundrels, now operating in collusion with Nazi "rat-line" networks associated with the Pinochet regime and related elements within the Americas today.
A Trojan Horse
During 1990-2000, when LaRouche was imprisoned or under strict probationary control, Quijano and his circle of accomplices came out openly as a fascist network of John Paul II opponents. From that time on, Quijano, and later the siblings Marivilia and Lorzenzo Carrasco, exposed themselves as a—nominally Catholic—controlled intelligence operation. Although Quijano and the Carrascos were forced to resign from their pretended association with LaRouche, their fascist movement, the Ibero-American Solidarity Movement (MSIa), continues to operate against LaRouche in Ibero-America to this day. The Quijano/Carrasco MSIa represents a Trojan horse enemy operation, rallied around haters of the very existence of the U.S.A., and hysterical adversaries of LaRouche and his movement. Their networks throughout Ibero-America today, pose a similar threat to both the U.S.A. and to any government which commits itself to the General Welfare of its people, in opposition to the International Monetary Fund and George Shultz's free trade privatizers, like Pinochet's Minister of Labor José Piñera (1978-80).
This report is issued as a warning to patriots of the republics of the Americas, against association with these now-exposed fascist scoundrels.
An investigation already ongoing, beginning 1985-87, of Quijano and the Carrascos has revealed that years before he came out openly as a fascist fanatic, in 1990, Quijano had already come under the control of the CIA's Nestor Sanchez. Already, during that period, Quijano and the Carrascos were oriented increasingly toward outright Nazi networks especially in Mexico and Argentina, but also throughout Ibero-America—including in Chile under the military dictatorship of Pinochet. Their organizing within fascist right-wing Catholic circles in Ibero-America was facilitated by an alliance they established with Spanish fascist Blas Piñar, who had organized a European-based fascist international in the 1970s. This entire fascist international was and is supported by the circles of William F. Buckley, Jr., whose father had supported the Cristero Rebellion in Mexico and who was expelled from Mexico for "counterrevolutionary conspiracy" in November 1921 by President Álvaro Obregón.[1]
Under Gen. Francisco Franco, Spain and the Spanish Falange were used by the Nazis to penetrate Ibero-America during World War II. After the war, Spain became a refuge for escaping Nazi war-criminals. Madrid itself became the center of two organizations founded by Hitler's Commando Otto Skorzeny—Die Spinne and Odessa—which, with the aid of the pro-British Allen Dulles faction of U.S. intelligence, helped thousands of Nazi war criminals escape to South America through Argentina.
Beginning as early as 1985, under the influence of Jesuit-trained Colombian author Jaime Sanín, Quijano began to defend Mexican synarchists such as José Vasconcelos, whose pro-Nazi magazine Timon was shut down by the Mexican government in 1940. Vasconcelos was a member of the "Base" which controlled the Mexican National Synarchist Union, of which he was also a sub-chief. Quijano also began to attack such republican humanists as Friedrich Schiller and Erasmus of Rotterdam, and to defend the Hapsburgs, while denouncing Spain's pro-American King Carlos III.[2]
Sanín, who recently reported that he has hated the United States all his life and that he rejects Pan-Americanism, had written a novel entitled, Austra-America, in which a male Mexican general and a female Argentine colonel meet in Panama at the funeral of Omar Torrijos. Inspired by a poet, they proceed to unite all of Hispanic America from Argentina to Mexico under one military command. The novel ends with their marriage.
In 1985, Quijano sent an associate of his, Ricardo Olvera, to Spain for eight months. Olvera's parents had participated in the Nazi-instigated Mexican National Synarchist Union (UNS) colony in Baja California near the Bay of Magdalena during the 1940s. Upon Olvera's return from Spain, Quijano began to promote Spain's fascist dictator Francisco Franco and to denounce such Mexican republicans as President Benito Juárez. Olvera now works for the newspaper of the U.S. Catholic Diocese in Sacramento, California, El Heraldo Católico. In the October 2004 issue, he penned an article in defense of the Cristero "martyrs."
Nestor Sanchez Steps In
By 1985-87, Quijano began to work with the CIA's death-squad liaison, Nestor Sanchez, a resident of Leesburg, Virginia. As early as 1963, Sanchez had been involved in a CIA plot known as Operation Mongoose, to assassinate Cuba's Fidel Castro. In 1965-67, he was the CIA station chief in Guatemala, where he worked with the death squads. During the 1970s when Chilean dictator Pinochet came to power and launched Operation Condor, a mass slaughter throughout the Southern Cone of South America. Sanchez became Latin American Division Chief, Directorate of Operations for the CIA; and then in the 1980s during the Iran-Contra affair, he became Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Inter-American Affairs, assigned to the staff of the National Security Council.
Sanchez worked closely with Vernon Walters, who was deputy director of the CIA from 1972-76 and who served both on the Board of Directors and the Advisory Board of the Buckley connected pro-Franco Christendom College in Front Royal, Virginia, since its founding in 1977.
In the Spring of 1985, a delegation of military officers from Guatemala came to the United States in connection with their collaboration with Lyndon LaRouche in the production of a documentary film, entitled "Soviet Irregular Warfare in Latin America." The Guatemalan military had carried out a successful anti-drug operation in the jungles of Guatemala as proposed by LaRouche, called Operation Guatusa.
The military delegation, accompanied by LaRouche associates, visited the Pentagon for meetings with U.S. military representatives to discuss the success of this operation. When Nestor Sanchez, who had organized death squads in Guatemala beginning 1967-68, and who was coordinating death squads in El Salvador and the resupply of the Contras in Nicaragua, ran into this delegation, he went berserk and did everything possible to subvert the LaRouche-Guatemalan collaboration. Soon thereafter, Quijano became his agent.
The Argentine Connection
In 1988, after organizing the Amphictyonic Congress in Panama, Quijano came in contact with a group of Argentine fascists, including Mario Caponnetto and Rafael Breide Obeid, both of whom would attend the founding conference of the MSIa in Tlaxcala, Mexico in May 1992. Breide had written his doctoral thesis on Guillermo Russell, who with the help of Allen Dulles's Nazi "rat-lines," had escaped from France after World War II, where he had been condemned to death for collaboration with the Nazis. Mario Caponnetto is married to the daughter of Jordán Bruno Genta, one of the key synarchist ideologues responsible for Argentina's fascist "Dirty War" (1976-83), which occurred while Argentina participated in Operation Condor.
Alejandro Peña of Venezuela, another former associate of LaRouche, who resigned in May 1998, was sent by Quijano to Argentina in 1990 to establish an organization there. By 1991, Peña began to defend the reactionary organization Tradition, Family, and Property, which opposes Pope John Paul II, and to promote the writings of the Argentine anti-Semitic priest Julio Meinvielle and the founder of the Spanish Falange, José Antonio Primo de Rivera.
One of the key contacts of the Quijano crowd in Argentina from the beginning was Patricio Videla, the son of a general by that name, who participated in the coup against Juán Domingo Perón in 1955, a coup which Quijano, who had earlier portrayed himself as pro-Peron, now supported on the grounds that Perón had attacked the Catholic Church. Patricio Videla was an admirer of Adolf Hitler. Alejandro Peña has maintained contact with him to this day.
Enter, Blas Piñar
In this same time period, Marivilia Carrasco travelled to Spain, where she met Spanish fascist Blas Piñar for the first time. Blas Piñar had been the protégé of Franco's right-hand man, Adm. Luis Carrero Blanco, and from 1957 to 1962 had been the head of Franco's Instituto de Cultural Hispanica, which in 1955 had been involved in the overthrow of Perón in Argentina. In 1966, Blas Piñar founded the fascist Fuerza Nueva party, for the purpose of "keeping alive the ideals of July 18, 1936," when Franco began his drive to carry out a coup d'état in Spain, with military aid from the Hitler and Mussolini. In the same year, the World Anti-Communist League (WACL), with which Blas Piñar would collaborate, was formed with the assistance of William F. Buckley, Jr. Between 1975 and 1978, Buckley would create the American-Chilean Council (ACC) to influence the U.S. media and Congress on behalf of Pinochet's dictatorship.
In October 1976, after Franco's death in 1975, Piñar participated in the formation of the Fascist International in Rome. The attendees included representatives of Orlando Bosch's anti-Castro Cuban exile group CORU; former Nazi SS agents; French Secret Army Organization (OAS) terrorists; the Argentine AAA; Italian fascists, including the Ordine Nuovo, led by Salvatore Francia and Pierluigi Concutelli; Spain's Guerillas of Christ the King (founded by Blas Piñar); Asociación Anticomunista Iberica and Alianza Anticomunista Apostólica; the Paladín group, which had been headed by Hitler's Commando Otto Skorzeny, until his death in 1975; and Piñar's own Fuerza Nueva.
A leading European fascist who worked closely with Blas Piñar was Leon Degrelle, the founder of the pro-Nazi Belgian Rexism movement. Degrelle was a business partner of Otto Skorzeny and his daughter married Servando Balaguer, who was for some time the head of Blas Piñar's Fuerza Nueva. Piñar also worked with Horia Sima, a member of the Romanian Iron Guard, who was in charge of the Romanian Legion that had fought for Hitler against the Soviet Union. In 1979, Fuerza Nueva Editorial published his book, El hombre cristiano y la acción política, with an introduction by Blas Piñar. Fernando Quijano gave copies of the book to Marivilia Carrasco and other members of the MSIa for their edification.
In April 1978, the political parties behind the Fascist International formed an electoral alliance called the Euro-Right. Charter members included Giorgio Almirante's Italian fascist MSI, Blas Piñar's Fuerza Nueva, France's Forces Nouvelles (PFN), Belgium's Front National, and Greece's Rassemblement General.
This organizing of a Fascist International by Blas Piñar intersected the international death squads that were created by Pinochet in November 1975, under Operation Condor.
Just days prior to the conference founding Operation Condor on Nov. 25, 1975 in Santiago, Chile, General Pinochet, Lt. Col. Juán Manuel Contreras Sepúlveda, and at least 50 DINA secret service members had attended the funeral of Francisco Franco in Madrid. There they met with Stefano Delle Chiaie of the fascist Avanguardia Nazionale in Italy, Croatian terrorists, and other fascists from Europe. In May 1974, Delle Chiaie's mentor, the fascist Prince Valerio Borghese, had travelled to Chile to offer his help to Pinochet. Borghese, who had been condemned to death for war crimes by the Italian Resistance, had been rescued in 1945 by James Jesus Angleton, who was then the head of British-American counterintelligence in Italy and would in 1947 become the Assistant Director for Special Operations at the CIA. In 1969, Borghese was involved in an attempted coup d'état in Italy.[3]
The DINA assassination squads are known also to have included members of the Cuban Nationalist Movement, which later in 1976 merged with Orlando Bosch's CORU. DINA agent Michael Vernon Townley is also known to have made contact with the Corsican Brotherhood, with Albert Spaggiardi of the OAS, and with two unidentified German Nazi organizations.
In addition to this second-generation fascist international, Operation Condor was advised by at least two leading first-generation Nazi war criminals, Walter Rauff in Chile and Klaus Barbie in Bolivia, both of whom had been helped to escape after World War II to South America by the Allen Dulles/James Angleton Nazi rat-line. Rauff became a security advisor to Pinochet after the 1973 coup. He was wanted in Europe for having invented the mobile gas units used to murder as many as 250,000 Jews. Barbie, who was head of the Gestapo in Lyon, France, where he tortured and murdered 26,000 French Resistance members, became the head of internal security for the government of Bolivia after the 1980 "Cocaine Coup."
On Feb. 23, 1981, Blas Piñar's son, Blas Piñar Gutiérrez, than a captain in the Spanish Army, had participated in an unsuccessful coup attempt in Spain, for which he served a two-month jail sentence. (On Jan. 16, 2004 he was promoted to brigadier general, and named sub-director of the Spanish Army's Training and Doctrine Command.)
Mexico: The Tecos
Both Caponnetto and Breide have long-standing connections to the anti-Pope (Sede Vacante) Tecos synarchist faction of El Yunque (the Anvil), centered at the Autonomous University of Guadalajara (UAG), Mexico, which they frequently visit. They also visit the UAG-affiliated Escuela Preparatoria Vasconcelos in Tijuana every year. Through them, Marivilia Carrasco was introduced to Salvador Abascal, chief of the Nazi-founded National Synarchist Union of Mexico from 1940-41, and to his colleague, the overtly pro-Nazi Salvador Borrego. Abascal's son Carlos Abascal Carranza, now the Labor Minister in Mexican President Vicente Fox's National Action Party (PAN) government, is currently engaged in a fascist assault on Mexican labor in an effort to eliminate the minimum wage, collective bargaining, and the right to strike.
As a result of these connections to Abascal and Borrego, Marivilia Carrasco became an avid defender of the 1926-29 Cristero Rebellion, which had been backed by the ultramontane faction of the Catholic Church in Mexico and by foreign oil interests associated with William F. Buckley, Sr. She also became a defender of the Mexican National Synarchist Union. The UNS and the PAN were both secret sections of the Church-controlled "Base" in Mexico, which, as Franco consolidated power in Spain, became known as the Falange-Church Council. (In 1955, it became known as El Yunque. After Vatican II, two factions emerged, El Yunque and Los Tecos, which during the 1970s engaged in fatal clashes.)
The National Synarchist Union had been founded in León, Guanajuato, Mexico in 1937 by Oscar Helmuth Schreiter, a card-carrying member of the Nazi Party in Germany, on orders from Hitler's Ibero-American Institute in Berlin, which was headed by Gen. Wilhelm von Faupel. As documented in EIR,[4] von Faupel's strategy in Ibero-America was to thwart President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Pan-American Good Neighbor policy by forming an anti-U.S. bloc based on the racist pseudo-ideology of Hispanidad. Operating under the cover of the Falange of Franco's Spain and the Council of Hispanidad, which was founded on June 8, 1941, the Nazi strategy was to use the National Synarchist Union in Mexico to carry out a military attack on the United States, along its southern border. This strategy, which was coordinated with the imperial Japanese, would have gone into effect, had the war not turned against the Axis powers after the Japanese defeat at the Battle of Midway in June 1942 and the Nazi defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad in February 1943.
Von Faupel, who before World War II had held positions in the Argentine, Brazilian, and Peruvian militaries, worked closely with Martin Bormann, Hitler's personal secretary, to transfer Nazi gold via Franco's Spain to Argentina toward the end of the war, in order to finance Nazi activity in Ibero-America after the war. This Nazi loot, smuggled to Argentina by von Faupel, financed the escape of thousands of Nazi war criminals.
Increasingly after the founding of the MSIa in 1992, Marivilia Carrasco oriented her organizing toward this pro-Nazi/Falange faction of the Catholic Church in Mexico, which was centered in Guadalajara and the Bajio, where the Cristero Rebellion and the National Synarchist Union had been most active. Besides Salvador Abascal and Salvador Borrego, Carrasco developed close relations with other UNS leaders who subscribed to the MSIa's publication. These included Celerino Salmerón, who wrote two books, one attacking President Benito Juárez (1861-65 and 1867-72) for treason, and the other defending the Emperor Iturbide; Ignacio González Gollaz, who was the Presidential candidate in 1982 of the Mexican Democratic Party (PDM) which was formed in 1971 by the Manuel Torres Bueno faction of the UNS; and Leonardo Andraca Hernández, who was chief of this same faction of the UNS in 1996.
In Guadalajara, she promoted the work of Anacleto Gonzales Flores, who was head of the Popular Union during the Cristero Rebellion. After Vatican II, Anacleto Gonzales Flores's son headed the Tecos faction of El Yunque in Guadalajara. She also oriented toward the theocratic Mexican Catholic Party, which was founded in the state of Jalisco in August 1999 by Gabriel Aguilar Padilla, who was a member of the MSIa at the time. One of Marivilia Carrasco's contacts in Guadalajara was Jiménez de Lara. He was a member of El Yunque and of the Mexican Catholic Party, as well as the trainer of a paramilitary group called Pentatlon; he is known to have circulated copies of Hitler's Mein Kampf.
Marivilia Carrasco's recruitment to the ultramontane right-wing faction of the Catholic Church in Mexico was undoubtedly also facilitated by her participation in a number of "retreats" in Guadalajara and elsewhere within the state of Jalisco. She attended a retreat called Primavera in Guadalajara which was run by the Legionaires of Christ, as well as another retreat called Betania, which is also in Guadalajara and is run by Franciscan nuns. She also attended the Centro Naturista Daniel Arreola in the town of El Grullo, which is in a nature reserve in Jalisco formerly owned by the late British billionaire Jimmy Goldsmith.
Another significant influence on Quijano and the Carrascos in Mexico was the late Fernando Gutiérrez Barrios, who was the Secretary of the Interior of Mexico in the 1980s. In the late 1970s, Gutiérrez Barrios had steered Quijano and Marivilia Carrasco in the direction of Castro's Cuba and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua. He was known to be a friend and protector of Blas Piñar. Later he and his protégé, Manlio Fabio Beltrones, played a role in orienting them toward the Tecos. Beltrones was Gutiérrez Barrios's right-hand man in the Interior Ministry. When he became the governor of Sonora, he controlled the Micos, a violent youth group linked to the Tecos faction of El Yunque in Guadalajara. Today, Manlio Fabio Beltrones, who used to send Marivilia Carrasco flowers on her birthday, is president of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies. In the year 2000, Marivilia Carrasco worked closely in Guadalajara with the former head of the Micos in Sonora, Gabriel "el Cabezón" Ibarra. Marivilia Carrasco also had an especially close relationship with Simón Vargas Aguilar, who worked in Gutiérrez Barrios's Interior Ministry.
When confronted in August 2003 with the Nazi pedigree of the National Synarchist Union and her connections in Guadalajara, Marivilia Carrasco and her brother Lorenzo resigned from further association with LaRouche, protesting that it was all lies, while refusing to refute the evidence.
In Virginia: St. Catherine of Siena
In the United States, in addition to the influence of Nestor Sanchez, control over the MSIa is exercised through fascist intelligence networks which operate at the Christendom College-related St. Catherine of Siena Roman Catholic Church in Great Falls, Virginia. This church, which has counted Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and ex-FBI Director Louis Freeh among its leading parishioners, continues to be attended by Fernando Quijano and other MSIa activists. Both Opus Dei and the Legionaires of Christ are active at this church. Opus Dei is an order which was founded in 1928 in Spain and began to grow under the fascist regime of Francisco Franco. The Legionaires of Christ are a pro-Cristero Mexican order founded in 1941 by Marcial Maciel, whose mother was the sister of the Cristero army's last commander-in-chief, Jesús Degollado Guízar. Mexican President Vicente Fox's wife, Marta, who was a financial supporter and contact of Marivilia Carrasco, was the treasurer of the Legionaires of Christ in Mexico and received her education at a Legionaires of Christ school in Switzerland.
Quijano's associates in Northern Virginia also sent their children to a network of private Carlist "Catholic" schools, including Annunciation Academy and St. John Bosco High School.[5] These schools were founded with the help of Anne Carroll, the wife of Christendom College founder Warren Carroll.
Quijano himself also boasted of his contact with the anti-Vatican II former Jesuit priest Malachi Martin.
Nazi Killers: Operation Condor
In 1993, Quijano and those whom he had recruited to his anti-LaRouche operation also made direct contact with Chile's former DINA head Manuel Contreras and other representatives of the Pinochet regime. Alejandro Peña, who brought the brother of Hugo Chávez to the Tlaxcala conference of the MSIa in 1992, now heads Venezuela's anti-Hugo Chávez Democratic Bloc. In 1993, following a military meeting in Lima, Peru, he travelled at Quijano's behest to Chile to resurrect Operation Condor. Peña was introduced to Contreras by Eduardo Casarramona Obiols, the personal representative of Blas Piñar in Ibero-America, with whom representatives of the MSIa in Mexico came in contact after the Tlaxcala conference. Casarramona's relationship to the Pinochet regime was mediated not only through Blas Piñar, but also through Casarramona's wife, who was Pinochet's personal secretary.
At this point, Pinochet had resigned as President, but still controlled the military. A new Constitution had been adopted in the transition to civilian rule. Contreras knew that he might be indicted for his involvement in the assassination of Orlando Letelier. On instructions from Quijano, Peña told Contreras that there was an operation in Chile to create a leftist subversive movement to take over the country. He warned Contreras that the United States would not help them. Peña said that Contreras was confident that no one would touch them; but Peña warned that the new Constitution would be used against them.
Quijano wanted to get Contreras and his boss, General Pinochet, to overthrow the new Constitution and take power once again. Through Peña, he told Contreras that if they did not do so, they would end up in jail. When Contreras was finally indicted in 1995, Peña said: "I told him. I warned him."
Quijano's general so-called thesis, which Peña embraced, was that all of Ibero-America was in a pre-Spanish Civil War-type situation, requiring the military to take power against the leftists, as Franco had done in Spain. This was precisely the thesis which Pinochet had put forward in a now-declassified discussion with Henry Kissinger in 1976.
Peña was forced to resign from association with LaRouche in 1998. Quijano officially resigned in October 2000. Other MSIa leaders, including Marivila and Lorenzo Carrasco, "stayed behind" until they were also forced to resign in August 2003.
Today: The Third Generation
It was during this period that the networks of Blas Piñar, with which the MSIa anti-LaRouche fascist traitors worked, began to consolidate into a third-generation Nazi International by taking steps identical to those which resulted in the creation of the Fascist International and Euro-Right in the 1976-78 period, described above.
In November 2001, the magazine Maritornes: Notebooks of Hispanidad was launched in Argentina. Its editorial board includes Blas Piñar; Antonio Caponnetto, brother of Mario; Rafael Breide; and Alexandra Wilhelmsen, daughter and political heir of Frederick Wilhelmsen, who was the co-founder, along with William F. Buckley's brother-in-law, L. Brent Bozel and Warren Carroll, of Northern Virginia's Christendom College. Frederick Wilhelmsen's involvement in supporting fascist coups dates back to at least 1966, when he was invited to Argentina to speak in defense of the coup carried out by the Argentine Franco, Juán Carlos Onganía, against Argentine President Dr. Arturo Illia. One of the regular contributors to Maritornes is the Mexican Nazi Salvador Borrego.
On Nov. 16-17, 2002, the Falange Española and Blas Piñar's Fuerza Nueva held a meeting in Madrid, attended by Roberto Fiore of Forza Nuova in Italy, former Argentine Army Capt. Gustavo Breide Obeid of the Popular Party for Reconstruction (PPR), the National Front of France, and others. On Jan. 26, 2003, Blas Piñar's Fuerza Nueva and the Spanish Falange held a follow-up meeting in Madrid. Forza Nuova and the National Front were again there. The PPR sent a message of support, as did Alejandro Peña of Venezuela's Democratic Bloc. In April 2003, Piñar founded the Alternativa Nacional party in Spain. Piñar's Alternativa Nacional and Roberto Fiore's Forza Nuova work closely with the Liberta d'Azione of Alessandra Mussolini, the granddaugher of Il Duce.
As the world financial system collapses and George W. Bush attempts to prop up the financial bubble by privatizing Social Security, George Shultz, like Hjalmar Schacht before him in Germany in the 1930s, will attempt to assemble a fascist movement to break all political resistance (see Feature in this issue). Today, the MSIa is a pawn of the same international financier faction that put Hitler in power in 1933. By exposing Quijano and the Carrascos now, we intend to deprive Shultz and his friends of the fascist "jackals"[6] they need to impose their genocidal policies today.
[1] See William F. Wertz, Jr. "The Nazi-Instigated National Synarchist Union of Mexico: What It Means for Today," EIR, July 9 and July 16, 2004.
[2] William F. Wertz, Jr. "Spain's Carlos III and the American System," Fidelio, Spring/Summer 2004.
[3] On Borghese, see Allen Douglas, "Italy's Black Prince: Terror War Against the Nation-State," EIR, Feb. 4, 2005.
[4] William F. Wertz, Jr. "Mexico's Cristero Rebellion: Synarchism, the Spanish Falange, and the Nazis," EIR, July 25, 2003; and "The Nazi-Instigated National Synarchist Union of Mexico," op. cit.
[5] William F. Wertz, Jr. "Schools' Plot: Who's Snuffing Your Neighbor's Kittens?" EIR, April 19, 2002. (Both schools shut down after the publication of the article.)
[6] The term is from John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization To Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions (San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2004). If the economic hit men don't succeed in getting a country to capitulate to their demands, they deploy the "jackals"—assassins—and if even that fails, the armed forces complete the job.