LaRouche: Now Is the End
of the `End of History'
by Nancy Spannaus
When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1990-91, a new madness took over in the precincts of the would-be Anglo-American imperialists in Washington and London. Now is the "end of history," they declared. We don't have to worry about any more challengers to our new feudal empire of globalization and looting. We can rule forever, because the last nation that represented an obstacle to the post-industrial system inaugurated in 1971, has finally disappeared.
Fortunately for mankind, that illusion has finally been blown to smithereens.
Dramatic recent events on both sides of the Atlantic have now set the stage for a long-overdue fundamental change in world economic and monetary policy. On May 23, a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators delivered a significant defeat to the Bush Administration, and, by beating back the so-called "nuclear option" against judicial filibusters, an "option" that would have destroyed the institution of the U.S. Senate, they placed the Bush-Cheney White House in near-lame-duck status. Then, on May 29, voters in France overwhelmingly defeated the new proposed European Constitution, in an action largely driven by citizens' disgust with the economic disasters brought about by the Maastricht Treaty's Stability Pact and the loss of jobs under globalization. The French events had been foreshadowed a week earlier in the electoral defeat suffered by the German Social Democratic Party in state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia, based on the failed economic policies of the Schröder government in Berlin.
Both these events have profoundly upset the globalizers' nostrums that the nation-state had become a relic of history, and the situation is wide open for a world dominated by cooperation among sovereign states committed to industrial and scientific progres in the long term, and willing to use their power to secure it.
Lyndon LaRouche, who played a crucial role in tandem with leading Senators, as well as through his Youth Movement, in organizing the Senate rebuff to Cheney's coup attempt, was the strongest in asserting the significance of that action. The Senate act, which was a public demonstration of resistance to the dictatorial insanity of the Bush Administration, was bound to have global reverberations, LaRouche said, especially in Europe and Russia. Those nations will be remoralized to act in their own interests.
The stunning rejection of the European Constitution—a document which would have codified the dictatorial powers of the European Central Bank over Europe—in France, and in Holland a few days later, was not a direct result of the U.S. Senate action, but reflects the same kind of fighting spirit against Establishment authority.
"This is the first large-scale victory of the public against the oligarchy of financiers and bureaucracy, that will have serious political implications for the entirety of Europe," commented Russian professor Sergei Markov on the French vote. "He's right," remarked LaRouche.
Burying the Post-Industrial Society
The global imperialist drive, dominated by free trade, cheap labor, and usury, did not begin in the early 1990s, of course. The international financial oligarchy has been fighting to impose this "New Order" since the death of Franklin Roosevelt; the destruction of his Bretton Woods System with President Nixon's decision on Aug. 15, 1971 to shift to a floating-exchange-rate system, inaugurated the era of destruction which has reaped the horrible domination of poverty and war today. The name for this dominant economic and social system is "globalization"; its reality is the destruction of all institutions, particularly sovereign governments, that will act to protect and advance living standards for all mankind.
Not surprisingly, the generation of Baby Boomers which is now in power in most nations, considers globalization inevitable and unstoppable. It doesn't know anything else.
But, as this issue of EIR documents internationally and in the United States, "the toothpaste can be put back in the tube," and globalization can and must be reversed. Dramatic changes are under way in institutional and economic arenas, which will throw most, if not all, of the popular wisdom of the past 30 years out the window.
Take, for example, the common European currency. With the defeat of the European Constitution referendum, discussion has immediately surfaced about abandoning this instrument of supranational control over the European national economies, which have been driven into the ground by the policies of the European Central Bank, and bringing back national currencies. National currencies would mean a return to sovereign national control over economic policy, and protection of the labor forces of nations from the NAFTA-type outsourcing and cheap labor which have taken over. "They" said it couldn't be done, but, there is no question but that this is the direction economic policy is now headed.
And if these globalization policies can be dumped in Europe, and new measures of state credit can be again adopted as policies for long-term economic progress, cannot the slave-labor policies of NAFTA and outsourcing which are destroying the U.S. economy be overthrown? Cannot the IMF, which has imposed these policies, and the genocide that's gone with them, finally be dumped?
Lyndon LaRouche and his movement have the policies immediately at hand, to replace the horrors of globalization. It is a hopeful time, and the more rapidly LaRouche's policies are adopted, the more hopeful it will become.