Felix Rohatyn's Fascist Legacy
by EIR Staff
A well-placed Washington intelligence source told EIR on April 19, that Felix Rohatyn is "really pissed off" at what LaRouche is doing to him. But, the source added, "the real target of the LaRouche exposés is the larger Synarchist apparatus. Rohatyn has become an important player in the French Synarchist apparatus over the last ten years [since his tour as Ambassador]. By going after Rohatyn, LaRouche has hit on a real Achilles' heel of the entire French Synarchist apparatus: their dependence on public money."
"Synarchy" is the real power behind what the naive identify as "fascism." "Fascism" was the name created by Mussolini's gangs to identify themselves, based on a Roman imperial fetish-object. But could Mussolini's thugs, still less the eccentrics and hooligans of the German Nazi leadership, have taken power in a modern nation without the behind-the-scenes machinations of powerful forces within the establishment itself? Of course not! No more than lone psychotics could have assassinated John and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Malcolm X.
"Synarchy" was the name given in the late Nineteenth Century (by Joseph-Alexandre Saint-Yves, called D'Alveydre, 1842-1909) to the occult Martinist freemasonry formed a century earlier, in the 1770s, in France and adjacent French-speaking Switzerland and Savoy. Ever since that date, what became fascism was directed from France, while strategically steered from London. It was the bankers of the Martinist cult whose manipulations determined that the coming French Revolution would not mirror the achievements of America, as Lafayette and many others intended it would, but instead ruin France and all Europe in the Terror and the Napoleonic Wars.
Indicative leaders of early Martinism were the notorious Casanova, the mountebank magician Cagliostro, the Pierre Mesmer exposed as a scientific fraud by Benjamin Franklin and his French ally Sylvain Bailly, and the Savoyard Count Joseph de Maistre. Maistre is revered by some fundamentalist Catholics still today, although his ideas and proclivities anticipated Twentieth-Century fascism so closely that the late Sir Isaiah Berlin dubbed him "the first fascist."
World War II dispatches from the American Embassy in Vichy (fascist) France (see, for instance, William L. Langer, Our Vichy Gamble, 1947) confirm the reports of French investigators from the 1920s to the 1950s and beyond: that French fascism was centered in a hierarchy of self-described "Synarchist" secret societies. That this Synarchy was effectively identical with the personnel of Banque Worms, a bank established by Lazard Frères bank (Paris) for the Worms industrialist family. That the greatest part of the Vichy French fascist government, established in southern France ostensibly under Marshal Pétain after the 1940 German invasion, was directly run by members of secret Synarchist cults, all simultaneously affiliated or associated with Lazard's Banque Worms.
Thanks to a family association with Lazard Frères, Felix Rohatyn went to work for that bank in New York and Paris as a young man, and then went on to be personally chosen as the successor to André Meyer as head of Lazard Frères New York. (Lazard comprises three closely interlinked banks: Lazard Frères of Paris, Lazard Frères of Wall Street, and Lazard Brothers of London.) André Meyer had been Managing Director of Lazard Frères Paris when he fled to the United States from the German invasion.
From his post as Lazard's man on the board of ITT, which he himself had substantially created as a "trust," as these conglomerates had been called in Germany, Rohatyn oversaw the financing of the 1973 coup which placed neo-Nazi Augusto Pinochet in power as dictator of Chile. Once in power, Pinochet and his sponsors here unleashed a bloodbath throughout the Southern Cone called "Operation Condor." First and second-generation German Nazis and Italian Fascists led much of the killing, as they did later when the operation expanded into Central American death-squads.
From 1975-82, Rohatyn ran New York City as a personal fiefdom for debt-collecting banks, under "Big MAC" and the Emergency Financial Control Board.
As U.S. Ambassador to France (1997-2000), Rohatyn set about scrambling to the top of the French Synarchist apparatus, making many enemies in the process, according to EIR sources. French-media slander attacks against Lyndon LaRouche and his collaborators, channelled through state-controlled media in the recent period, often show telltale marks of Synarchist authorship.
Notable is Rohatyn's position, with Gerard Worms of the Worms family mentioned above, on the board of the huge, but deliberately obscure world advertising and public-relations trust "Publicis Groupe." Other members are Lazard (Paris) Chairman Michel David-Weill and Michel Curiel of Compagnie Financière Edmond de Rothschild. Publicis claims to be the world's fourth largest communications group, ranking number three in Europe and fourth in the United States. Its various French-language statements of purpose and commitment remind one of the French Synarchist manifestos which came to light in the 1940s. The conglomerate encourages affiliates to undertake "nonpartisan" campaigns "in the public interest." One such is the German Meinhard Miegel's openly Jacobin and pro-fascist "Citizens' Consensus" in Germany.