The Bottom Feeders of
Cheney/Train Campus Thought Police
by Anton Chaitkin
Garin Hovannisian wrote the attack on Lyndon LaRouche in the throwaway rightist newspaper Bruin Standard. Hovannisian writes for the David Horowitz Front Page Web journal, and heads the UCLA campus branch of Horowitz's organization, which declares its intention to wipe out the immoral, anti-family-values tendencies in America's media.
Yet "moralist" Hovannisian ran a version of his anti-LaRouche article in the November 2006 issue of Hustler magazine, known for its raw-meat hard-core pornography.
More broadly, the Cheney-Train cartel wields a set of just such journalism "bottom-feeders" in aid of its drive for power over academia and other potential centers of opposition.
Instructive are the cases of the slanders against the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) in the Daily Free Press (Oct. 4, 2006) distributed on Boston University campus; in The Stranger (July 27 and Sept. 21, 2006) an "alternative paper" in Seattle; and the Weekly Dig (July 16, 2006) in Boston.
These cases illustrate the peculiar corruption of the Michael Lacey organization, a growing media-wrecking instrument for the Cheney cabal.
Lacey is the executive editor, boss, and majority owner of a group of alternative newspapers. One of Lacey's playthings, the L.A. Weekly, sent its reporter from Los Angeles on a "Get LaRouche" mission to Boston, where the LYM has had a powerful impact over the past two years, mobilizing students to fight the Bush-Cheney lunacies. The Lacey employee guided the Daily Free Press slander, which utilized material from John Train's sewer asset Chip Berlet.
The Ruxton Group is the national sales management arm of the Lacey organization. Ruxton has a hold on about 25 alternative and college newspapers, being the sole procurer of national advertising for those papers. The Weekly Dig and The Stranger are among those papers whose main financing thus comes through Ruxton, and its sleaze-ball owner Lacey.
The Phoenix, Arizona New Times was founded by Lacey in 1970. A glance at its website shows that a large part of its revenue comes from hard-core pornography and advertising for prostitution (to even get into some sections of the Lacey site, the user must sign a release stating that he or she is over 18 years of age.) Somewhere amidst the Lacey/New Times porn and whores, the user may discover the sex advice column written by Dan Savage, syndicated from Ruxton's The Stranger, where Savage is the editor.
This pattern, of heavy revenue-flows from prostitution and porn, is repeated throughout the chain of publications owned by the Lacey group.
In 2005, the Lacey organization, New Times Media, merged with the company that owned the famous Village Voice newspaper in New York, and other alternative papers including the L.A. Weekly.
The Lacey organization took control, owning 62% of the merged company, now called Village Voice Media. The Bush-Cheney Administration Justice Department approved the merger in November 2005, giving Lacey control of about one-fourth of all readers of "alternative" press in the United States.
As soon as the merger went into effect, Michael Lacey terminated those columns and writers at the Village Voice who were critical of or investigating Bush-Cheney policies.
Lacey's profile from Phoenix and elsewhere, of the non-political, local-stories-only publisher, has thus been used to thrust a knife into the opposition, in a period of growing tension over the Bush-Cheney schemes.
The financier oligarchy of Wall Street and the old Anglo-Dutch empires paid for the Lacey takeover:
Alta Communications, a Boston-based investment bank that specializes in acquiring "contemporary media," is Lacey's financial guide and owns 14% of his organization. Alta's partners are a "Young Turks" set, coming together from Brown Brothers Harriman, the Bank of Boston, and spinoff firms from the House of Morgan.
Also financing the Lacey-Voice merger and partners in the resulting chain and in Ruxton, are:
- The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) through its leveraged-buyout sub-entity known as the Trimaran Fund. CIBC is historically a premier player in the drug-money-laundering centers of the Caribbean. CIBC/Trimaran executive Andrew Heyer went onto the board of directors of the Village Voice Media Group, and also onto the board of Sheldon Adelson's Sands Hotel/Casino, operating worldwide from its Las Vegas base.
- Goldman Sachs, whose CEO, Henry Paulson, just left to become Bush's Secretary of the Treasury.
- Rabobank, the gigantic Dutch-based bank run by some of the top managers of Anglo-Dutch globalism.