Lieberman Founded Shultz's
Committee on Present Danger
In a June 25, 2004 article, EIR asked the question in the headline, "Did Lieberman Resign from the Democratic Party?" Today, Sen. Joe Lieberman is honorary co-chairman of the warmongering Committee on the Present Danger, which is headed by George Pratt Shultz, Synarchist string-puller and controller of the Bush Administration, and James Woolsey, former advisor to Donald Rumsfeld on the hoked-up pre-war Iraq intelligence.
The record of the Bush Administration shows that Lieberman not only "supported" the Iraq war policy of the Administration, but was "present at the creation," going back to his joint appearance with Sen. John McCain, Paul Wolfowitz (then Deputy Defense Secretary), and Richard Perle (then head of the Defense Policy Board) at the February 2002 meeting of the annual German military policy forum, the Wehrkunde. At that the meeting, these "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" insisted that Saddam Hussein had to be overthrown in the "war on terrorism," because there was proof that Iraq was involved with al-Qaeda, and possessed weapons of mass destruction. Massive opposition within U.S. military institutions, especially the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, effectively opposed the utopian military dreams of a "cakewalk" victory in Iraq for more than a year—until March 2003, when the Cheney warmongers moved preemptively out of concern that their WMD lies were about to be exposed.
By June 2004, the Iraq war had demonstrably become a quagmire, the horrific photos of the Abu Ghraib tortures had surfaced, and the U.S. head of the CIA inspection team looking for WMD, David Kay, had revealed that there were no WMD in Iraq, and no active WMD program.
The Shultz-Cheney forces were frantic, and the decision was made to create a new "enemy image," through the Committee on the Present Danger, a propaganda arm to do whatever could possibly be done to prevent the Iraq quagmire from causing the defeat of Bush and Cheney in the November presidential elections.
Neo-Con Joe to the Rescue
Again—it was Lieberman to the rescue. EIR wrote:
"On June 16, [2004] at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D.C., Senator 'Neo-Con Joe' Lieberman delivered a speech which was—or at least should be—his resignation from the Democratic Party. Lieberman announced to a gathering of the top 80-100 Iraq warmongers and neo-con crazies in Washington, that the Korean War-era, warmongering Committee on the Present Danger (CPD), was being "reborn for a third time." The event was sponsored by the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, and of all the speakers, Lieberman was the most rabid.
"Lieberman told the smirking crowd of Administration neo-cons that 'loyalty to country' is much more important 'than loyalty to party.'
"The pseudo-Democratic Senator demonstrated a degree of Islam-hating that was shocking. He warned that a "new empire of evil" was in the making: a new Muslim Caliphate, run by Osama bin Laden, and the 'Islamists,' which would extend from 'Istanbul to Islamabad, from Khartoum to Kabul, from Kuala Lampur to Bangkok, and beyond.' Reading from the words of Osama bin Laden in 1998—Lieberman claimed this empire will give a home to 'every Muslim' who must 'obey God's command to kill the Americans and plunder their possessions wherever he finds them and whenever he can.'
"Lieberman said this 'Islamic Jihadism ' is the same as 'Nazi totalitarianism,' and fighting it is the same as fighting the Nazis. Without the United States, the leaders of the Muslim countries lack the drive and the commitment to stop the Islamists, he charged...."
The speech that Lieberman debuted in 2004 has now become the standard applause lines for a dwindling White House audience.
—Michele Steinberg