Does ‘Big Sister’ Cheney Own Joe Lieberman Too?
On Oct. 24, the Connecticut media unexpectedly exploded with joyful song, in the form of coverage of the previous night's three-way Senatorial debate among Democrat Ned Lamont, "Republican" Joe Lieberman (officially an Independent), and "Footnote" Alan Schlesinger. (Officially the Republican candidate, Schlesinger has been stabbed in the back by the GOP in favor of Lieberman, just as in 1988—see "GOP Megabucks Flood Lieberman Campaign" in this issue of EIR).
The Day of New London reported on Oct. 24: "The residual buzz from Monday night's Senate debate was not about the war in Iraq, universal heath care or Social Security.... Instead, it was: 'What were they singing?'... The hecklers, a pair of men from the LaRouche Youth Movement, sang a harmonized ode targeting Vice President Dick Cheney, which, according to the group's Web site, is unofficially titled 'The Fat-Ass Nazi Song....' 'Leeee-berman, don't support Dick Cheney/Cheney is a fat ass Nazi,' they sang in a marching verse that then seemed to transition into German...."
An Associated Press wire, carried on approximately 100 online news sites, including several Canadian, Australian, and United Kingdom publications, bore the provocative headline "Lieberman Blasted On All Sides At Debate." The AP wire reported the incident as "a few hecklers in the crowd who began loudly chanting 'Lieberman Protects Cheney.' "
By Wednesday, LaRouche Youth Movement organizers at New England campuses, were swamped by students who were totally excited about the reports of the LYM singing at the debate, and how Lieberman's connections to fascist Cheney had dominated the news. With this type of intervention, the students—who are a decisive factor in the 2006 elections all over the country—were ready to move into political action, especially joining in the distribution of the latest pamphlet from the LaRouche Political Action Committee (LPAC), "Is Goebbels on Your Campus?" The pamphlet includes the EIR exposé "Lieberman, Cheney March in Himmler's Footsteps," first published in EIR on Oct. 18, 2002, after Cheney and Lieberman's American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) published a hit list of academics to be purged from U.S. universities for not supporting the Bush Administration.
The pamphlet is a mass sensation throughout the nation, where students finally are coming to recognize that a "Thought Police" has taken over their campuses—and they are beginning to resist.
Speaking on a WOR-Radio early morning radio show in New York City on Oct. 25, Lyndon LaRouche—founder of EIR and of the LaRouche Youth Movement—spoke of the role of youth in leading America:
"We need to take this younger generation, the same generation that is generally involved in military service in case of wartime—18 to 30, hard core of military service, of junior officers and others.... [T]his generation has to be employed, and given the opportunities to become the generation that takes over the country, during that coming 50 years. This is our chance to maintain our nation...."
—Mark Bender and Michele Steinberg