London Spreads Blood and Gore
by an EIR investigative team
On the weekend of Feb. 24-25, 2007, as former Vice President Al Gore was wet-dreaming about his pending Academy Award for his fractured fairy tale "documentary," An Inconvenient Truth, about his battle to save the planet from "global warming," TV financial market analyst Jim Cramer was answering a question about the prospect of a Gore Presidential run in 2008, on MSNBC's Chris Matthews' "Hardball." Never one to mince words, Cramer dismissed the idea that Gore would take another stab at Presidential politics: "No," he said. "He's really a hedge fund manager now. No one leaves that game."
Indeed, Cramer was right—at least on the first count. In November 2004, Al Gore and David Blood launched a London-based investment fund, Generation Investment Management, which insiders affectionately refer to as "Blood and Gore"—and not without reason. Blood, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, brought a small team of former Goldman Sachs personnel with him to the London fund, assuming for himself the job of managing director. Gore took on the Chairmanship of Generation, bringing along his long-time Senate chief of staff, campaign manager, and business crony, Peter S. Knight, as another founding partner.
Both Gore and Knight had been involved, from late 2001, with another, U.S.-based investment fund, Metropolitan West Financial LLC ("MetWest"). Gore had been the vice chairman of that Beverly Hills-based fund, run by former associates of convicted junk-bond swindler Michael Milken, and Knight had been the managing director. When Wachovia Bank bought out MetWest several years later, Gore and Knight moved on to bigger and better schemes in London.
A Crown Agent
But suddenly, on Oct. 30, 2006, Al Gore went back to work for the government: the British government! At a high-profile press conference, releasing a 700-page report on climate change by British government economist Sir Nicholas Stern, British Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown, the heir-apparent to outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair, announced that he had "hired" Gore to "advise the British government on climate change." The Stern report on the "economic" consequences of global warming had all the credibility of another 10 Downing Street "policy" document, the now-infamous September 2002 "White Paper" on Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction, a phony-baloney piece of MI6 fakery that infamously claimed that Saddam Hussein could launch a WMD attack on the United States within 45 minutes, and that Iraq had illegally obtained tons of yellow-cake uranium from Niger. The Blair-sanctioned lies, now so widely discredited, tremendously boosted U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney's march to war in Iraq. The Stern report, over the long run, could have far more deadly consequences than the earlier Blair black propaganda screed on Iraq WMD.
The announcement that the former U.S. Vice President and 2000 Democratic Party Presidential candidate would be taking a job working for a foreign government caused only a minor stir, when word of the appointment crossed the Atlantic. But several important questions are posed by the Gore "hiring."
First, what kind of payment is the former Senator and Veep receiving from Her Majesty's government? Calls to the British Embassy in Washington have so far not been returned. But whether or not Gore is receiving direct financial compensation for his work for the British government, the British government is definitely sinking money into Gore's Inconvenient Truth scam. On Feb. 3, 2007, Reuters reported that the Blair government would distribute copies of the film to all secondary schools in England, as "part of a global warming information pack distributed to schools as the government strongly pushes the message that everyone has a role to play." Reuters added that "Gore, a dedicated climate crusader, has begun a programme of training what he calls climate ambassadors to travel the world" (will these Gore-schooled "green ambassadors" be carrying British diplomatic passports?). The plan to mass distribute An Inconvenient Truth to schools was announced by Environmental Minister David Miliband, another leading British government propagandist for the greenhouse gas hoax, which has been thoroughly exposed in recent issues of EIR (see also the Science feature, in this issue).
The second question, begged by Gore's work for Blair and Brown is: Has the former Vice President properly registerd with the U.S. Department of Justice as an agent of a foreign government, under the U.S. Foreign Agents Registration Act?
The Anglo-Dutch 'Slime Mold'
On deeper investigation, it appears that Gore's move to London—first through the Blood and Gore hedge fund, and later through his "hire" as a Blair-Brown advisor—are all part of the same program. And this carries with it the strong stench of insider trading.
Within the City of London and the larger universe of the Anglo-Dutch financier oligarchy, the lines of separation between parliamentary government, the monarchy, and high-finance are blurred. And under all circumstances, the power of private finance trumps "elected" government. The American Constitutional principles of the "general welfare" and "representative self-government" are as alien to the City of London as if they had just landed from Mars.
In the Generation Investment Management (GIM)'s November 2004 press release, announcing the firm's launch, Blood and Gore proclaimed that they believe "social, environmental and geopolitical issues can materially impact a company's ability to sustain returns," promising to "bring together a proven team of equity analysts with leaders from the sustainability research field." GIM promoted itself as a "carbon neutral firm," explaining, "Generation has made a legally binding commitment to purchase Carbon Financial Instruments (CFIs) sufficient to 100% offset the greenhouse gas emissions caused annually by our firm's electricity use and business travel for the period 2005-2010."
In a March 28, 2006 joint op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal, headlined "For People and Planet," Blood and Gore wrote, "we believe that sustainable development will be the primary driver of industrial and economic change over the next 50 years.... Over the past five years, we have seen markets begin to incorporate the external cost of carbon dioxide emissions. This is happening through pricing mechanisms (price per ton of carbon dioxide) and government-supported trading platforms such as the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme in Europe. Even without a regulatory framework in the United States, voluntary markets are emerging, such as the Chicago Climate Exchange and state-level initiatives such as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. These market mechanisms increasingly enable companies to calculate project returns and capital expenditures decisions with the price of carbon dioxide fully integrated."
One of the central recommendations of the Stern report was to make carbon-swaps and similar greenhouse gas reduction schemes mandatory worldwide. The implementation of this scam is part of Gore's portfolio as Blair and Brown's "advisor" on implementing the climate control agenda.
Brokering and speculating on carbon swaps is also what Generation Investment Management is all about! Blood and Gore intend to get in on the ground floor of what may prove to be the biggest and most bizarre financial bubble ever conjured up by Anglo-Dutch financiers and their fiction writers.
Indeed, the day after Gore's producers received the Academy Award for best documentary film, a minor press flap erupted back in Gore's hometown of Nashville, when the Tennessee Center for Policy Research reported that Al and his wife Tipper's home electricity bills for one month were equal to the annual electricity bills of an average American household. One of the key recommendations in Gore's An Inconvenient Truth? For households to reduce their electicity consumption! Gore's response to the accusation that he was a big fat hypocrite, was to explain that he was offsetting the costs by purchasing carbon swaps. A little bit of digging revealed that Gore was, indeed purchasing carbon offset instruments—from his own Generation fund!
The Queen's Pawn
The idea that Gore should show up in London, running a hedge fund, and working as a propagandist for Her Majesty's Green Revolution and the City of London's latest speculative bubble, should not come as a great surprise to anyone who has followed the former Vice President's career—or his family pedigree.
Not only is Al Gore the most outspoken proponent of radical Malthusian population reduction on the American political landscape, mirroring Prince Philip's own call for the reduction of world population by 80%. Over the years, Gore has been caught up in a string of British anti-American propaganda schemes, and in virtually every instance, somebody close to Gore has swindled somebody else out of a large amount of money.
Typical of this Gore/British chicanery was the then-Vice President's role in a nasty insider trading and consumer-fraud scheme, cooked up by a group of Gore allies, including his long-time mentor Maurice Strong, the Canadian-born guru of Earth Day and the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, who is a top figure in Prince Philip's and the late Prince Bernhard's 1001 Club, a tax-exempt cash pool feeding the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) and other environmental and Malthusian fronts, created by the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy. The 1,001 members of the Club represent some of the leading players in the Anglo-Dutch financier oligarchy, who co-mingle with some of the world's most notorious swindlers.
On Earth Day, April 17, 1995, Vice President Gore travelled to Fall River, Massachusetts, to deliver a green sermon at the headquarters of Molten Metal Technology, Inc., a firm that proclaimed to have invented a process for recycling metals from waste. Gore praised the Molten Metal firm as a pioneer in the kind of innovative technology that can save the environment, and make money for investors at the same time.
Gore left a few facts out of his speech that day. First, the firm was run by Strong and a group of Gore intimates, including Peter Knight, the firm's registered lobbyist, and Gore's former top Senate aide. Second, the company had received more than $25 million in U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) research and development grants, but had failed to prove that the technology worked on a commercial scale. The company would go on to receive another $8 million in Federal taxpayers' cash, at that point, its only source of revenue.
With Al Gore's Earth Day promo as a Wall Street calling card, Molten Metal's stock value soared to $35 a share, a range it maintained through October 1996. But along the way, DOE scientists had balked at further funding. When, in March 1996, corporate officers concluded that the Federal cash cow was about to run dry, they took action: Between that date and October 1996, seven corporate officers—including Maurice Strong—sold off $15.3 million in personal shares in the company, at top market value. On Oct. 20, 1996—a Sunday—the company issued a press release, announcing for the first time, that DOE funding would be vastly scaled back, and reported the bad news on a conference call with stock brokers.
On Monday, the stock plunged by 49%, soon landing at $5 a share. By early 1997, furious stockholders had filed a class action suit against the company and its directors. Ironically, one of the class action lawyers had tangled with Maurice Strong in another insider trading case, involving a Swiss company called AZL Resources, chaired by Strong, who was also a lead shareholder. The AZL case closely mirrored Molten Metal, and in the end, Strong and the other AZL partners agreed to pay $5 million to dodge a jury verdict, when eyewitness evidence surfaced of Strong's role in scamming the value of the company stock up into the stratosphere, before selling it off.
Golden ADA
Gore's tenure as Vice President was marked by two actions, both emblematic of his loyalty to an anti-American foreign oligarchy. First, he teamed up with Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) in August and September of 1998, to attempt a coup d'état against President Bill Clinton. While the ostensible basis for the effort to convince President Clinton to resign from office was the Monica Lewinsky scandal, the real reason for the ambush was that the Anglo-Dutch financial circles who pull Gore's chain feared that Clinton, and his Treasury Secretary Bob Rubin, were about to implement a "new global financial architecture," in the face of a global financial meltdown that started in Asia in 1997, and had spread, by August 1998, to Russia, with Moscow's default on its short-term, high-interest government bonds (GKOs).
Since January 1997, even before the outbreak of the Asia crisis, Lyndon LaRouche had launched a campaign to get President Clinton to convene a New Bretton Woods conference, to put the global financial system through an orderly bankruptcy reorganization and restore Franklin Roosevelt's 1944 Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates.
Gore demonstrated where he stood on the issue on Aug. 17, 1998, when—behind President Clinton's back—he convened a White House meeting with a veritable "Who's Who" of Wall Street speculators, many of whom had already ponied up big bucks to Friends of Albert Gore, Jr., Inc. The speculators schemed with Gore to bail out the international financiers, who stood to lose their shirts in the looming Russian default (the Russians had just frozen payments on the GKOs); they included George Soros, John Tisch, Steven Rattner, Lionel Pincus, Maurice Greenberg, Orin Kraemer, and David Shaw.
Gore further intervened into the Russian crisis, pressing President Boris Yeltsin to reappoint former Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin. After a series of calls to Moscow, to Chernomyrdin and Yeltsin, the Russian President did rename Gore's crony, but the nomination was blocked, twice, by the Duma, Russia's lower house of parliament.
Al Gore's relationship to Chernomyrdin epitomized the "mafiya" cronyism and outright betrayal of American national interests that are Gore's hallmark. The most stunning example of Gore's corruption centered on the case of Golden ADA, one of the most notorious looting schemes against post-Soviet Russia during the entire Yeltsin decade of oligarchical rape of the former superpower.
In 1994, Gore was photographed at a Democratic Party fundraiser, arm in arm with a top official of the Russian precious metals firm, Golden ADA. The appearance of the photograph set off alarm bells at the FBI, because Golden ADA was, at the time, the target of a joint U.S.-Russian criminal probe into diamond and precious metals theft, and money laundering. It was credibly feared that the Vice President would intercede to quash the probe—which is exactly what happened.
Golden ADA was set up in 1992 by a top Yeltsin crony, Yevgeni Bychkov, who had been named to head Russia's State Committee on Precious Metals and Gems. Bychkov, in league with a group of top Russian "reformers," including Chernomyrdin, Yegor Gaidar, Boris Fyodorov, and Anatoli Chubais, had set up Golden ADA as a vehicle for shipping tons of diamonds, precious metals, and art objects to the United States for sale on the international market. According to Russian news accounts, the Golden ADA project had been discussed between Vice President Gore and Russian Prime Minister Chernomyrdin during regular meetings of their Joint Commission on Economic and Technological Cooperation ("The Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission"). Golden ADA boss Andrei Kozlenok was also linked to Chernomyrdin directly, according to Russian news accounts.
U.S. Customs investigators, the FBI, and their Russian counterparts linked Golden ADA to Russian mafiya assassinations, massive theft of diamonds and other priceless commodities, money laundering, and a string of lesser crimes. Vice President Gore was, at one point, briefed, along with the National Security Council, on the Golden ADA probe. Around the same time, the CIA provided a dossier to Gore, documenting billions of dollars in theft of Russian state property by Chernomyrdin, in league with the mafiya. Gore sent back the dossier with "barnyard epithets" scrawled across the cover. The CIA concluded that the Vice President had no interest in any further actions against the Russian oligarchy.
On Nov. 8, 1995, the Internal Revenue Service raided the San Francisco offices of Golden ADA and seized all of the company's bank accounts and other assets—much to the chagrin of the FBI, which was working with Russian officials on the higher levels of the mafiya operation. The Russian government would eventually charge that Golden ADA officials stole at least $400 million in Russian state assets. Civil litigations would continue for years, with one attorney involved in the case complaining that "everybody that was ever involved in this whole thing is dead, fled, or has taken the Fifth."
As for Al Gore, affiliating with Anglo-Russian mafiya networks runs in the family. Father, Albert V. Gore, Sr., who preceded Junior as the U.S. Senator from Tennessee, was virtually an indentured servant to Armand Hammer, the notorious Anglo-Soviet Trust wheeler-dealer, whose pharmaceutical and petroleum deals with the Soviet government financed Communist Party and Soviet intelligence operations in the United States and Europe for decades. Even before Gore, Sr. lost his Senate seat and went to work full-time for Hammer's Occidental Petroleum, Hammer would pat his wallet every time Gore, Sr. was in his presence, signaling those around him that Gore was "in his pocket."
For Al Gore, Jr., the ownership-of-choice is the City of London and the British Crown, whose radical Malthusian outlook, hatred of the nation-state system, and loathing of the idea of human creativity and progress, are his own.
Research for this article was done by a team including: Rob Ainsworth, Marcia Baker, Richard Freeman, John Hoefle, Ed Spannaus, Jeffrey Steinberg, Michele Steinberg, and Scott Thompson.