European-Wide Activation of
Terrorist Networks Threatens G-8 Summit
by Claudio Celani
Just weeks ahead of the planned riots at the upcoming G-8 summit in Germany (June 6-8), the chief ideologue of the international pro-terrorist autonomist mob, Toni Negri, came out with an indictment of the nation-state, and support for globalization.[*] By doing this, Negri is providing the cover for assassination operations, which will be unleashed by his synarchist controllers, against any European politician who dares to seriously oppose globalization, represented in Europe by the Maastricht system. At the same time, Negri is being deployed to sabotage the "New Politics," the tendency emerging among youth, ages 18-35, who are rejecting the "no future" heritage left by their Baby-Boomer parent generation.
Negri was, for many years, a fugitive from Italian justice, after he was sentenced to 17 years in prison for armed insurrection. The sentence was related to Negri's role as leader of the violent Autonomi movement, which engaged in street riots and shoot-outs with the police in the 1970s. The Autonomi supplied manpower for the clandestine Red Brigades terrorists—Negri was also a writer for the Red Brigades newspaper Controinformazione, but allegations that he was part of the BR leadership could never be proven in court. Part of the problem for Italian investigators, was that Negri, as well as the Superclandestine ("Superclan") RB leadership were protected by institutional forces in Italy and in France.
The Red Brigades "Superclan" was actually based in Paris, under the cover of the Hyperion language school. Negri was protected at a higher level, as he escaped from Italy in 1983, and went to Paris, where he was permitted to teach at the University of Paris VIII and publish his own magazine. All requests for extradition of Negri, and for dozens of other convicted or wanted terrorists, were turned down by the French government. No collaboration was offered to Italian investigations on Hyperion. Eventually, in 1997, Negri returned to Italy as a result of a deal, by which he was allowed to spend a few years under house arrest. Since 2003 he has been free, and celebrated as a guru of the international autonomist movement by glossy magazines and establishment media.
Negri was interviewed on March 27 by the French daily Libération, which is owned by Eduard de Rothschild and Carlo de Benedetti, two key members of the European synarchist oligarchy. He took the opportunity offered by the French Presidential campaign to intervene in the electoral debate.
Negri Challenges French Presidential Candidates
During the last two weeks, both the socialist candidate Ségolène Royal and the neo-con Nicholas Sarkozy have come out strongly in defense of the nation-state, albeit not for the same reasons. Royal, who does have a patriotic streak, is trying to win over the anti-Maastricht vote, while Sarkozy is trying to assemble the right-wing vote, which would otherwise go to the "traditional" (i.e., right-wing) racist Jean-Marie Le Pen. While such tactics are, according to Negri, "a normal electoral method used by a mystifier like Sarkozy," Negri finds it "shameful, for somebody who calls herself Socialist like Royal" to support the nation-state. "It is by definition, a reactionary behavior. In history, each time that socialism and nationalism were mixed together, that led to something nefarious." Negri argues that the nation has become irrelevant. "What is the maneuvering room of a national government, even left-wing, to face up to the urgency of markets and the power of great multinationals? What acting capacity does it still have? This is a ridiculous reflex. The return to the franc, for instance, is totally impossible. That nationalist speech is the result of pure demagogy."
Negri's reference to the French franc seems strange, because neither Sarkozy nor Royal have ever raised the issue. The only political force in Europe which has challenged the euro system, and called for a return to sovereign national currencies, is the LaRouche movement, led in France by Jacques Cheminade. Cheminade in fact has campaigned for France to break away from the imperial euro monetary system and reintroduce a national currency, calling it the "Franc Polytechnique," in reference to Lazare Carnot's legendary École Polytechnique. The LaRouche-Cheminade campaign has obviously become popular, as measured also by the increased attention to the Cheminade website. The synarchist oligarchy is reacting by deploying their aged "maître-à-détruir" (master of destruction), Negri.
Negri calls on his friend, José Bové, the radical greenie who led a campaign to shut down McDonald's in Paris, also a Presidential candidate, to take up "the internationalist banner of global confrontation, of international solidarity and of planetary struggle."
The very day that Negri's interview appeared in Libération, a mob of Autonomists engaged in violent clashes with the police, over the pretext that a man was being checked at the underground station because he had no ticket. Witnesses reported to EIR that the clashes, in contrast to media reports describing them as similar to the riots which took place last year in the Banlieu, were not "youth riots." Rather, the mob was organized by a private radio station, and attacked the police shouting, "Down with the cops, down with the state." Furthermore, the rioting started several hours after the man's arrest, and only after media news reports ran provocative coverage. This is similar to the pattern that had been seen in Italy in 1977.
A two-part article recently published in the LaRouche-associated German newspaper Neue Solidarität, described key aspects of the international control structure of both Negri's "autonomists" and the "New Red Brigades" terrorists. In particular, the articles reported how the suspected terrorists who were arrested in Italy last February were part of a European-wide network coordinated from the Zürich center Secours Rouge International, which is also the coordinating center for legal assistance to "autonomist" rioters, including for the upcoming anti-G-8 protests in Germany. The SR center is the Rambert legal firm in Zürich, out of which Andrea Stauffacher, SR secretary and head of the Swiss Revolutionärer Aufbau (Revolutionary Buildup), operated. Stauffacher is now in jail.
Computer-Hacking Lessons
It has now been discovered that the "training" supplied to Red Brigades members in Zürich included computer hacking techniques that might have allowed them to steal 1.2 million euro from an Italian bank to finance terrorist operations. On Dec. 20, 2006, ten people showed up in as many different branches of Istituto Sanpaolo, a major Italian bank, to withdraw funds from bank accounts they had opened a few weeks earlier. That money, totalling 1,213,400 euros, had been stolen through a microchip inserted in a bank office near the city of Pavia, through a break-in during the night of Dec. 19-20. The recipients of the money are all known to the police; some of them are common criminals. The key person is Salvatore Scivoli. Scivoli sits now in jail. He was one of the 15 Red Brigades terrorists arrested on Feb. 12. Scivoli is a convicted felon who had turned terrorist in jail. As part of the hacker operation, Scivoli's account at Istituto Sanpaolo had received 116,000 euros. Among the evidence that put Scivoli in jail are wiretapped conversations, in which he promised 10,000 euros for the purchase of weapons in Croatia. Scivoli was not able to draw one single cent from his account, because bank personnel became suspicious and informed the police. The same occurred for many of Scivoli's partners; only a few succeeded in withdrawing significant amounts of money, for a total of 221,000 euros.
Prosecutors believe that Stauffacher's Zürich center played a key role in organizing the theft. Last November and December, Stauffacher organized a hacker training session in Zürich with a British instructor, in which an Italian student, Alfredo Mazzamauro, had participated. Mazzamauro was among the group arrested in February in Italy. The key person in that group is Alfredo Davanzo, a veteran member of the Red Brigades from the '80s, who returned from exile in France last November, via Switzerland. Stauffacher was, of course, Davanzo's reference point in Switzerland, as she was for many other terrorist leaders who have been protected by French authorities from extradition to Italy.
If the French connection were seriously investigated, one would discover that the circles protecting European terrorism today involve the center of French old colonial power, synarchist banking circles and the OAS (Organisation de l'Armée Sècrete) military-intelligence network that made numerous attempts to assassinate President Charles de Gaulle and, through the Mitterrand Presidency, conquered and consolidated their power over the Fifth Republic. If France wants to survive as a nation and play again a positive role in history, it must get rid of this faction.
[*] In the 2001 book Empire, authors Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt present their view that globalization is a new form of utopian Empire, which, they claim, unlike earlier forms of imperialism, is good because it replaces the nation-state. (For a review of this book, see Claudio Celani, "Toni Negri, Profile of a Terrorist Ideologue," EIR, Aug. 24, 2001.)