German Press Slams Brit Lies on LaRouche
by EIR Staff
Two metropolitan newspapers in Wiesbaden, Germany, headquarters of the LaRouche movement in Europe, have strongly denounced the ongoing efforts of a London-based Blair-Cheney media nexus to spread repeatedly disproven slanders against the LaRouche movement and the German judicial system. The articles and commentaries come in the wake of EIR's recent exposé of the oligarchical networks behind the slander machine.
The Wiesbadener Kurier and the Wiesbadener Tagblatt each carried pieces April 19, citing the Wiesbaden State Attorney's office, again refuting the slanders around the March 2003 suicide of an unstable British student, who had attended a LaRouche Youth Movement conference in Wiesbaden. The Kurier's article is headlined, "Only the Legend Has a Long Life; Four Years after the Suicide of Jeremiah Duggan, the Murder Conspiracy Is Finding New Supporters, But No Evidence." While author Wolfgang Degen seems to have no affection for the LaRouche movement, he has no stomach for venal slander against the German judiciary either. "Four years after the suicide—determined beyond any doubt—of Briton Jeremiah Duggan, legends are still being cultivated. A murder version is still circulating. British media, primarily, are making accusations against the German State Attorney." A tough commentary by the author and excerpts from a chronology accompany the article. The latter mentions Sarah Lundford, a British Member of the European Parliament, who brought the case there in April 2005, and attended a March 2007 London press conference.
`What They Fail To Mention ...'
Writing in the Tagblatt, the same author notes: "What they fail to mention is that the highest tribunal of [the state of] Hesse, the Oberlandesgericht, is in agreement with the State Attorney. Yet this only brings the judge under suspicion, that he and the State Attorney are running a cover-up. Hence, a gigantic conspiracy of Hesse jurists to cover up the truth? Absurd! To bolster this, some pains were taken to bring in a number of stereotypes: On the one side, you have a fun-loving, good English boy of Jewish faith, now dead; on the other side, the Office of the State Attorney, German, bull-headed and evil. Evil, because incompetent and unwilling.... You can't get any dumber than that.
"Nothing about these 'truths' has justified any serious doubts about the traffic suicide. Since the legal authorities do not see anything corresponding to the wishes of the 'clear-things-up' group, they will have to be softened up by political pressure from England. A cheap attempt to bend the law."
Hartmut Ferse, spokesman for the State Attorney's office, refuses to comment on the new efforts by the British Parliament to put political pressure on Germany. "Why should I?" he asks. The State Attorney's office has done its duty by the investigation. It has made the point again and again, that there is nothing which would justify reopening the case.
The `Hogg' Pen
As Anton Chaitkin reported in the April 20 issue of EIR—"Blair War Clique Runs Anti-LaRouche Slander Drive"—it is a small, but well-placed group that is circulating the Duggan slander against LaRouche's movement:
- "The London crisis-management firm Luther Pendragon, a private arm of the Blair regime, which managed publication of a key 2004 report demanding BBC be dismantled. Luther Pendragon now officially manages public affairs for the Duggan slander campaign.
- "Rightist media executive David Elstein, the author of that 2004 anti-BBC report. David Elstein is now chairman of the firm, Luther Pendragon, running the Duggan slander.
- "Lady Sarah Hogg, the Blair ringleader on the BBC Board of Governors. Lady Hogg is David Elstein's financier, and the financial power looming behind the latest Duggan slander spread inside Germany.
- "Greg Dyke, BBC Director General forced out in the 2004 terror. Dyke publicly identified Lady Hogg and her little gang in the Blair coup at BBC.
- "Philip Bassett and Baroness Elizabeth Symons, husband and wife. Philip Bassett was co-manager of the Blair propaganda team that "sexed up" the Iraq WMD dossier. Baroness Symons was the Blair regime's military procurement chief, tied in with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cheney and with Lady Hogg's little gang, in the Iraq War. She has been the highest-ranking Blair-regime official personally directing the Duggan slander campaign against LaRouche."
The long-running Duggan slander got its first play in the London Guardian July 12, 2003, after being cooked up that Spring. When BBC reported how this same group concocted the Iraqi weapons-of-mass-destruction hoax, the clique went ballistic. In the course of its coverage, BBC twice aired interviews with Lyndon LaRouche, exposing the Blair-Cheney lying drive for war. Within months, BBC was tamed, its leadership that had collaborated with LaRouche was sent packing, and the Duggan slander was launched. The lie has been shown yet again to be woven from used British cloth.