We Need a Candidate
In the Mold of FDR
On Sept. 6, Lyndon LaRouche delivered a harsh assessment of the profound failures of all of the Presidential candidates, and the overwhelming majority of Members of Congress to deal with the already onrushing financial collapse. "In my view," LaRouche told associates, "none of the present crop of Presidential candidates, including the latest entry in the race, are making any sense, when their words and actions are held up against the greatest onrushing financial crash in modern history. We need a new candidate, one in the mold of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, to deal with this grave crisis. The country is in jeopardy, and without an FDR, we shall not survive." LaRouche added that, at age 85, he is too old to run for President, but the sad fact of the matter is that he is "the only person on the scene qualified to be President in these times of dire crisis."
LaRouche continued, "Maybe some of the present candidates have some good points, and might even do a respectable job as President under normal conditions, but we are not living under normal conditions. The next 30-45 days are going to be decisive, if we are to avoid totally losing control of the financial system and our real economy. I have been totally right about the systemic nature of this collapse. All of the Presidential candidates have failed miserably, to date, to meet the standards required to solve this grave national and global crisis."
The Oldest Profession?
LaRouche had even more blunt words for Congress: "On both the housing/banking collapse and the war in Southwest Asia, Congress is not fooled. They, for the most part, know the situation. But they are behaving, collectively, wittingly, like fools. They are so worried about their money, and the threat from Wall Street types, led by Felix Rohatyn, that their money will be cut off if they act in the genuine interest of the American people, that they are, under current circumstances, worse than useless. Are they trying to prove that membership in Congress is the oldest profession?"
LaRouche directly addressed the issue of Vice President Dick Cheney: "The present Congress, in its present mood—including the would-be Presidential candidates—is not prepared to do a thing. How can anyone in Congress tolerate Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's pronouncement that impeachment of the Vice President is off the table? What does that say? It says that there will be no action against the war in Southwest Asia, because the only action is to remove Cheney from office—for starters. As long as Pelosi is Speaker of the House, there will be no action against the war," LaRouche declared.
LaRouche next addressed the issue of his Four Powers approach to ending the war in Southwest Asia and setting the world on a new policy course, reminding Congress that Russian President Vladimir Putin put an offer on the table in early July, when he met with President George Bush and former President George H.W. Bush in Kennebunkport, Maine. "That Putin proposal," LaRouche said, "offers an opportunity to establish a Four Powers cooperation, involving the United States and Russia, with China and India. That is the only hope for Southwest Asia. A solid alliance of those four great powers is the only combination that can stop the British from spreading chaos throughout that part of the world."
LaRouche asked, "Doesn't anyone remember that the British are an empire, and will do everything in their power to sabotage any kind of U.S.-Russian partnership, any kind of Four Powers cooperation? Without solid cooperation among the United States, Russia, China, and India, there is no possible end to the permanent war in Southwest Asia. Without that core, the neighboring countries will never get together and end the conflict. The British have been playing games in this region since Sykes-Picot and earlier, and nothing short of Four Powers intervention is going to end that." LaRouche added, "Our only advantage over the British is that we have a solution to the onrushing financial collapse. That is our strength, and we must take full advantage."
Stop Kissing Rohatyn's Posterior
LaRouche concluded that Congress has within its power, to draft and pass the emergency legislation he put forward (see last week's EIR, for the "Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007"), to prevent mass home foreclosures and the collapse of the chartered banking system in the U.S.A. Will Congress act? Will they stop behaving like a bunch of fools and put the needs of the American people above their petty considerations? "I believe," LaRouche said, "that the American people can and must deliver a clear message to Congress: Stop kissing Felix Rohatyn's posterior, and act now, this month, to pass the legislation I have prescribed. By October, it may be too late."