British Trigger Global Mayhem
As Financial Crash Accelerates
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Sir Alan Greenspan, the octogenarian one-time paramour of hedonist philosopher-author Ayn Rand, and the former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, delivered a frantic confession on Dec. 27, 2007, in an interview with National Public Radio. Sir Alan candidly admitted that the world financial and monetary system, which he helped to shape during his 20-year tenure at the Fed, is finished. "What I have to forecast," he told NPR, "is that something will happen which is unexpected, which will knock us down.... The odds of that happening, I think, are rising, because we are getting into vulnerable areas." Elsewhere in the brief interview, Greenspan reiterated, "We're in a turning phase, and the extraordinary improvements that have occurred in the world economy in the last 15 years are transitory, and they're about to change.... So, I think this whole process will begin to reverse."
Greenspan's words hardly capture the magnitude of the financial crash that has been onrushing for the past six months, and that has now entered a new, even more volatile phase, as of Jan. 1, 2008 (see Economics lead article). As Lyndon LaRouche announced in a July 25, 2007 international webcast from Washington, the system is doomed, there are no "monetary" solutions to the crisis; and higher-ups in the City of London financial oligarchy are fully aware of the accelerating, irreversible crash of the whole global financial system.
Greenspan is but one among a number of City of London parrots who have been squawking doom and gloom in recent weeks and months. The London Daily Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, a British intelligence asset, who led London's campaign to destroy the Bill Clinton Presidency, and who now resides in Brussels as the "Torygraph's" financial correspondent, has been pouring out a steady stream of remarkably accurate accounts of the financial crash process for months. The "Torygraph" is leading a campaign to bring down the weak-kneed Fabian Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and replace him with a "tough-guy" Conservative, who can better steer Britain into austerity dictatorship at home, and imperial provocations abroad.
And in his weekly column in the French financial weekly L'Express, on Jan. 3, London Warburg asset Jacques Attali was far more shrill than Sir Alan or Ambrose: "It is the whole world which seems to be going over the precipice," he wrote, "As if a collision of trains going at full speed was being prepared. As if, in a vortex emptying the bottom of a bathtub.... [T]here is no stability in sight for the global economy."
Attali also spilled the beans on the vital link between the financial collapse process and the eruption of chaos around the planet, writing, "That the murder of an opposition leader of a country of the South [Pakistan—ed.] would so gravely shake the Asian financial markets, and with them those of the entire world, reveals the extreme fragility of the planet."
Returning again to the details of the escalating financial disintegration, Attali warned, "Beyond the subprimes, many other debts are circulating and no one knows how the banks will be able to honor them: those of hedge funds, of monoline insurers, of LBO funds, and of holders of credit cards, which form a pyramid amounting to much more than the bank's own funds, which would have been closed a long time ago, had the central banks not agreed to refinance them all without restraint." Attali concluded by returning to the situation in Euroland, predicting that the very future of the single European currency is in jeopardy, "with an Italy going financially adrift, to such an extent that the very existence of the euro could be put into question by speculators attacking the Rome Treasury."
Indeed, in the past months, an estimated $1.5 trillion in bank assets have been wiped off the books, and an equal amount of equity has evaporated on world stock markets. The idea that central banks could "solve" this crisis by a hyperinflationary flow of new money, is clinically insane. Crises set to blow during the first quarter of 2008, including a blowout of the insurance sector and a looming derivatives explosion, make the disasters of 2007, like the wipeout of the U.S. mortgage bubble, seem small in comparison.
What Does It Mean?
It is in this context, and only this context, that the global pattern of assassinations, ethnic, religious and tribal eruptions, and all-around chaos, can be understood. None of these are local or regional events. They are all part of a single British strategy—aimed at one, single global objective: The destruction of nation-states, the launching of worldwide asymmetric warfare—to last for generations, and the consolidation of a vise-grip control over the strategic raw materials wealth of the planet, in Anglo-Dutch private cartel hands.
Students of history will recognize the pattern. It is the model of global oligarchical warfare, devised in modern times by Venice, utilizing private mercenary armies, like the Norman conquerers and crusaders, to eliminate any and all pockets of humanist resistance.
By now, some readers of this report are no doubt squirming over the idea that London is any longer a center of imperial power, capable of unleashing global chaos. Indeed, the British, themselves, have championed the idea that the Sun long ago set on the British Empire, and that the United States, not Great Britain, is now the reigning world imperial power. At best, a new "Anglo-American" consort, led by Washington, with London as its junior partner, is the epicenter of global power. But a more careful look reveals a very different picture. There is no "Anglo-American" consort. There is London, the British System of Empire, and a collection of wanna-be British assets and agents, who reside in Washington, on Wall Street, and around the globe.
The purpose of the British promotion of the "Anglo-American" partnership is to conceal the historic fault-lines between the American republican system, and the British empire. The distinction was most starkly clear during the Franklin Roosevelt Presidency, when the American leader vowed to bring an end to the European colonial system, at the end of World War II. FDR's premature death in April 1945 prevented the full realization of that goal, but the differences in principle remain, and leading American statesmen, like Lyndon LaRouche, today carry forward the American republican animus toward British-led European imperialism.
From an historical vantage point, the current shape of the "invisible" British empire is not hard to fathom.
First off, virtually all of the offshore financial centers that dominate the globalized, deregulated financial system today, are located in British or Dutch colonies, like the Cayman Islands, the Dutch Antilles, the Isle of Man, the Grand Bahamas, etc.
Second, for decades the British have dominated the private mercenary industry, through outfits like Executive Outcomes, Sandline, Defence Systems Ltd.—working hand-in-glove with Britain's major strategic raw materials cartels, that already own the lion's share of the precious metal wealth of Africa, Australia, and South America. British counterinsurgency methods, pioneered during the 18th-19th Century heyday of the British East India Company, are still practiced on a global scale, by British intelligence operatives and "former" officers, now operating under private cover. British imperial agents like George P. Shultz and Felix Rohatyn have promoted the privatization of national security inside the U.S. establishment, but these East India Company schemes are alien to the American outlook and tradition—despite Dick Cheney's Halliburton.
Third, the Commonwealth of Nations, headed by Queen Elizabeth II, is made up of 53 nations, spanning the globe, accounting for one-fifth of the land mass of the Earth, and a very high percentage of its strategic resources and population. Though nominally an alliance of independent states, the Commonwealth was itself founded, in the late 19th Century, as a perpetuation of the British Empire.
It is this British apparatus that has been unleashed, all around the globe, to foment chaos and provoke warfare. Since there is no way that the present global financial system can be "reformed," and since London will never voluntarily submit to a bankruptcy reorganization and allow nations to return to sovereign control over credit and currency—as proposed by LaRouche, and earlier implemented through FDR's Bretton Woods System—they resort, instead, to chaos.
At all costs, London and the extended Anglo-Dutch financial oligarchy, are committed to the provocation of conflict among the world's leading powers—the United States, Russia, China, and India. A coordinated effort on the part of those four great sovereign powers, with the enthusiastic support of many smaller nations around the globe, could impose a new, just financial order, and eliminate the power of Anglo-Dutch offshore finance.
It was under far less severe conditions of global financial and monetary breakdown in the late 1920s and 1930s that the Anglo-Dutch financial oligarchy bankrolled Fascism and Nazism in Europe, and provoked world war. Today's circumstances are, in fact, far more desperate. At all costs, London is committed to preventing the emergence of a new "FDR paradigm" in Washington, one that would win the immediate backing of Moscow, Beijing, and New Delhi. Global chaos is its weapon of choice.
It is in this context, that the Dec. 27, 2007 assassination of Benazir Bhutto must be viewed. It is also for this reason, that this EIR strategic study begins with a world map, which shows the total picture of British-orchestrated instability. Consider the global breadth and scope of the actions, first. Then visit the internal details of each hot-spot. The persistent hand of London will then be visible.