Union Now with Britain:
Felix Rohatyn's Marriage
by Steven P. Meyer
On June 9, 1956, 28-year-old Felix Rohatyn married Jeannette Streit. It was only a year after his entry into Lazard's New York office, and Rohatyn was being welcomed into a much larger family whose leading members had supported Hitler and Mussolini. Rohatyn's new father-in-law, Clarence Krishman Streit, and his intimate associates, were attempting to reorganize post-World War II Europe into a supranational corporatist government with U.S. participation. Their ultimate goal was to defeat the Soviet Union and establish world government.
Rohatyn's father-in-law was one of the few secret American members of Britain's powerful Milner Group, named after Sir Alfred Milner. Milner had inherited the political network of Cecil Rhodes, and upon Milner's death, the network was run by Lord Lothian (Philip Kerr) and Lionel Curtis. Streit was a Rhodes Scholar, and one of Lothian's responsibilities was to run the Cecil Rhodes Trust, which oversaw the scholarships. By no later than 1934, Streit, the New York Times correspondent at the League of Nations, had been picked up by the Milner group. (See Carroll Quigley's The Anglo American Establishment.)
In 1939, Streit published Union Now. (In its second printing, the title was changed to Union Now with Britain.) The thesis of Streit's book was that the United States and Britain should form a supranational government based upon a union or federation of Atlantic nations which would be housed in The Hague. The Union would have a joint military, a common foreign policy, and an integrated economy based on free trade and the use of a single currency. Now, almost three quarters of a century later, they have almost succeeded.
With the publication of Union Now, Lord Lothian and Curtis instructed Streit to create a propaganda organization in the United States. Streit formed Federal Union, Inc., which was also known as the Association to Unite the Democracies. The latter spawned the Atlantic Union Committee. Rohatyn's foundation supported its work for years, even during his second marriage.
The Rockefeller Family housed Streit's original office in Rockefeller Center, and it secretly financed its activites for a quarter-century.
Lothian, who was a leading member of the pro-Nazi Cliveden Set, and who thought Hitler was a messiah, created a parallel organization in London, the Friends of Atlantic Union. Their umbrella group was the International Movement for Atlantic Union, whose Honorary Council included Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former member of the Nazi Party. Rohatyn's father-in law was its president.
The Atlantic Union Committee's National Council included E. Roland Harriman, whose Union Banking Corporation had helped put Hitler into power; Col. William Draper, the American eugenics supporter who sponsored Ernst Rudin, the racial theorist of the Nazis; and an assortment of leading Congress for Cultural Freedom members, including Dr. Sidney Hook and economist Abba Lerner.