The Ugly, Ugly History
Of Felix the Fascist
by John Hoefle
There are rumors that Felix Rohatyn, an ugly and evil little troll of a man, is a descendant of Rumpelstiltskin, the mythical creature from the Grimm Brothers fairy tale who spun straw into gold, and demanded as payment the Queen's first-born son. Rohatyn is a similar creature, whose career as a banker and political operative for the bankers has been devoted to convincing the United States to sell its soul to the British Empire, giving up its principles, its industrial might, and its sovereignty, in exchange for promises to spin financial straw (such as CDOs, collatoralized debt obligations) into gold.
Rohatyn's history has been one long assault on the American System, playing pivotal roles in restructuring Wall Street to pave the way for speculative finance to replace productive investments, and in the creation of a system of giant corporate cartels intended to replace governments. Born into a French banking family, Rohatyn came to the United States in 1942 and joined Lazard Frères, the bank which controlled the Synarchist fascist movement in France. His mentor at Lazard was André Meyer, who was identified by U.S. intelligence as a Synarchist agent. With offices in Paris, London, and New York, Lazard was one of the most powerful and secretive financial institutions in the world. Though French in character, it was an integral part of the British Empire, part of the Round Table group. Rohatyn solidified his position by marrying Jeanette Streit, daughter of U.S. Anglophile and Round Table operative Clarence Streit. These British interests were synonymous with the Nazi-supporting Cliveden Set, and it was Lazard, through Banque Worms, which ran the Synarchist movement in France. When World War II broke out, some of the Lazard bankers relocated to the U.S., while the Worms bankers stayed on to help ensure that Hitler defeated France, and to help run the fascist Vichy government. This is the swamp which produced Felix the Fascist.
Rohatyn's fame as a banker in the United States came from his role as the king of mergers and acquisitions, an early phase of what we now call globalization. Rohatyn's goal was to use the oligarchy's vast economic resources to target and take over American industry, replacing it with global companies which owe allegiance not to the nation, but to the bankers. The idea was to make the nation dependent upon imperial cartels for the necessities of life, as a method of control. Rohatyn also headed a New York Stock Exchange Crisis Committee at the begining of the 1970s, which combined a series of ailing brokerages, and paved the way for today's giant, speculation-driven financial institutions. Rohatyn implemented fascist austerity directly when he ran New York City's Big MAC, and with his intelligence-connected, and Nazi-connected client ITT, helped run the coup in Chile, to install the fascist dictator Augusto Pinochet. Felix almost went to jail over his involvement in an illegal stock-parking scheme involving ITT, where he was a member of the board.
Felix Rohatyn is an evil man, an agent of the British Empire who has deliberately targetted the American economy, as a career, and in doing so has become a powerful and feared man. But unlike the mythical Rumpelstiltskin, Rohatyn's promises to turn straw into gold have proved hollow—under the policies he and his financier allies have imposed, the United States has gone from being the richest nation on Earth to the biggest borrower in the world, a nation which can no longer produce what it needs, and is dependent upon the international financiers, and their manufacturing, agricultural, and transportation cartels for the necessities of life. We are bankrupt, overwhelmed with debt, our infrastructure collapsing, with a government dominated by financiers and corporate cartels.
By no later than the 1980s, Felix had conduited enough money to the Democratic Party to be regularly listed among its top 50 contributors. Among his purchases has been the tight-wired Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, who harkens to his economic policy pronouncements. "I characterize myself as a Democrat and a liberal and as somebody who believes in the active role of government," Rohatyn, the Clinton Administration ambassador to France has said. Felix is currently seeking an active government role in turning over public infrastructure to financier control, à la Mussolini, with the National Infrastructure Bank Act that is now before the Senate Banking Committee chaired by one of his favorites, Connecticut Democrat Chris Dodd.
Implementing fascist policy for financiers is Felix Rohatyn's life's work. He does not do it alone, by any means, but he does it. How much longer will he be tolerated?