Lester Brown:
Brits' Genocide Spokesman
by Paul Gallagher and Marcia Merry Baker
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, appearing with George W. Bush on April 17, told the press that there were several causes for a "severe global food crisis," but he could only think of one to declare: "Asian populations increasing their quality of food consumption." Not two decades of British/WTO attacks on nations' food sufficiency policies; not the current hundred-billion-dollar wild speculation on food commodities by hedge funds; but China and other "overpopulated" Asian countries' desire to eat!
Prime Minister Brown—echoed next day even more brutally by German Chancellor Angela Merkel—was putting out the Malthusian British policy; for two decades the Brits' leading "modern Malthus" targetting Asian and African populations has been an American, Lester R. Brown. Prime Minister Brown was repeating the lie that genocidalist Lester Brown (no direct relation) and his Worldwatch Institute, World Resources Institute, etc. have been putting out for decades. It was in the early and mid-1990s that Lester Brown set up Worldwatch, with Rockefeller Foundation money. Garnering global publicity and wide foundation backing with so-called "state of the world reports," Brown seized on the slowing of a 40 years' science-driven tripling of world grain output, to claim that human food production would never grow again. In a May 6, 1996 press conference, for example, Brown compared the human species to "rats in a cage" or amoebae in a petri dish whose population can rise, but then must collapse from failure of nutrition. "Any biology student knows about the S-shaped curve" of such populations, he said.
At that press conference—and many others during that period—Lester Brown harped on three basic lies whose combined intent was genocidal. First, that a renewed commitment to funding basic agricultural science breakthroughs like the "Green Revolution" would be fruitless, due to finite biological "carrying capacity" of the Earth, and world grain production was immediately going to go into a fall—in reality, it has continued to rise. Second, that China, in particular, must fail to feed itself, and must eat up the world's substance—it has actually remained a net food exporter until this year. And third, that due to Asia and Africa, the human population was growing by 90 million or more per year—a claim about 20% higher than the reality well known to UN demographers.
Aspen Roots of Worldwatch
Lester Brown, a U.S. Agriculture Department official in the 1970s (fawning press have falsely called him "an agronomist" when spreading his anti-China slanders), was initially trained at the Aspen Institute, before setting up the Worldwatch Institute in 1974. The Aspen Institute links are critical. Aspen was founded by Robert Maynard Hutchins, the longtime chancellor of the University of Chicago, and the leading American ally of the late Lord Bertrand Russell. Russell, whom Lyndon LaRouche has called "the 20th Century's most evil man," was the international socialist who advocated the elimination of science and the systematic elimination of the darker-skinned races—when he wasn't urging preventive nuclear war against Russia. Aspen is one of the leading Malthusian snake-pits in the world, peddling the idea of "food as a weapon."
Brown is also a longtime Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member; and board member of the top U.S. anti-China think-tank, the Institute for International Economics, founded by Lehman Brothers globalist Peter Peterson and run by C. Fred Bergsten.
By the mid-1990s, Brown was consistently, publicly lying that Chinese food consumption threatened the world's food supplies—as in this 1996 speech reported by Reuters:
"'China is becoming a huge sponge, buying almost everything—cotton, sugar, rice, corn and wheat,' Brown said....
"In 1990, China grew 329 million tons of grain and consumed 335 million tons, with the gap covered by net imports of 6 million tons, Brown said in a report.
"China is expected to add 490 million people to its population between 1990 and 2030, swelling it to 1.6 billion, he wrote. Brown projects that China's grain demand will increase to 479 million tons in 2030."
These were falsehoods, for which the Chinese scientific establishment angrily took Brown on. China continued to be a net exporter of food to the rest of the world until 2007.
The young Brown's infatuation with the ideas of Parson Thomas Malthus, the English anti-population propagandist (1766-1834), on the payroll of the British East India Company, was one of Brown's qualifications for getting funded in 1974 to run the Worldwatch Institute, by the financial backers of the zero-growth, anti-population movement, most notably the Rockefellers.
In the foreword to his 1972 book, Man and His Environment: Food, co-authored with Gail Finsterbusch (New York: Harper and Row), Brown writes: "Thomas Malthus was probably the first to detect worldwide population pressure and to identify world population growth as a problem. When he published his essay on The Principle of Population in 1798, he defined the population problem primarily in terms of food supplies and the threat of famine. For almost 200 years men have perceived the population-food problem in these terms, asking, 'Can we produce enough food to feed anticipated human numbers?'... The relevant question is no longer, 'Can we produce enough food?' but 'What are the environmental consequences of attempting to do so?' "
The idea of "Asian overeating" because, as Chancellor Merkel put it, many people in India now eat two meals a day and China's population drinks milk, is imperial, genocidal lying, and Brown has been its spokeman for 30 years. The British/WTO policy of "feeding markets, not people" and starving agricultural scientific research, has brought on today's famine threat.