Drive the Narcos Out of the Americas!
by Gretchen Small
Jan. 9—As President-elect Barack Obama prepares to assume office, another explosive, cannot-wait crisis has been dropped on his doorstep: an all-out political and military assault, of a particularly satanic character, by London's Dope, Inc., against the United States' southern neighbor and historic friend, Mexico. Should proper coordinated action against Dope, Inc. not be undertaken by both nations, quickly, proud Mexico, with its shared anti-oligarchic republican culture and history with the United States, could be reduced to a no-man's land run by warring narcoterrorist paramilitaries.
Britain's Opium War against the Americas began after the introduction in 1971 of the floating-exchange-rate international monetary system, claiming ever more territory with each takedown of domestic economies and defense capabilities under British free trade. When resisted, it was beaten back locally, as Colombia and Peru, at differing points, attest; but in Mexico, the tipping point came with the implementation of George H.W. Bush's North American Free Trade Accord (NAFTA), as U.S. drug enforcement agents bitterly complained at the time.
Dope, Inc. has now launched its endgame on the U.S.-Mexico border. After a year which saw deaths from drug-related violence more than double, to over 5,700 people, with decapitations a favored method of murder, terror is spreading across Mexico, and into the United States.
Nothing and no one remains untouched in Mexico: Independence Day celebrations in the President's home town are bombed; the leading television station in the northern industrial city of Monterrey is assaulted during a primetime evening news broadcast; the nation's top national security official and a key anti-drug official die in a fiery plane crash no one believes is an accident. Cartel operatives move into town after town already decimated by the collapse of the global economy, threatening local officials and businessmen to "play ball" or be killed.
The news reports coming out of Mexico read like stories plagiarized from articles filed from Colombia in the 1980s and 1990s, except that the level of firepower employed by the cartels in Mexico today is far greater. As a Colombian police general now advising the Mexican government, Luis Enrique Montenegro Rincón, put it in a December interview with Colombia's El País: Whereas Colombia faced assassins on motorcycles in the hellish heyday of kingpin Pablo Escobar, Mexico faces people armed with AK 47s firing from four vehicle conveys.
Meanwhile, the world's leading drug-pusher, Dope, Inc. speculator George Soros, is orchestrating a campaign on both sides of the border, with one grisly message: Submit! Capitulate! Legalize dope! Codify into law that the drug trade is king, and that no one dare touch it, and then, maybe, we'll call off our killers.
The report that the current drug kingpin of the Mexican cartels practices cannibalism, adds to the grotesque picture of a Soros who still savors his adolescent days working for Adolf Eichmann's Nazi regime in Hungary against his fellow Jews, as he bludgeons nations today to bow before the menticide of their peoples.
There Will Be a War on Drugs
Such a man, like the empire he serves, cannot understand that the essential goodness and intelligence of the human being constitutes sufficient power to defeat that bestial empire, for all its rampaging, highly armed cannibals. Endgame, after all, cuts both ways.
There will be a war on drugs, U.S. statesman Lyndon LaRouche stated on Jan. 8, because any society that capitulates to Soros and the British-controlled drug mafia will cease to exist; society and drug-pushers cannot co-exist. Anyone who aspires to be head of state must be opposed to drugs. He or she will have no choice.
Reality, therefore, despite the denial on the part of Baby Boomers insisting on their "right to their weed," dictates that there is going to be a war on drugs. Younger people, looking to the future, will realize that Soros must be defeated, and they will support a fight. We may have to wait a little while, but there will be a real reaction on this, LaRouche forecast.
And while military capabilities will be a component of the war, because the drug-pushers are waging their own war for drugs, the decisive margin for defeating them will come from non-lethal measures, LaRouche emphasized.
Use science, especially space-based scientific capabilities, against the global drug trade, LaRouche said. We have technological superiority, with satellites and other advanced technologies, many of which are "quasi-military."
Shut down the drug-money flows, as an integral part of the reorganization of the world financial system. Use the occasion of the establishment of a global treaty for a credit system, on the U.S. Constitutional model, to audit all financial holdings, to account for their origins, LaRouche demanded. Ask the financiers: "Where did you get the money, buddy?"
Likewise, it is necessary to expose and politically destroy that despicable agent of the cartels, George Soros. Combine these elements, and major capabilities of this enemy will be neutralized. It is to inform this fight, that EIR has prepared the package we present here, outlining the essential tools required to defeat London's war against the Americas.
McCaffrey Sounds the Alarm
The entry of former President Bill Clinton's anti-drug czar, Gen. Barry McCaffrey (ret.), into the fight to save Mexico and the United States, signals that forces within the U.S. institutions are prepared to join the battle, as LaRouche forecast. McCaffrey issued a warning on Dec. 29, that the United States must quickly and fully come to the aid of Mexico, which is now "fighting for survival against narcoterrorism.... Mexico is on the edge of the abyss—it could become a narco-state in the coming decade."
Given its institutional importance, EIR here publishes major excerpts of McCaffrey's Dec. 29 memorandum, prepared for West Point Military Academy, where he is now a professor, with recommendations for the incoming Obama Administration, following McCaffrey's Dec. 5-7 visit to Mexico, where he participated in a meeting of the International Forum of Intelligence and Security Specialists which advises the Mexican government.
The memorandum has either gone largely unnoticed in the U.S. media, or has been so wildly distorted by the Soros drug-legalization crowd as to be unrecognizable. Such was the case with the El Paso Times, which made a lying attempt to portray McCaffrey's memorandum as a variant of the lunatic "prepare to invade Mexico!" scenarios concocted in and around the Bush/Cheney Administration.
McCaffrey repeatedly emphasizes that any successful operation requires absolute respect for Mexico's sovereignty, and demands U.S. action to clean up its side of the border, declaring U.S. inaction up until now, as constituting almost an act of war against a friendly neighbor.
McCaffrey points his finger at the shocking fact that perhaps 90% of the high-powered military weaponry used by the cartels to impose their reign of terror comes from the United States. He charges:
The confiscation rates by Mexican law enforcement of hand grenades, PGSs, and AK-47s are at the level of wartime battlefield seizures. It is hard to understand the seeming indifference and incompetence of U.S. authorities at the state and Federal level to such callous disregard for a national security threat to a neighboring democratic state. We would consider it an act of warfare from a sanctuary state if we were the victim.
U.S. citizens are paying the price for this negligence. The National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC)/U.S. Justice Department issued a report in April 2008, "Cities in Which Drug Trafficking Organizations Operate in the United States," reporting that Mexican cartels operate in at least 195 U.S. cities, and in every state except Montana and Vermont. By the time the National Drug Threat Assessment 2009 report was released in mid-December, that number had risen to 230. Meanwhile, President Bush had been trying to shut down the NDIC since 2005, including in his 2009 budget.
Try Jailing Soros!
Soros's minions were not happy to see McCaffrey enter the fray. As head of President Clinton's Office on National Drug Control Policy, McCaffrey had mobilized the U.S. public and institutions against the threat to the republic represented by the campaign for drug legalization, singling out Soros by name as the key figure leading that assault.
Legalization champion Jorge Castañeda of Mexico took the point for the Soros crowd in attacking McCaffrey's call for U.S.-Mexican cooperation. Castañeda sputtered in the Jan. 7 Reforma daily that McCaffrey was exaggerating (!) the threat and probably had "other motives," hinting at U.S. military action against Mexicans. Castañeda, certainly, cannot claim defense of Mexico's sovereignty as one of his motives. As foreign minister under fellow legalization supporter President Vicente Fox (2000-06), Castañeda invited Soros's top drug strategist, Drug Policy Alliance chief Ethan Nadelmann, to lead a two-day, closed-door strategy session on legalization at the Foreign Ministry itself. (Castañeda was later named to the executive board of the Soros-financed Human Rights Watch, specifically to honor his role in moving Mexico away from its "mistaken concept of sovereignty.")
The point has been reached, where Soros and the legalization drive must be ruthlessly rooted out, if civilization is to survive. The campaign to make it socially and politically acceptable to "debate" whether governments have the right to defend the minds of their nation's people, has become a weapon in the arsenal of the cartel enemy, as important as the crates of sophisticated battlefield weapons being smuggled across the border, precisely as LaRouche warned in his 1985 proposed 15-Point War Plan against drugs (see p. 21).
The depth of corruption on both sides of the border on this issue has reached crisis proportions. Soros, the number one financier of legalization globally (see p. 24), is received with respect in the U.S. Congress. Wall Street's demand that the Americas adopt legalization is now the fashion, as virtually every U.S. policy-making institution for the Americas puts out studies demanding it be taken up (e.g.., the Brookings Institution, the Americas Society, the Inter-American Dialogue). So many drug promotionals have poured out of Harvard University, that a study is in order to determine if there is any professor left there who's not on Soros's cartel payroll!
Inside Mexico, leading figures of every party have come out for legalization, including the ruling PAN party. There is a ferocious battle in the Calderón government itself over legalization, with the government submitting a bill to Congress last Fall which included legalization of "personal" consumption, which the government attempts to sell as merely "decriminalization."
Reflecting the British Empire's decision to go for endgame, the Soros forces are now openly promoting not "mere" decriminalization of personal consumption, but legalization of the dope trade and cartels as a whole.
Inside the United States, the watchword has become that President Obama must regulate and tax drugs, and thus create a "billion-dollar industry."
The Mexican side of this argument was offered on Dec. 18, when Rubén Aguilar, the former press spokesman for President Calderón's predecessor, Vicente Fox, told the Frontera de Tijuana daily, that Calderón must make unofficial deals with the drug lords to attain a "peace," based on respecting their routes, markets, the areas through which trafficking occurs, and their zones of influence, including border crossings into the United States.
Calderón responded sharply and immediately that "my government doesn't negotiate, nor will it ever negotiate, with criminal organizations." Adding that he will deploy the full force of the State against "the enemies of Mexico," Calderón made a thinly disguised reference to the Soros-penetrated Fox government, that Mexico is paying the price for the inaction of previous governments, whose policy was to "manage" the drug problem, rather than fight it.
Then, the Social Democratic Party (PSD) stepped forward as the vehicle to make legalization of the cartels the issue in the July 9 midterm elections. PSD president Jorge Carlos Díaz Cuervo was asked on Jan. 5, if the party were proposing to negotiate with the cartels. His answer was yes.
We are opting for an alternative, intermediate position, which is that we regulate the market.... Establish clear rules for who produces, where they produce, what they produce; who transports it and how they transport it; who sells it and to whom they can sell, and how they can sell that drug; and who can consume it and where they can consume.
The PSD is a minuscule party on Mexico's political scene, but its proposal has already been endorsed by another minor Soros lackey, Harvard's Jason Lakin, who wrote that the PSD dope plan was the "glimmer of hope" for resolving Mexico's economic crisis. Lakin's gibberish was then played up by the Rockefeller family's Council of the Americas—a typical case of how Soros's propaganda machine works.
Jail Soros for his crimes against humanity, and the political will to crush the drug trade would appear as if from nowhere.