Why Drug-Pusher Soros Wants
To Stop Holder's Confirmation
by Michele Steinberg, Anton Chaitkin, and Nancy Spannaus
Jan. 23—George Soros's dope pushers in NORML (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) and the Drug Policy Alliance Network are furious about Attorney General-designate Eric Holder's policy as U.S. Attorney in Washington, D.C., where he was the first black American to hold that post; and as Deputy Attorney General under President Bill Clinton. Holder's policy was "zero tolerance," for drugs—the policy most hated by the dope lobby. Thus, if you want to understand why Holder, who has been endorsed by leading law enforcement figures from both political parties, still has been not been confirmed, look to the activities of billionaire Soros.
Soros's front groups have spent many years trying to replace the anti-legalization policy with "harm reduction." But, according to NORML's "Daily Audio Stash" from mid-December, the dope lobby intends to rely on Barack Obama's statements during his Presidential campaign—that he would not have the Justice Department prosecute users of medical marijuana—against Holder. In addition, the Soros dopers—who could not stop Holder on their own—have joined with the Rupert Murdoch forces, and the neocon/libertarian wing of the GOP against Holder.
Not only did Holder reject marijuana decriminalization in the District of Columbia, but he worked for—and achieved—a new law passed by the D.C. City Council that reversed the "de facto" legalization of marijuana in the District, that had come to pass.
During Holder's tenure as U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, the city was plagued with a crack cocaine epidemic, that led to years of gang violence, and turned the nation's capital into the U.S. crime capital. Holder's efforts at that time led to a successful crackdown on the dope/violence cycle, and, by his own accounts, shaped his views as a staunch opponent of any form of drug decriminalization or legalization.
Bush's DoJ Funded Soros!
While Soros was virtually "public enemy number one" of President Clinton's "Drug Czar," Gen. Barry McCaffrey, in stark contrast, the dope billionaire had a pretty good deal under the George W. Bush Administration. While his networks targetted the Southwest United States, especially the border region with Mexico, for legalization of drugs, the Bush Administration permitted tons of weapons to be shipped to drug gangs across the border. The result has been an explosion of drug use and violence, which is leading just where British agent Soros would like it to lead—toward general acceptance of mind-destroying drugs, and the destruction of two nation-states, Mexico and the U.S.A.
On top of that, EIR has discovered that the Bush Justice Department has actually funded Soros's pro-drug activities, to the tune of $500,000!
The DoJ grant, announced in January 2007, was awarded to the New Mexico office of the Drug Policy Alliance (NMDPA), the private entity which is one of Soros's leading vehicles for promoting drug legalization, nationally and internationally. The grant was made, allegedly, to pay the Alliance to conduct a campaign against methamphetamine use among high school children.
But a spokesman for the NMDPA told a caller Jan. 15, that the group is using the money, not for a specific campaign against methamphetamines, but for a general outreach to youth and parents, on the subject of the use of "dangerous substances," including "sugar, caffeine, and alcohol ... and, yes, methamphetamines, but that's not so important by itself."
This is precisely the type of problem that the Justice Department under President Obama is going to have to clean up fast. The DoJ has warned that Mexico's drug cartels constitute a national security threat to the United States. It can't then tolerate, much less fund, dope-pusher Soros's operations to legalize drugs in a crucial border state such as New Mexico!
New Mexico's Democratic Sen. Jeff Bingaman, who has just reintroduced legislation to halt the flow of contraband weapons to Mexico, nonetheless signed off on the Justice Department grant, after the Drug Policy Alliance had set up an office in Santa Fe. The DPA had been working directly with the state government for some time. Republican Gary Johnson, New Mexico governor from 1995 to 2003, established the working relationship with NMDPA. Well-known pothead Johnson has been a national leader in the Soros-led campaign for the decriminalization of narcotics. Now out of office, Johnson is board chairman of Students for a Sensible Drug Policy, coordinating that campus group with its board member Ethan Nadelmann, national executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance.
Holder's Record on Drugs
An associate of Holder's, who works with African American youth through the organization Concerned Black Men, reports that Holder has expressed his passionate opposition to drugs, and his belief that the high number of homicides in D.C. during the 1990s was directly related to dope—not just crack cocaine which was rampant at that time, but also marijuana, which was equally part of the criminal scene.
In a Dec. 5, 1996 article in the Washington Times, Holder said he would "seek to make marijuana distribution in the District a felony and reinstate mandatory-minimum sentences for convicted drug dealers." He also said that "the D.C. Council's vote a year ago to repeal mandatory minimums was 'misguided,' " and that "the city is on the verge of an explosion in violence associated with the sale and use of marijuana." He also said in another interview, published in the Washington Times, that "marijuana is a significant problem for the city.... Crack cocaine still drives most of the violence in this city, but marijuana violence is increasing. We need to nip it in the bud."
Holder wanted to make the penalty for distribution and possession with intent to distribute marijuana a felony, punishable with up to a five-year sentence, and the D.C. City Council did pass that change in the District law in July 2000.
As Deputy Attorney General, he said, in March 2000:
"...[T]he violence that we saw in the early '90s, the late '80s, was fueled by the rise in sale of crack cocaine and the violence that was connected to it.
"In Washington, D.C., where I was the U.S. Attorney, we attributed about one-half of all the homicides to the drug trade, and I don't think that's atypical. I think that's probably a pretty consistent figure that you'd see around the country. So if we deal effectively with the drug problem and the sale of drugs, the use of drugs, we'll also have a positive impact on the violence problem."
In a Sept. 9, 1996 article in the Washington Post, titled, "Marijuana's Violent Side," about the killing of a 25-year-old D.C. black man, Eric Dean, related to marijuana selling, Holder said, "We have too long taken the view that what we would term to be minor crimes are not important.... If you take these so-called minor crimes seriously and treat them fully, it has a ripple effect." The Post wrote, "Holder said he hopes to discourage [violence] by being tougher on marijuana crimes ... noting that the District could learn from New York's 'zero tolerance' policy." In the 1990s, in New York City, police enforcement of laws against "minor" crimes allowed officers to check for drugs, guns, and outstanding warrants, resulting in a dramatic decline in street crime.