Rebuild the World Economy
After the Systemic Crisis
by Our Wiesbaden Bureau
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Rüsselsheim Resolution
The Schiller Institute, founded by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, held an international conference in Rüsselsheim, Germany, Feb. 21-22, with the title, "Rebuilding the World Economy after the Systemic Crisis." Keynoted by Lyndon LaRouche and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the conference was attended by about 350 people from 25 nations.
After the LaRouche Youth Movement (LYM) Chorus set the tone with a performance of J.S. Bach's motet "Jesu, meine Freude," Lyndon LaRouche gave his opening speech, "The Next Steps," which is published in full below. He asserted that we are in a crisis such as the world has not seen since the 14th-Century New Dark Age, a crisis that threatens to destroy all civilizations and cultures, and a large proportion of the world population.
To overcome this crisis, he said, two seemingly contradictory things are needed: First, especially in Europe, a reassertion of national sovereignty. But, at the same time, a community of sovereign nations must join together in a global effort to deal with the collapse. The role of the United States will be crucial to create a new financial system—a credit system, not a monetary system—in conjunction with Russia, China, and India.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche's keynote, also published in this Feature, was on "Europe's Role in the Coming Renaissance." One must be a true optimist, she said, to choose such a title for a speech, at a time like this! But since there is no alternative to such a renaisssance, the point is to make it happen.
Other presentations will appear in forthcoming issues of EIR. The speakers were, in the order in which they spoke:
Prof. Hans Köchler, Austria, president of the International Progress Organization, "Return to a New World Economic Order: Philosophical Considerations on the Collapse of Globalization."
Prof. Wilhelm Hankel, Germany, former chief economist of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW, Reconstruction Finance Agency), a collaborator of the late economist and German government minister Karl Schiller, spoke on "The Future of the Euro."
Gen. Eric de la Maisonneuve (ret.), France, president of the Society for Strategy, "Change of an Epoch: The Need for a New Policy."
Prof. Devendra Kaushik, India, former chairman of the Center for Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, and chairman of Maulana Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata, examined the strategic relations among the United States, Russia, China, and India.
Jacques Cheminade, France, chairman of the political party Solidarity and Progress (Solidarité et Progrès), "Why a New 'Pecora Commission' Is Urgently Necessary."
Father Bonifacio Honings, Italy, professor of moral theology at the Gregoriana University and former dean of the Lateran University in Rome, "The Social Teaching of the Church as the Ethical Foundation for LaRouche's Plan A and B."
Prof. Norton Mezvinsky, U.S.A., Connectituct State University, "The Perspective of the Obama Administration for Peace in Southwest Asia."
Prof. Giancarlo Pallavicini, Italy, economist and member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, "An Overview of Current Economic and Financial Doctrine and Practice."
Portia Tarumbwa-Strid, Zimbabwe, LYM, "How the Earth Has To Look in 50 Years."
Julien Lemaître, France, LYM, used the case of Johannes Kepler to discuss the changes in thinking that are required to achieve effective political change.
Kasia Kruczkowski and Petra Carlsson, Germany, LYM, "The Role of Youth in the Coming Renaissance."
Elodie Viennot, France, LYM, addressed the principle of Classical composition, as shown in Bach's "Jesu, meine Freude." The LYM chorus, under the baton of Stefan Tolksdorf, sang excerpts to illustrate her points, and then sang the entire motet again.
To conclude the conference, LaRouche re-emphasized the special role of the United States in dealing with the crisis today. Americans are optimistic, because of their history, he said, while Europeans tend toward pessimism. Therefore, the initiative to overcome the crisis must come from the United States. He vowed to do everything in his power to move the new U.S. administration in this direction.