British Imperialists Launch War
On Sudan's Sovereignty
by Lawrence K. Freeman[PDF version of this article includes graphics]
For the sake of the survival of the American Republic, and all nations in the world, we must speak out now against the fraudulent arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) on March 4. In defiance of manipulated public opinion, and just plain stupidity, it must be made known to all, that the motivation of the perpetrators of the warrant against Sudanese President Gen. Omar al-Bashir has absolutely nothing to do with the allegations of genocide in Darfur. It has everything to do with fomenting new outbreaks of war in Sudan and throughout the Horn of Africa, but most especially, establishing a precedent for the violation of national sovereignty.
International Criminal Court Is Unlawful
In truth, a private international court like the ICC, which is not a UN body, and of which the United States is not even a member, was created and funded by British operative George Soros, a drug pusher and former Nazi collaborator, and Lord Malloch-Brown of the British Foreign Office. It has no standing in law to intervene against the sovereignty of Sudan. (See accompanying article on the history of the ICC.) If this unprecedented act against an elected President of an African nation were not to be overturned by a mobilization of the majority of nations in the world, than this planet would have little hope of survival at this moment, when every nation is suffering from a crushing, all-encompassing physical breakdown of the global economy. Unless emergency measures are taken by sovereign nations against those financial interests responsible for the present destructive and failed policies of globalization, there is no remedy that would prevent the planet from sliding further into a New Dark Age.
Lyndon LaRouche, in a memorandum on July 9, 2002, already objected to the creation of the ICC, pointing to the underlying danger: "The thing to be feared more than either war or crimes against humanity, is the establishment of an imperial form of world rule of law, a form of law which, in practice, would condemn all mankind to the kind of horrors suffered under the Roman Empire, and the ensuing Dark Age which that Empire brought down upon Europe and neighboring regions. The creation of such an international court returns civilization to the ancient and feudal state of affairs, in which a head of a participating nation, or several such nations, is subject to the over reaching control of an ultramontane, hence imperial authority" (emphasis added). As LaRouche forewarned, the ICC has become the perfect instrument for the monetarist-financier faction based in the City of London to destroy the sovereignty of nations. Of course, the British oligarchy, unable to control their racist proclivities and mindful of the continent's vast wealth of mineral resources, has targeted Africa first.
No Regard for Human Life
It is vitally important that the U.S. Administration not allow itself to be dragged into this British-orchestrated adventure. We must refuse to endorse in any way, for any reason, actions aimed at the break-up of Sudan, which would have unimaginable strategic consequences harmful to the United States. Unfortunately, there are nasty ideologues in and around the Obama Administration, who have for decades advocated the overthrow of President Bashir, in an effort to dismember Sudan by re-igniting the civil war, and to spread more conflicts using multiple, ethnic, tribal, and religious fault-lines. Contrary to endless media propaganda, the ICC warrant is not intended to help the people of Darfur, but is a cynical ploy, whose real purpose is to remove of Bashir from the Presidency, thus to weaken the national government. Already the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), the Muslim Brotherhood-connected rebel group that attacked a government installation in February 2003, sparking the Darfur conflict, has boasted that it will enforce the ICC arrest warrant, and apprehend Bashir itself.
At a Washington, D.C. press conference the day following the issuance of the arrest warrant, Sudanese Ambassador Dr. Akec Khoc, a member of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement, from the South, explained how the ICC's ruling would be used to expand the war in Darfur. He said violence would escalate there because 1) the various rebel groups would decline to work for a peace agreement, believing that Bashir would have a limited time left in office; and 2) the rebels, believing that the government would be weakened by the ICC decision, would militarily attack Khartoum, as they did last year. Ambassador Khoc made clear that the government would not sit on its hands, but would deploy militarily to defend the nation.
Even more lethal than the Darfur conflict would be the collapse of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), signed in January 2005, which ended the four-decade war between North and South, a war which killed millions of Sudanese. Bashir put his own political neck on the line to bring the CPA into existence, putting a stop to what appeared to be an endless civil war. If not for the "regime change" madness that infected Washington, rational U.S. policy would have "rewarded" Bashir by normalizing U.S. relations with Sudan, as was promised to the Khartoum government during the time of the CPA negotiation process. To the detriment of the United States, a coalition of Bush League fundamentalists and anti-Khartoum fanatics joined in a "jihad" against the Islamic leadership of Sudan, ensuring the eruption of conflict that continues today.
Ironically, on the eve of the ICC's issuance of its arrest warrant, Bashir inaugurated the opening of the Merowe Dam, which will eventually bring 1,250 megawatts of electrical power to Sudan. This and other planned great infrastructure projects will help make Sudan the breadbasket of Africa, rather than the killing field hoped for by the supporters of the ICC (see article in this section). It is the lack of such infrastructure projects in Sudan and sub-Saharan Africa that creates the conditions for warfare of African against African. In Darfur, it was precisely the failure to "create water" for the both herdsman and farmers that provided fertile ground for the current conflict. Why has nothing been said about the failure of the West, for the last quarter of a century, to bring a single drop of water to the Darfur region? Where are the protests against this "crime against humanity"?
Some speculate that the Soros, Malloch-Brown, and the ICC have so exposed their contempt for the sovereignty of African nations, that the power of the ICC will be diminished. If there is any justice, and morality left in the world, the ICC will cease to function as an effective tool of British imperialism.
Strong Reaction Against ICC
There has already been a groundswell of opposition to the illegal activity by the ICC, from countries that represent a majority of nations, and a majority of the world's population. Protests have been registered from the African Union, representing 54 nations; the Arab League (22 nations); the Organization of Islamic Conference (57 nations); and G-77 (130 developing nations).
The most significant expression of outrage so far is from Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, president of the UN General Assembly, who identified the political nature of the charges by the ICC against Sudan. He said: "I am sorry about the decision of the ICC. It is more a decision motivated by political considerations than really for the sake of advancing the causes of justice in the world." He charged that there were "a few people with a very dubious past" who "put themselves on a pedestal of purity and immaculate behavior" with respect to the situation in Sudan.
The African Union, statement on March 6: The AU "reaffirms [its] conviction that the process initiated by the ICC and the decision of the Pre-Trial Chamber have the potential to seriously undermine the ongoing efforts to address the many pressing peace and security challenges facing the Sudan and may lead to further suffering for the people of the Sudan and greater destabilization of the country and the region.
"The AU deeply regrets that, despite the risks posed by the ongoing ICC process ... the United Nations Security Council has failed to consider with the required attention the request made by the AU to implement the provisions of article 16 of the ICC Statute. (Article 16 states that the UNSC may request repeated 12-month delays in prosecutions.)
"The AU appeals once again to the UNSC to assume its responsibilities by deferring the process initiated by the ICC, and reiterates the AU's determination to continue to do whatever is in its power to mobilize the necessary support."
Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa, at a press conference after the emergency meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo, March 4: The Arab League is "greatly disturbed" and supports the sovereignty of Sudan. The ICC decision is a "grave development" and the League will support the immunity of heads of state. The Arab League and the African Union will "send a high-ranking joint Arab and African delegation to the UN Security Council to delay the proceedings of the International Criminal Court." The League "stressed its solidarity with Sudan in confronting any plans targeting its sovereignty, stability, and unity."
South African Foreign Minister Nkosazana-Dlamini Zuma, March 5: "South Africa concurs with the African Union's initial response that the ICC's decision is regrettable as it will impact negatively on the current peace processes in the Sudan.... South Africa has never countenanced any acts of impunity. However, South Africa supported the decision of the African Union to defer the issuing of the warrant of arrest against President al-Bashir by a year to give the peace processes in the Sudan a chance." She said that the AU had appointed former President Thabo Mbeki to "intercede between the ICC and the Sudan."
Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin, March 5: "It is to be recalled that the indictment issued by the ICC prosecutor against the President of Sudan was viewed with a great deal of concern and anger by Africa and by the countries of our sub-region. No one in Africa saw the ICC initiative as balanced, even-handed, and fair.... The Government of Ethiopia has been saddened by this latest development and requests the Security Council to respond favorably to the request already made by the AU, a request which reflects the sentiments of Africa as a whole, and, no doubt, the sentiments of all those who care for the peace, security, and stability of Sudan and the sub-Saharan region and Africa as a whole...."
Algerian Foreign Ministry, March 5: "Algeria received the ICC decision with 'profound regret.' This decision constitutes a grave precedent that entails serious threats to the peace, security, and stability of Sudan and of the region...."