British Imperial Assets
Move To Explode Eurasia
by Nancy Spannaus
July 10—Every aspect of the global strategic situation underscores the reality that Lyndon LaRouche laid out July 4: We are in the end-game for civilization. One of the most prominent markers, is that the British-Saudi drug-terror networks are on a full-scale offensive to destroy all vestiges of nation-states, in a rush to ensure that there is no effective resistance to their new global feudalism, as the financial breakdown crisis enters a new, more devastating phase.
Most stunning is the explosion in what used to be called British agent Bernard Lewis's "Arc of Crisis," which LaRouche exposed in his prescient 1999 video, Storm Over Asia. The British Empire has activated its drug-fed terrorist networks, from Chechnya and the Caucasus in the West, to Xinjiang and Tajikistan in the East, and they are causing mayhem. China, Russia, and India are all targets of these attacks, which can be considered merely the prelude to even more devastating assaults, potentially including an Israeli nuclear attack on Iran.
It is also within this context, that the outbreak of the Honduras crisis, provoked by British-Soros networks, should be understood. (See following article.)
Hot Warfare
Getting the most international attention in the British-sponsored terror upsurge, is the situation in China. The latest outbreak, with riots that have killed at least 156 people and wounded over 1,000, was in Urumqi, capital of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, in far western China.
Thousands of hard-core militants who were operating in Pakistan's border regions, have been forced out of their bases by the Pakistani Army, and have moved back into Central Asia. There are some 10,000 of these militants; and the various groups, supported by Saudi funds and recruitment operations, are expanding, according to regional intelligence sources. Few governments have any capability of dealing with these militants, who are supported by the opium-trafficking operations that run through the Fergana Valley, and other routes, and by Saudi money. Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, in particular, are extremely poor; and borders are almost impossible to control in this vast, mountainous region.
About 1,000 of the militants ousted from Pakistan are ethnic Uighurs, who are fighting against the Chinese government to establish an independent East Turkestan. The Chinese authorities are holding the exiled separatist World Uighur Congress responsible for inciting the riots, and for attempts to spread violence to Kashgar and other cities, but these are under tight control at this time. Chinese authorities also recently warned about the unprecedented increase in opium trafficking from Afghanistan.
Among the nations also affected by the Afghan drug nest is Kyrgyzstan. On June 8, President Kurmanbek Bakiev warned of the effects of the conflict in Afghanistan and Pakistan on the region as a whole: "If the conflict against the Taliban further deepens in Afghanistan, then where will they escape? God save us, but they could move towards Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan," he stated, the Asia Times reported.
Kyrgyzstan has been attempting to increase security on its borders, and reported a battle with Taliban fighters on June 23. Uzbekistan, which has been warning about increased attacks from the banned Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, is now digging trenches on its border with Kyrgyzstan. NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer said on June 25, in an interview from the NATO security conference in Astana, Kazakstan, "If extremists want to cross borders into Central Asia to continue their horrific work there, NATO cannot possibly stop that."
Surrounding Russia
Fighting is also increasing in Russia's North Caucasus, as if in a replay of the British strategy of encircling, and carving up, Russia, zealously promoted by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1979. On July 4, in Ingushetia, militants ambushed and killed nine Chechen policemen who were assisting the Ingush police force. On June 22, a suicide bomber had badly wounded President Yunus-Bek Yevkurov and killed several others.
Earlier in June, a Supreme Court judge and a former Deputy Prime Minister of Ingushetia, and the Interior Minister of Dagestan, Adilgirei Magomedtagirov, were all assassinated. Russian President Dmitri Medvedev said that Moscow's response to the attacks will be "direct and brutal," and called on Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov to lead the fight against the insurgency in the region, which has taken the lives of a number of Russian soldiers and others recently.
The Caucasus as a whole remains volatile, as Russia is carrying out military maneuvers in the area, and the Georgian government continues to press its anti-Russian campaign, including for membership into NATO.
Southwest Asia
Meanwhile, all the lies about "victory" in Iraq are being exposed by the ever-mounting death toll there, as U.S. forces pulled out of urban areas in late June. Some 447 people were killed in bombings in Iraq last month, after 63 were killed in May, and 216 in April, with many scores more wounded every month.
At the same time, the insane decision by President Obama to deploy a "surge" into Afghanistan is causing a dramatic increase in the attacks on American troops. On one day, July 6, seven American soldiers were killed, four of them in a roadside bombing in the allegedly less violent northern region.
And what about Iran? There is every indication that the "trump card" the British wish to play, in order to blow up the planet, is around the Iran issue.
A senior U.S. intelligence source has confirmed news reports that Israel and Saudi Arabia are secretly negotiating over air routes for an Israeli Defense Forces attack on Iran's purported nuclear weapons sites. The source reported that Israeli officials are in talks with representatives of many of the Gulf Cooperation Council states, and that at least three possible bombing routes are being negotiated. Saudi-Israeli talks, crucial to any such Israeli attack, are being mediated through Egyptian and Jordanian intelligence channels, according to the source.
The source emphasized that Saudi Arabia and Israel, today, are the two "anchors" of the Sykes-Picot British controls over the politics of the extended Persian Gulf/Eastern Mediterranean region. Under no circumstances, the source emphasized, do the British wish to see Iran and the United States enter into a diplomatic normalization—especially a process that resolves the dispute over Iran's nuclear energy program. Exploiting Obama's well-known and well-profiled Nero complex, the British have seized the initiative on the Iran crisis, and have pushed a hard line against Tehran, intended to bolster the internal position of Supreme Leader Khamenei and President Ahmadinejad, and make U.S.-Iranian diplomatic talks far more difficult.
"If the United States and Iran were to normalize diplomatic relations and solve the impasse over Iran's nuclear program," the source emphasized, "the entire British game would be up. So London is doing everything it can to heighten the tensions, weaken the Iranian opposition, and maintain its 'managed chaos' program for the region. A Saudi-Israeli agreement, based on the idea of a confrontation with Iran, is at the heart of the Sykes-Picot scheming today."
Mary Burdman and Jeffrey Steinberg contributed to this article.