British Oligarchy Targets
The Four Powers
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Nov. 30—The City of London-centered financial oligarchy has responded in fury at the recent breakthrough developments in what Lyndon LaRouche has called the Four Powers—the potential alliance of the United States, Russia, China and India, to replace the present, hopelessly bankrupt system of monetarist globalization under private central bank dictatorship, with a credit system. Such a new system, based on the revival of sovereign nation-states, would be guided by the Hamiltonian economics of the American System of political economy, not British free trade and globalization.
The most telling evidence of the London freakout was the bombing, on the night of Nov. 27, of the luxury Nevsky Express train, traveling between Moscow and St. Petersburg, which killed at least 30 people, and injured at least 100 others. Both Russian Railways president Vladimir Yakunin, and the head of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), Alexander Bortnikov, confirmed on Nov. 28, that the train derailment was caused by a bomb.
The targeting was precise. The current Moscow-St. Petersburg express trains are scheduled to be replaced on Dec. 18 by Russia's first high-speed train, which will use the Sapsan, designed by Russian and German engineers at Siemens. Yakunin discussed the technology with visiting U.S. Transport Secretary Ray LaHood in Moscow Nov. 20.
The Nevsky train bombing not only killed several prominent Russian government officials, including the head of the national highway corporation, but a second bomb, which failed to fully detonate, was activated on Nov. 28, as rescuers, including prominent Russian security and rail officials, were on the scene, supervising the rescue effort and the criminal investigation. Among those on the scene was Russian Railway chief Yakunin, one of the inner circle of Kremlin policymakers, who, along with President Dmitri Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, have engineered a dramatic shift in Russian policy.
The shift, away from raw materials export, in favor of a new emphasis on scientific and technological innovation and large-scale infrastructure projects, was at the center of recent Russia-China agreements, to launch a vast program of development of the Russian Far East, an area rich in raw material reserves, but requiring massive high-tech capital investment. This long-term commitment of Russia and China to work together, to develop this Northeast Asia region—consolidated in Putin and Yakunin's mid-October Beijing visit—is exactly what London is desperate to sabotage, by whatever means are required.
Behind the Nevsky Train Bombing
Lyndon LaRouche immediately sized up the Moscow-to-St. Petersburg train attack as a London-directed strategic move against the Russia-China core of his own Four Powers strategy. At this moment of total disintegration of the present world monetary and financial system, it is only such a Four Powers concert that can defeat the London-centered financier oligarchy and avert an otherwise certain plunge into a global Dark Age, in which 80% of the world's population could be wiped out.
LaRouche was not the only voice pointing to a larger geopolitical motive for the attack on the Nevsky Express. The day after the bombing, Alexander Nagorny, deputy editor of the popular newspaper Zavtra, told Russia Today that the terrorists were not Muslim extremists, but other forces hostile to the government of Prime Minister Putin as a whole.
Nagorny said that if the terrorists had been jihadists, "then the Muslim extremists would declare it in some way, in some letter or some statement, because they are interested in creating some kind of national tension between Muslim and non-Muslim parts of the Russian population. That is why I think there are different forces, but the forces which are interested in destabilizing the political situation in Russia, and first and foremost in ousting Prime Minister Putin and the so-called siloviki from the political paradigm of present Russia." (Siloviki is a slang term for members of Russia's defense, security, and law enforcement agencies.)
On Oct. 21, Zavtra had prominently published Nagorny's interview with Lyndon LaRouche, conducted during the World Economic Forum—Dialogue of Civilizations, at Rhodes, Greece, which LaRouche had addressed.
Since the policy shift in Russia, demonstrated by the China agreements, President Medvedev has repeatedly emphasized the importance of development of transport infrastructure to rebuild the Russian economy. He did so most recently at a State Council Presidium meeting on transport held in the Ulyanovsk Region Nov. 24, where he inaugurated an important new bridge over the Volga River, together with the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev. This bridge is a key link in the transport corridor connecting European Russia with the Urals, Siberia, and the Russian Far East. At the meeting, Yakunin announced that Russian Railways will issue 40 billion roubles ($1.39 billion) of state-backed infrastructure bonds in the coming year.
Investing in the transport sector, Medvedev told the meeting, is one of the most effective remedies for the crisis, and this is borne out by other countries' experience in various situations, including economic depression periods—an obvious reference to the late American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Russia must, Medvedev said, establish research and education centers for innovative transport development at the leading universities and scientific research institutes.
'The Economist' Speaks
As if to fully corroborate the accusations of LaRouche and leading Russian analysts, The Economist, the voice of the City of London's financier oligarchy, published an attack on President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin, just hours before the train bombing. Under the cynical headline, "Dmitry Medvedev's building project," The Economist expressed quiet hysteria at the prospect that Russia's dramatic policy change could catalyse a power bloc to defeat London's drive for a new dark age.
" 'Stability' was once the buzzword in Russia; now it is 'modernization.' In reality," The Economist raged, "there is little of either. Russia's future is less predictable and modernisation more elusive than either was a decade ago. Yet the shift in language creates expectations of change. And in recent months, President Dmitry Medvedev has been talking and writing of little else.... His diagnosis is relentless: a primitive, commodity-based economy that cannot create prosperity; the lack of reforms; and all-pervasive corruption. And his vision of the future is charged with excitement: a Russia bursting with nanotechnology and nuclear-powered spaceships. Yet ultimately his recipe for change is implausible.... Indeed, there is perceived to be a growing gap between Mr Medvedev's words and reality."
Ultimately, The Economist charged that Medvedev's greatest crime is his partnership with Putin, whom London despises for his efforts to restore Russia's position as a world power. They also note, with alarm, the growing prospects of U.S.-Russia collaboration.
As LaRouche notes, in a signed editorial in this issue of EIR, the train bombings coincide with a virtual declaration of war by the British oligarchy against the United States. None other than Queen Elizabeth II, herself, used the occasion of the 60th anniversary meeting of the Commonwealth Heads of State, in Trinidad and Tobago Nov. 27-29, to declare that it was time for Britain, in the name of the Commonwealth, to reclaim global power.
With this arrogant, berserker policy coming out of London, it will take LaRouche's Four Powers alliance to put the Queen and her minions in their proper place—somewhere inside the London Zoo.