Shut Down `Londonistan's'
Terrorist Operations Now!
by Michele Steinberg
Jan. 8—The Christmas Day terrorist incident, involving the botched attack by Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on a Northwest Airlines flight to Detroit, shows once again, that Britain must be named as a terrorist-supporting state, and its terrorist operations shut down. Until that happens, every U.S. intelligence or "counterterrorism" strategy will be a failure. The best starting point for success is to view the Abdulmutallab incident as the latest addition to the memorandum and dossier, "Put Britain on the List of States Sponsoring Terrorism," prepared by EIR's editors in 2000, and delivered to then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
But instead of doing that, President Barack Obama is planning an escalation of military operations in Southwest Asia—this time, targeting Yemen—while leaving the London operations absolutely untouched.
Even worse, Obama's botched security directives occurred at the same time that a high-ranking Yemeni official, Deputy Prime Minister for Defense and Security, Rashad al-Alimi, was outlining the most extensive description of a London-made terrorist ever provided in "real time," at a news conference in Sana'a, the capital of Yemen.
In response to the Yemeni minister's charges, Lyndon LaRouche said, Jan. 7, "in effect, the President has lied about the Detroit incident."
Indeed, completely ignoring the compelling statements by al-Alimi, the Obama Administration staged a dog-and-pony-show to promise that it will henceforth never fail to "connect the dots." Obama ignored the charges about London, despite the unprecedentedly wide coverage they received throughout the day, on Jan. 7, just prior to his late afternoon news conference. Al-Alimi's charge that the bomber had "joined al-Qaeda in London," were covered in the London Guardian, the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, London's Financial Times, Daily Mirror, and Daily Sun, the Yemeni Marab news agency, and many others.
A 'Telegraphed Signal'
Already, on Jan. 6, in a memorandum issued as a guidance for investigation into the Christmas Day incident, LaRouche had written: "The January 6 Daily Telegraph features a message, "Pressure on Barack Obama to reveal what Britain said about the Detroit Bomber," which exposes the naked truth about the way in which the new 'nude' scanning program was set into motion.
The 'Londonistan terrorist agent,' Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, was most probably not intended to blow up the plan in flight, but was, almost certainly, a terrorist propaganda stunt staged by British agencies with complicity of security run through channels operating within the Amsterdam airport from which Abdulmutallab had taken flight....
The point emphasized by the Telegraph journalists, is that the Obama administration possessed evidence, passed from British intelligence services, that the Detroit incident was a set-up suspected of including a fraudulent intention by relevant officials linked to the Obama White House ... had the so-called 'Detroit bomber' actually been intending to blow up the plane, he had his opportunity while the plane was pressurized ... all the way across the Atlantic....
LaRouche emphasized:
Abdulmutallab had British terrorist credentials all over him, credentials which, according to the Telegraph account, had been made available to the White House from British sources.
The White House hysterically denied, on Jan. 6, that it had received any warning information from London.
What Obama Won't Talk About
Speaking at a news conference in Sana'a on Jan. 7, Deputy Prime Minister al-Alimi gave a detailed report on how Abdulmutallab became a terrorist, saying point blank, that he had "joined al-Qaeda in London."
"This Nigerian guy came to Yemen in 2004 and 2005 to study Arabic and lived one year in Yemen," al-Alimi said, reported CNN. "From 2004 to 2005, he didn't have any kind of links to extremism and radicals. From 2005 on, [when he studied mechanical engineering at the University College in London for three years] he was absorbed by extremists in Britain. Yemen was not informed by the U.S. or British authorities that there were concerns about him."
According to the Yemeni press agency, Marab, al-Alimi said that Yemeni security authorities had been following the suspect in the period he was studying in Yemen [2004-05], and, at that time, he was not harboring extremist views. But, in the period following that, while he was in Britain, his outlook changed dramatically.
Al-Alimi said that the British authorities had observed these psychological changes in Abdulmutallab, and they refused to give him a visa to re-enter the country in 2008. But, at the same time, neither the British nor the U.S. provided any cautionary information about his radicalization to Yemen.
When Abdulmutallab returned to Yemen in 2009, he met with the al-Qaeda-connected religious ideologue al-Awlaki, who was targetted, but not killed in the December 2008 air attack by the Yemeni army, al-Alimi disclosed. Al-Awlaki was the extremist religious figure with whom Fort Hood shooter, Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan was in touch.
Divisions in Britain
While some British circles are loudly protesting the charge that Abdulmutallab "joined al-Qaeda in London," other Britons have spoken out against London's harboring of terrorists.
One of the strongest complaints against the British government policy of protecting terrorists appeared in the Sun on Jan. 7:
The claim that the wealthy banker's son was first recruited here by Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network, lends further weight to the UK's unenvied reputation as a hotbed of Islamic terrorism.
Our capital is now known by intelligence services worldwide as Londonistan because of its large number of foreign Jihadists given sanctuary by Britain's refusal to deport them to countries where torture is practiced.
Yemen's Deputy Prime Minister for defence and security, Rashad al-Alimi, told a news conference today: 'Abdulmutallab was given the best this country has to offer.'
He attended a private British school in Togo and in September 2005 started a three-year engineering and business finance degree at the prestigious University College London, living in a £3 million Westminster flat owned by his father.
While here, Abdulmutallab was a regular worshipper at the East London Mosque in Whitechapel, criticised in the past for allowing hardline preachers to give talks there.
During his time in London, he was also in contact with an individual being monitored by MI5.
And as president of UCL's Islamic Society in 2007, Abdulmutallab organised a five-day series of lectures and seminars titled "War on Terror" where advertised speakers included former Guantánamo Bay detainees and human rights lawyers.
After leaving Britain in 2008, he went to an Australian university in Dubai.
Then in May last year he applied for a student visa to study "life coaching" at a non-existent college in the UK, when it is thought he planned to team up again with Jihadist diehards. But his application was rejected and his name put on a Home Office watch list.
Abdulmutallab then went to Yemen, against his family's wishes, to study at the Sana'a Institute for the Arabic Language, cutting off all communication with relatives.
After just a month, he dropped out of the institute and disappeared.