The Only Thing Obama Fears
Is Lyndon LaRouche
by Debra Freeman
March 18—House Democratic leaders' claim that they are inching closer to bludgeoning enough of their own members, to pass Obamas death-care bill, with a possible Sunday vote, has done little to alleviate President Obama's self-destructive paranoia.
Although Obama's overall attitude and behavior have grown no less arrogant, even as his approval ratings sink lower with each daily poll, what has grown is his fixation and his terror, every time Lyndon LaRouche opens his mouth, a fact that has led a number of Washington insiders to comment that the only thing Obama seems to fear is LaRouche.
While there is little question that the March 2 landslide electoral victory of LaRouche Democrat Kesha Rogers in Texas's 22nd C.D. Democratic primary kicked Obama's LaRouche fixation up a notch, it was reportedly LaRouche's March 13 webcast that turned that fixation into complete mania. And, at this point, Obama is personally tagging any Democrat who opposes any element of his agenda as an agent of LaRouche.
In the immediate aftermath of the Rogers victory, there were reports that Obama operative David Plouffe was involved in a frenzied effort to find some way to remove her from the November ballot, despite the fact that she garnered 53% of the vote in a three-way race. Despite the willingness of some of the more rabid elements inside Texas state Democratic executive committee to go along with Plouffe, leading national Democratic strategists, including some who are not necessarily friendly to LaRouche, saw the Plouffe effort not only as grossly illegal, but as suicidal.
They argued that a big factor in Rogers' support was her explicit demand to impeach Obama, and that a move against her would rightfully be perceived as a move by the White House to directly defy the expressed wish of the 22nd C.D.'s Democratic voters. And, that given the fact that dissatisfaction with Obama is rising fast, such a move would backfire, leading to even more recognition and support for the LaRouche Democrat.
Although it seemed that these saner voices had prevailed, it didn't stop Obama operatives from approaching at least two members of the Texas Congressional delegation, voicing suspicion that they were in cahoots with LaRouche.
Following LaRouche's March 13 webcast, in which he made his most aggressive and convincing argument for Barack Obama's removal from office, inside sources reported that all previous deals were off. and those closest to the President, including Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod, were insisting that something had to be done to stop LaRouche. Apparently, the result was an impotent, and largely irrelevant resolution that the Democratic executive committee passed, sanctioning Rogers.
The anti-Rogers resolution says little about the candidate, and instead, is a laundry list of long-discredited lies and slanders about LaRouche. Ultimately, the only justification the resolution gives for the so-called sanctioning of Rogers is her support of LaRouche.
If the blogosphere is any indication, those Democrats who warned that the tactic would backfire were right. One after another, voters posted that they had voted for Rogers precisely because they were sick and tired of the betrayal, by what they repeatedly referred to as Democratic Party hacks. But, the greatest anger was reserved for Obama himself. One blogger, who identified herself as an African American, said that she, along with countless others, had wept with pride when Obama was inaugurated, only to see him sell her, and the vast majority of the American people, down the river, to bail out Wall Street.
But the Texas blunder did little to put a lid on Obama's LaRouche mania. This week, a desperate Obama, whose own Nero-like proclivities caused him to define his Presidency by his ability to pass his British-authored Nazi health-care bill, having exhausted all efforts, including outright thuggery, to garner enough votes to ensure the measure's passage, began to insist that the very fate of his Presidency was on the line. It may be the closest Obama has come to reality since taking the oath of office. But, instead of recognizing his own actions as being responsible, he has apparently embraced the illusion that it is all LaRouche's fault.
Kucinich Caves
The week began with the sudden announcement, as the President embarked on a hastily planned trip to Ohio to try to pressure Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich into reversing his intention to vote no on Obamacare, that the President's long-planned trip to Asia was being postponed for several days. As of today, the Asia trip was postponed, until some yet to be announced date in June. Even though Obama was successful in persuading Kucinich to reverse his previous emphatic opposition to the health-care bill, it seems it has done little to alleviate his fear.
Kucinich's March 17 announcement that he was reversing himself, and would vote yes on the Obama measure, provides a rather vivid picture of just how Obama persuaded the Ohio Democrat to switch his vote. In an excruciatingly odd statement, Kucinich said, "I have doubts about the bill. This is not the bill I wanted to support." Then why support it?
Because, he said, he had been persuaded that a defeat on the legislation would destroy the potential left in Obama's Presidency. "The thing that has bothered is me is that this [a defeat] would delegitimize his Presidency. That hurts the nation when that happens," Kucinich explained. "We have to be very careful that President Obama's Presidency not be destroyed.... Even though I have many differences with him on policy, there's something much bigger at stake here for America."
After viewing Kucinich's press conference, several members of Congress told this author that it was clear to them that Obama had accused Kucinich of supporting LaRouche's agenda—most specifically, LaRouche's call for Obama's removal from office. When Kucinich was asked directly if this was, what, in fact, had occurred, a distraught Kucinich refused to discuss it.
Kucinich's normally loyal base apparently responded badly to the flip. Today, Kucinich called another press conference, to announce that he would return all contributions that had been made by voters who did so believing that he would oppose Obama's death-care bill.
As of this writing, members of both the Progressive and the Hispanic Caucuses continue to get personal calls from the President. Publicly, they report Obama's pitch is that this bill has to be passed for the health and strength not only of his Presidency, but of the instituion of the Presidency, and that the Democratic Party will otherwise be irreparably damaged—if not destroyed. Privately, one leader of the Hispanic Caucus admitted that he was shocked when the President bluntly demanded to know what his relationship was to LaRouche.
According to the most recent report issued by the House Democratic Whip's office, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is still at least 8 votes short of the 216 votes she needs to win passage. Ultimately, though, that is hardly the issue. Passage of the bill will not save Obama's Presidency. In reality, passage of the hated measure may actually hasten the end of Obama's Presidency. And, in reality, the President is right to fear LaRouche. It is LaRouche's policy, as well as LaRouche's declaration of war on Obama's British controllers, that pose the greatest threat to Obama's treason.