Great Project To Restore
the American System
In a recent discussion, Lyndon LaRouche identified NAWAPA (the North American Water and Power Alliance) as "the greatest project ever attempted by mankind." Not only will it bring a "full revival of the industrial and related potential of the U.S. economy," LaRouche said,
"It would also be a major focus of cooperation with other nations.... With the combination of a space program, that is, the restoration of NASA, for example, and the development of NAWAPA, these two factors as the key factors in the U.S. economy, will ensure a general, early recovery of the United States economy, and will provide a system for the future of mankind, going into some centuries to come."
In our March 30 issue, we published a significant portion of the NAWAPA XXI report [], issued by LaRouchePAC in March. This week, we follow up with Section I and Section II.