No ‘Limits to Growth’:
We Can Feed the World’s People
by Marcia Merry Baker
May 7—Today in Rotterdam, a Big Lie report will be released, titled, "2052: A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years," authored by the anti-growth Club of Rome, which is the latest iteration of their original Limits to Growth report issued in 1972, and with the same message: The Earth's resources are depleting, so population must be drastically cut.
By how many? Get rid of 5 billion or more, said Paul Ehrlich, Stanford University professor (The Guardian, April 26). "How many people you support [with limited resources] depends on lifestyles. We came up with 1.5 to 2 billion...." Ehrlich is author of the infamous 1968 Population Bomb tract, calling for culling the human population, as one would a herd of cattle; he is of the same ilk as those behind the Club of Rome.
Under a veneer of high-tech mumbo-jumbo, the Club of Rome's grim forecast is a barely warmed-over version of that of Parson Thomas Malthus, whose job it was, for the imperial British East India Co., to say that population inevitably overruns food capacity: "The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the Earth to produce subsistence for man." (An Essay on the Principle of Population, 1798).
The British Empire refuses to let this lie die. But fortunately, there are still brave individuals around the world, including the agronomist we interview here (see below), who are challenging it with plans to create the food and other resources mankind needs.
Breaking the Malthusian Grip
The Malthusian view today is promoted by such agencies and individuals as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Club of Rome, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Natural Resources Defense Council, Al Gore, Bill McKibben, and others. The author of the 2052 report, Jorgen Randers, was on the team of the original 1972 Limits to Growth, as a graduate student at MIT, with Donnella and Dennis Meadows. President Obama's Science Advisor, John P. Holdren, has co-authored ravingly Malthusian works with population-bomber Ehrlich.
These circles, which have infested government, scholarly, religious, and other institutions over recent decades, present pseudo-academic excuses for genocide, deployed by what is best called the British Empire—the London-centered financial-political networks enforcing globalism to the death. This crowd is pumping out bilge in the countdown to the June Rio+20 UN Summit, saying that population has overrun the Earth's resilience to support it.
The academic pretense behind this, the original Limits to Growth mantra, and the latest "2052" version, require no point-by-point refutation. Their bogus method is simply to contrive computer runs to assert that natural resources are all being used up—water, land, fuels, soil fertility, minerals, etc. The Club of Rome asks: "Will the planet be able to support the forecast population growth?" and, "Will the belief in endless growth crumble?" (April 26 press release on 2052).
In reality, the principle operating in the universe is that "natural resources" are man-made and boundless. Their condition and adequacy for humman use arise from creative human discovery and deployment. From that point of view, a growing, creative population is a manifestation of progress, and the basis for "new" resources to come.
The apparent "limits" seen today, in degraded water, soils, land area, and in the suffering of growing masses of people, result from the deliberately restrictive policies imposed under imperial globalism for the past four decades, to obstruct successive new projects and build-up of the productive platform of life on Earth.
How to break this evil grip? Bust it loose from where it has taken strategic hold—in the U.S. Executive Branch: Impeach Barack Obama. He is operating as a loyal functionary for London, and for every one of its destructive policies: financial bail-out servitude, wars, and killer-environmentalism.
Dumping Obama will makes way for the needed emergency measures to be initiated for the good of the United States, the nation-state system, and for deliberately expanding populations. Re-institute the 1933 Glass-Steagall law, to expunge speculative debt, and restore credit-serving banking. Expand credit for nation-building activity, featuring the launch in the U.S. of the priority North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA).
This is the necessary emergency food program for the world. The other talk you will hear this month about "food security," coming from Obama, who is hosting the Group of Eight Summit at Camp David this month, is an evil cover story.
Biospheric Engineering: Food Aplenty
How to expand the food supply? Look at the sweep of history, where key periods stand out for their critical increases in food supply, resulting from man's intervention into nature: domesticating livestock, breeding-up crop and animal types, terra-forming with drainage systems and terracing, applying chemistry for soil fertility, protecting against blight and pests, etc. With enough water and light—including manufacturing water by desalination, and electrically providing grow-lights—crops and animals can be produced for food practically anywhere.
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (1902) and the Franklin Roosevelt Administration saw to the harnessing of the Colorado River Basin, and creation in the desert of the lush Imperial Valley farmland zone in California, and similar irrigated projects in the Great American Desert.
Agriculture in the Far North, was defined as an objective by Henry Wallace, FDR's Agriculture Secretary, then Vice President, as a post-World War II "Frontier of the Pacific." Wallace foresaw an Arctic agriculture association.
The heart of the U.S. grainbelt in Iowa was once merely prairie grass and shrub, until such improvements as underlying almost all the farm fields throughout the state, with tile (pipe) drainage systems.
Creating farmland by reclaiming land from the sea was demonstrated centuries ago by Dutch engineers in Holland and east England.
The NAWAPA project takes such biospheric engineering to a new, continental scale, into the domain of Earth-altering dynamics. But the principle involved, of meeting challenges, is the same. There are no limits.
This principle is the vantage point of Mohammed Peter Davis, who, in the interview below, describes the system of "Deep Tropical Agriculture" for livestock production.
Davis states,
"We should really do a mapping of the world, and say: What can you contribute most to the rest of the world? What's the ideal crop to do? You know: tree, plant, animal—and every country will have some advantage."