Can SDE Cooperation
Trump London's War Drive?
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Feb. 24—The reverberations from the Feb. 15 asteroid flyby and meteor explosion continue, with leading scientists and government officials urging cooperation on a global program for Strategic Defense of the Earth (SDE), employing many of the scientific and technological breakthroughs first achieved in the work on the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). The 30th anniversary of President Reagan's adoption of Lyndon LaRouche's SDI concept will be celebrated on March 23. Among the major events of the past week was a proposal, presented to Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev from Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Rogozin, calling for a global program to establish a defense against asteroids and other near-Earth objects (see Science, this issue).
Leading scientists from around the world, who gathered in Vienna, Austria Feb. 11-22, for a conference of the UN Commission on the Peaceful Uses of Space, seconded the call for precisely such a UN-directed international effort to deploy an elaborate system of infrared telescopes and other monitoring devices, as well as advanced radar and other systems, to knock out or divert asteroids, comets, and meteors headed for Earth.
In the United States, a handful of Members of Congress holding key committee positions, such as House Science, Space and Technology Committee chair and vice-chair Lamar Smith (R-Tex.) and Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), have responded to the crisis, and will be holding hearings in the coming weeks aimed at reviving NASA's historic leadership in taking up extraterrestrial challenges.
In the context of these responses to the challenge posed for the very survival of mankind, the fair question to ask is:
Will this newly discovered urgency to revive a program of global scientific and technological cooperation to secure the future of man on Earth, be sufficient to defeat the equally feverish drive by the British Empire to provoke a permanent global war aimed at the drastic reduction of the human population?
The Sectarian War Drive
Across North Africa, within the Persian Gulf and Eastern Mediterranean regions, and all across the Asia-Pacific, there are British- and Saudi-led efforts to provoke religious and tribal warfare.
Syria remains the cutting edge of this British genocide campaign. The conflict, fueled to mass-murderous proportions by the Saudi-sponsored jihadi networks, including al-Qaeda, involves deadly religious strife between the Sunni jihadis, on the one hand, and other religious groups, including Shi'as coming in from other countries, on the other.
As expected, the Syrian conflict, now entering its third year, has spilled over into neighboring Lebanon, where the Shi'ite Hezbollah party is under attack from an international array of forces, including Britain and Israel. Hezbollah has been accused of masterminding a bombing attack on an Israeli tour bus in Bulgaria last year, although the accusations so far appear to rest on flimsy evidence.
The effort to expand the Syrian conflict into Lebanon is indicative of the London-Riyadh drive to provoke a permanent war within the Islamic world between Sunnis and Shi'ites. With full backing from Great Britain, Saudi Arabia continues to provide unlimited quantities of cash and weapons to the jihadist faction within the Syrian opposition, at the same time that the head of Saudi Arabia's General Intelligence Directorate, Prince Bandar bin-Sultan, is pouring money and weapons into Sunni fundamentalist groups inside Lebanon, in preparation for a civil war to unseat the Hezbollah-led governing coalition.
An earlier effort by Bandar during the Bush-Cheney era failed miserably, but the British and the Saudis see a new civil war in Lebanon as a key element in their plans for perpetual religious conflict in the entire region and beyond.
Weapons to al-Qaeda
The London-Saudi-Obama axis has not, however, given up on trying to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad; if they were to succeed, it would create chaos that would make Libya's post-Qaddafi disarray look mild. The Obama Administration not only refuses to condemn terrorist incidents by the opposition, but is reported in such leak-sheets as the Washington Post to be increasing the level of weapons shipments into the country, under the ruse that they will build up the strength of the "moderates," against the radical jihadis.
Obama et al. know better. A senior U.S. intelligence source has reported that there is a new U.S. intelligence assessment circulating in the Administration indicating that the entire Syrian opposition has been hijacked by radical Islamists allied with al-Qaeda, and that the efforts by Washington to exert control over the flow of money and arms to the Syrian opposition have failed, in the face of the Saudi-led promotion of the most virulent anti-Western jihadists.
The source confessed that in the immediate aftermath of the overthrow of the Qaddafi government in Libya, the U.S. was complicit in facilitating the flow of weapons to the Syrian opposition from vast stockpiles of sophisticated arms accumulated by Qaddafi before his assassination. Thus, the U.S. has been involved in arming those groups which it, and Great Britain, now assert could represent a threat, were they to take control of the Assad government's chemical weapons supplies. According to a Daily Telegraph report of Feb. 24, the U.S. and Britain have carried out war games in preparation for a military intervention, allegedly to "protect" those chemical stocks.
The same Washington source also indicated that there is a second "Fast and Furious" gun-running scandal about to blow up in President Obama's face, this one involving Libyan weapons channeled through U.S. intelligence operatives into the hands of western African jihadists, who took hostages in Algeria last month and killed several of them, including Americans—using weapons provided by the United States.
With the Senate confirmation of John Brennan as the new CIA Director being held up until Obama answers some crucial questions about the Benghazi 9/11 attack, this second, even more devastating "Fast and Furious" scandal can still erupt. Such a dramatic revelation, forcing the question of Obama's removal from office—Nixon-style—could throw a monkey wrench into British plans for perpetual war and genocide.
West Africa has become a no-man's-land where illegal guns, illegal drugs, dirty money, kidnapping for ransom, and brutal each-against-all terrorism are the order of the day.
Permanent Chaos
There is perhaps no more tragic object lesson of the result of the London-Riyadh-Washington strategy than the current conditions in Iraq, a country devastated by sanctions and warfare over decades, which have killed an estimated 1 million people, and shattered what was once a center of culture, high-technology medicine, and industry, for the region.
Backed and funded by Saudi Arabia, al-Qaeda in Iraq has stepped up its efforts to usher in Shi'a-Sunni sectarian killings to gain control of the Shi'a-majority Iraq, or break Iraq into two rival states, one led by the Saudi-backed Sunnis and the other, by the Iran-backed Shi'as. What is becoming increasingly evident is that the Iraqi Sunnis who rejected al-Qaeda are turning against the government in great numbers. Reports indicate that tens of thousands of Sunnis, marching in the streets of Iraq's Sunni cities in recent weeks, have shouted the same slogans that Syrians shouted in Deraa and Hama in early 2011 ("The people want the fall of the regime") and waved the flags of the Free Syrian Army. Baghdad, under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, opposes the Saudi-Qatari-West-backed violence in Syria, organized to remove President al-Assad from power.
According to, 4,505 Iraqis died from violence in 2012—409 in the month of Ramadan alone.
In December, Sunnis in the western city of Ramadi held demonstrations against the Maliki government, ostensibly to protest the arrest of security guards working for Sunni Finance Minister Rafi al-Issawi. Since then, the demonstrations have expanded and metastasized. Having begun with demands for reforms, better services, release of prisoners, and repeal of anti-Ba'ath Party lustration (purification) laws, anger has now overflowed, and demonstrators across the Sunni region demand the resignation of the Shi'ite Prime Minister, accusing him of sectarian discrimination and repressing Sunnis.
And Now, Iran
Iran, too, remains in the crosshairs of London's drive for permanent genocidal conflict. With the next round of UN Security Council P5+1 talks set to begin in Kazakstan on Feb. 26, Israel and Britain have intensified the campaign to sabotage any serious negotiations, by accusing Iran of being months away from developing a nuclear bomb. A recent report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), announcing that Iran has installed more sophisticated centrifuges at the Natanz facility, has been seized upon to argue for immediate preventive military action.
The embattled Israeli Prime Minister-designate, Benjamin Netanyahu, who has so far been unable to put together a governing coalition, is screaming bloody murder about Iran's nuclear quest. In stark contrast, U.S. officials have confirmed that there is no evidence that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons, and Washington sources have told EIR that the issue will not come to a showdown until sometime in 2014. In other words, there is ample time for negotiations, even taking into account the fact that Iran will be holding presidential elections in June, which will provide a crucial indication of the intentions of the Iranian leadership.
While details are so far unavailable about the outcome of the recent meeting in Washington between President Obama and the new Japanese Prime Minister Shinto Abe, the Asia-Pacific region also remains on the edge.
North Korea's recent test of a nuclear bomb revives the danger of a strategic crisis in North Asia, with Japan and South Korea both demanding greater security guarantees from Washington, and with China deeply concerned about President Obama's "Asia pivot" taking the form of a quasi-NATO alliance aimed at containment of China.
The implications of the asteroid event of mid-February offer an opportunity to trump the British-Saudi drive for a global new Hundred Years War of perpetual genocide. Can a sane leadership emerge among the leading powers, that will come together around a Strategic Defense of the Earth? Can the British game of perpetual genocide be clearly recognized in the light of the extraterrestrial imperative?
This is the question that will decide mankind's fate for a long time to come. The answer cannot be postponed for very much longer.