After Glass-Steagall,
NAWAPA Is 'Number One'
May 31—The LaRouche Political Action Committee released this week the second, updated edition of its "Platform for a New Presidency: The Full Recovery Program for the United States." The pamphlet spells out the three-point program required for recovery of the U.S. economy:
Restore the Glass-Steagall Act of the Franklin Roosevelt Presidency;
return to a Hamiltonian credit system, burying the British monetarist system that has largely prevailed since the FDR Presidency; and
build the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA), in its 21st-Century version as circulated by LaRouche PAC (it was originally proposed in 1964, but never implemented).
We publish here the pamphlet's revised chapter on NAWAPA.
Lyndon LaRouche, talking with associates on May 21, emphasized the essential, complementary character of Glass-Steagall and NAWAPA. After Congress restores Glass-Steagall, he said,
"NAWAPA is number one. Without NAWAPA, but not goofed up in some way, we can not win!"
NAWAPA is not a project standing by itself, he said,
"but in these terms; you're talking about what we have to do right now. That is, we have to define NAWAPA as the program. Why? First of all, we have a water crisis and we have a food shortage we're never going to meet, in the way we're going now. The system is breaking down....
"So therefore, you've got to have the NAWAPA concept in there, practically, not a dream team, not an also-ran, but an integral part of the whole thing. In other words, don't separate NAWAPA from what we're doing on the Glass-Steagall campaign. The two are integral: NAWAPA actually is a foundation, if you're going to convince people this is absolutely indispensable; you've got to talk about NAWAPA....
"We start from, actually, Glass-Steagall. Because Glass-Steagall is the concept, but the concept needs legs to walk on. And the key leg, right now, deals with the whole food supply of the United States. We can not feed the U.S. population right now, the way things are going! So therefore, if you're going to talk about Glass-Steagall, what are you going to do about NAWAPA? ...
The Global Dimension
"Now, on top of that, when you put in NAWAPA, you now have created the requirement, for a completely different thing which also integrates with NAWAPA. In other words, NAWAPA gives you a certain capability. If you complete NAWAPA, you're immediately going to find yourself in a situation where you've got a capability, but you haven't got the program for implementing it on hand. You're building up the water and related system, but we need much more. And it has to be also global. It has to be involving other nations in the urgency of this kind of project."
To bring in the international dimension of the policies required, we also publish below an interview with Jean Robinson, a farmer from the state of Western Australia who is campaigning for federal office in the September elections, on the slate of the Citizens Electoral Council (CEC, the LaRouche party in Australia). She describes the destruction of Australia's agriculture under the dogmas of monetarism and globalization—specifically on orders of the Queen of England and the British Empire—and counterposes to this the great projects for infrastructure development which have been, like NAWAPA, on the drawing boards for many years, but were never implemented.