FDR or Fascism:
That's the Question Before Us Today
July 29—On the eve of the decisive battle over Glass-Steagall in Washington, D.C., the Executive Intelligence Review pulled together an international webcast, which posed the crucial questions that will determine the survival of Western Europe and the Americas in the immediate period ahead. As featured speaker Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, put it starkly in her presentation, the choice before mankind is the road to prosperity taken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, or a new global fascism that will depopulate the world. It's up to today's patriots to choose.
Under the title "Glass-Steagall: How To Stop the Global Financial Meltdown Over a Weekend; Who Is Out To Topple the Kirchner Government in Argentina, and Why," Zepp-LaRouche and EIR's Ibero-American editor Dennis Small laid out the current crisis in graphic detail, and the economic solution to provide a real global recovery.
The webcast participants came from three continents. Zepp-LaRouche spoke from Germany, Small spoke from the Washington, D.C., area, and a grouping of citizens gathered in Buenos Aires, Argentina, sent greetings and questions to the event. There were also participants, through questions and just listening, in Mexico, Spain, Peru, Chile, and likely numerous other nations across Europe and the Americas.
Below, we bring you Zepp-LaRouche's keynote, which was followed by a presentation by Dennis Small, and a question-and-answer period. As a backup to Small's presentation. EIR simultaneously released a White Paper on who is out to topple the Argentine government, which we include here. Archive copies of the video and audio of the entire discussion can be found at www.larouchepac.com.