LaRouche Warning Circulates
To Stop War Drive vs. Iran
by Michele Steinberg
Aug. 12—Lyndon LaRouche's warning, in an Aug. 3 press release, that Israeli attacks against Russian-related targets inside Syria could trigger nuclear war between the United States and Russia, has been widely disseminated. On Aug. 9, LaRouche was featured in the media across Iran, including PressTV, Iran's semi-official FARS News Agency, and Al-Alam, the Arabic-language news service owned by Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). In the United States, the release was posted in full on the "People's Voice" website. On Aug. 10, Russia's, a military news feed, picked up the Iranian FARS coverage, under the headline "Russian-U.S. Nuclear War Could Begin Because of Israel." The MIGnews story was in turn picked up by Rosbalt, a Russian news agency, and other Russian media outlets.
This dissemination of LaRouche's warnings to millions of international readers underlines the global recognition of the threat of war coming from the British Empire and its satraps. In addition, international journalists are now coupling LaRouche's analysis directly with the war-avoidance efforts of Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey, former Deputy Director of the CIA Mike Morell, and other leading American intelligence and military officials.
The PressTV story, headlined "Israel Can Spark U.S.-Russia Thermonuclear War: LaRouche," quotes extensively from an article by Jeffrey Steinberg in the Aug. 9 issue of EIR,[1] which reported LaRouche's statements, and also notes that the leaks to the New York Times, which came from inside the U.S. government, regarding the July 5 Israeli attack, were "intended to make clear that the United States is not supporting the Israeli strikes against Russian targets against Syria."
"Such strikes could lead to an escalation that directly draws the United States into a head-on confrontation with Russia," PressTV continued.
In a similar vein, on Aug. 8 and 9, a dozen prominent Russian media outlets, both in English and Russian languages, widely reported the warnings by the CIA's Mike Morell, about the rise of al-Qaeda in Syria.
"Morell Says Fall of Assad Government in Syria Will Create Threat to U.S. Security," was the headline in External Economic Relations magazine; NTV reported "Americans Fear Fall of Assad Regime"; and, the military and analysis site, ran an article entitled "CIA Says Overthrow of Assad Will Create Threat to U.S.A."
The starkest warning came from Voice of Russia, the Russian government's broadcasting service, which had an Aug. 8 piece headlined, "American Generals Do Not Want To Fight in Syria," stating that "the main threat according to Morell is the possibility of the fall of Bashar al-Assad. If that happens, says Morell, Syria will become a base for terrorists....
"Of even bigger concern among the security forces is the idea of direct U.S. intervention in the Syrian conflict. According to the Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army Gen. Ray Odierno, even a 'limited intervention' will result in too much loss. Even earlier, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey had spoken against the U.S.A.'s military involvement in the Syrian conflict. He explained that the operation would be too expensive and unlikely to be effective," the article said.
Then, Voice of Russia quoted Russian political analyst Boris Mezhuev:
"The [U.S.] military understands everything about war much better than many others; therefore, it is not surprising that they resist the United States being drawn into another adventure."
Threats Against Iran
And now, with four recent strikes against Russian weapons depots in Syria under Israel's belt, new threats from Israel against Iran are being taken very seriously, report high-level U.S. intelligence officials.
Immediately after the Aug. 3 inauguration of Iran's new President Hassan Rouhani, and days before the arrival of General Dempsey in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his allies began a steady push for war against Iran, and against Hezbollah, the Iranian-allied Shi'ite movement in Lebanon. There is nothing subtle about either Netanyahu's intent or his rhetoric: The strikes on Syria are seen in the U.S. as a serious trigger for wider war.
For good reason. According to the Anglo-Israeli war camp, personified by Netanyahu and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the countdown for Israeli strikes against Iran's nuclear sites began the moment that Rouhani, the conservative cleric who won a decisive victory in the Iranian elections, was elected, and escalated when he took office.
On June 19, speaking at the annual Presidential Conference in Jerusalem, Blair announced, "Those who have power in Iran should feel our resolve, and understand that we will not back down. Of course, every military option is something we do not want, but a nuclear Iran is the worst thing."
Blair's declaration was a mere four days after the election of Rouhani—a victory that was due in large part to the support of the Iranian Reform voters and demonstrators—and was the signal that the Rouhani election is not going to change the British Empire's resolve to destroy Iran.
On Aug. 3, Rouhani was sworn into office, and the war drums began to sound.
On Aug. 7, Netanyahu held a press conference to warn the UN Security Council Permanent 5+1 states (the U.S., Britain, France, Russia, China, and Germany) that Rouhani is no different from his predecessors, and is fully committed to an Iranian nuclear bomb. Netanyahu claimed that Iran is inching closer to stockpiling enough enriched uranium to build a bomb, and is also building a heavy water reactor that will give it an ability to produce plutonium in the near future.
At the same time that Netanyahu was threatening Iran, an unnamed spokesman for the Israeli Defense Forces was briefing reporters on a pending war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, warning that since the 2006 Lebanon War, which lasted 33 days, Hezbollah has amassed 60-100,000 rockets and missiles, which are hidden in villages in southern Lebanon, reported the Jewish Press, Aug. 1. The source said that Israel would suffer much greater casualties in the "next" Lebanon war, warning that Hezbollah could fire 2,000 rockets and missiles every day, with longer range and greater accuracy.
Further adding to the war furor in Israel, Gen. Amos Yalon, retired head of Israeli military intelligence, gave an interview, Aug. 7, to Israeli Army Radio, claiming that the Obama Administration has reversed policy on an Israeli strike against Iran, and now would permit an Israeli attack.
All of these coordinated statements are aimed at once again raising the specter of a bigger Middle East war, triggered by Israeli preventive actions. Whether Israeli leaders are worried about a possible U.S.-Iranian deal once the Rouhani government has been confirmed by the Majlis (parliament), or whether they are throwing down the gauntlet in anticipation of pressure from Dempsey, who arrived in Israel on Aug. 12, to refrain from any unilateral action, the escalation of rhetoric is serious.
Devil's Bargain on Palestine?
On Aug. 6, under the headline "Is Netanyahu Preparing to Bomb Iran?" in, Ben Caspit, a veteran Israeli journalist, wrote about the indications that the announced freeing of 100 Palestinian prisoners by Netahyahu's government, as part of the "revived" peace talks, is part of a deal [with the British Empire committee running U.S. President Obama—MJS], under which Israel will strike Iran by the end of the Summer or early Fall. Caspit is one of the few Israeli journalists to have interviewed Lyndon LaRouche.
Caspit considers an Aug. 5 Wall Street Journal story that Iran will be able to make a plutonium bomb by early next year to be probably a leak from an Israeli source to justify an attack. He quotes Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon, saying that underlying the decision to release the prisoners "were strategic considerations, which might be revealed in the future." Caspit interprets Ya'alon to mean, "I am opposed, and have always been opposed, to freeing murderers, but given that scuttling the Iranian nuclear bomb is of paramount interest, overriding all other trivial affairs, we have freed the prisoners. In the future you'll understand why."
Caspit suggests that what we will understand in the future is that "Israel will do whatever is necessary to start negotiations with the Palestinians, maybe even reach an interim arrangement ahead of the final status arrangement. America will give Israel a green light to bomb Iran after having fully verified that the Iranians are really poised to make the final 'charge' toward the bomb."
Caspit says that the Israeli defense establishment could be the last obstacle to the bombing, including the commander of the Air Force, Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel; Mossad Director Tamir Pardo; Shin Bet Director Yoram Cohen; Director of Military Intelligence Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi; and Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz. All firmly oppose it.
Caspit references an Aug. 6 Ha'aretz story by Sefi Rachlevsky, who further substantiates the thesis, adding evidence that Netanyahu and Obama share the sort of severe mental/moral illness which would allow them to launch a war which could exterminate the human species.
"It's difficult to retain power for years when in contrast to your public, you're a devout believer in the policy of settlements and Ayn Rand-style capitalism, and also hold a grudge against the 'traitorous elites' that [murdered pro-peace Israeli Prime Minister] Yitzhak Rabin symbolized," Rachlevsky wrote. "It's equally difficult to remain in power when your spiritual guide is Pastor Jeremiah Wright, when Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is closer to you than any other leader, and when you sympathize with political Islam. In that situation, craftily 'leading from behind' is the only option."
What Caspit failed to note is that the Israeli defense establishment opposition functions in tandem with U.S. military leaders, particularly JCS chief Dempsey, whose trip to Jerusalem this week follows that of U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh, whose low-profile, week-long visit was hosted by the same General Eshel whom Caspit identifies as part of the "last obstacle" to the war against Iran.