Developing the Pacific and
Ending the Grip of Empire
Special to EIR
Nov. 9—The sixth in the series of Schiller Institute conferences for a New Paradigm for Civilization, which began approximately one year ago in Frankfurt, Germany, took place in the Los Angeles area on Nov. 2. Over the course of 12 hours, leaders of the LaRouche movement and a number of international guests from Asia, presented a gripping picture of the future mankind can and must achieve, through developing the Pacific Basin and ending the grip of the Anglo-Dutch empire.
As conference co-chairman Michael Steger said in his opening statement: We are here today to present the future of mankind; and you will be able to say to the generations to come that you were at this conference. The requirements for that positive future were brought alive for the audience, starting with keynotes by Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Lyndon LaRouche, which we publish below.
As with all of the New Paradigm conferences, the strategic, economic, and cultural presentations were punctuated with performances of Classical music, which uplifted the participants to the level of mind necessary for envisioning, and fighting for, a victory over the oligarchical domination of the planet today, which threatens the extinction of the human species.
Over the course of the next several weeks, EIR will publish the conference presentations, thus supplementing the video record which can be found at the website. The report that follows, from Los Angeles organizer Pat Ruckert, provides the highlights of the event, which was intended as a kickoff for a new, more intense phase of the LaRouche movement's campaign for a thermonuclear fusion economy, based on U.S. collaboration with the Asia-Pacific powers, particularly China.
The Future of Mankind
In the first panel, EIR Asia specialist Mike Billington introduced the first of the Asian contributions to the dialogue, with a background briefing of the LaRouches' work in Asia over the past decades. He then outlined the background of the author of the first greeting, Daisuke Kotegawa, who was an official in the Japanese Finance Ministry in the 1990s, and the representative from Japan to the IMF. When Kotegawa, who was unable to attend or to provide a video, met with LaRouche some years ago, he commented that he now knew the answer to the greatest question he had ever had in his life, which was, why is the U.S. destroying itself?
More recently, Billington reported, in detail, Kotegawa has been warning of a financial catastrophe about to explode, and that the world must implement Glass-Steagall, liquidate the investment banks, and declare war against the filthy bankers (see below).
The morning session concluded with presentations by the LaRouches, and discussion, which defined the danger of thermonuclear war and genocide, at the hands of the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy, and outlined the only pathway to survival, through impeaching Obama and adopting a program of thermonuclear fusion development.
Among the half-dozen questions to the LaRouches, was one on how to address morality and greed. Lyndon LaRouche proceeded to locate morality, or the decline of morality, in the 50-year destruction of the power of labor since the assassination of President Kennedy. He asked: What is the standard of human practice necessary for the moral development? That standard must be that moral is what you do for mankind, since man is not an animal, and man's culture must be based on the development of creativity. Creativity is expressed by the discovery of universal principles and the utilization of those principles to increase the energy-flux density of production. It is our commitment to that kind of a culture which makes possible the future; and living in the future is our purpose as human beings.
Continuing that theme in answer to the next questions on how to get Obama out, and what can the individual do, LaRouche contrasted the danger civilization now faces—its collapse—to the real mission of mankind, which is the progress of mankind, to improve the future. Specifically, we cannot maintain civilization without the development of thermonuclear fusion. We must each rise to the joy to realize that we as individuals can make the difference; to make the future possible.
The morning panel concluded with a performance by the Schiller Institute Pacific Chamber Chorus of J.S. Bach's "Jesu Meine Freude."
Pacific Development
After lunch the panel, The Power of Pacific Development, opened with a video provided by Ding Yifan, the Deputy Director of the Institute for World Development, which is under the State Council of the government of China. Ding made clear that China's New Silk Road policy is what the LaRouches had promoted in China many years ago (see below).
The second presentation was by Leni Rubinstein, editor of the EIR Chinese newsletter, who reported on the historic and strategic battle over centuries that the Land-Bridge question represented. On the one hand, it represents a shift for humanity to a new paradigm of civilization, and on the other, a nightmare for the oligarchy. The oligarchy has always feared the development of entire continents, which threatens its control by sea power. Rubinstein located the LaRouches' fight for the Land-Bridge within the history of the ideas and activities of Leibniz, John Quincy Adams, Lincoln, and Sun Yat-sen, and brought the audience right up to the present. The future is in Asia, she concluded, quoting Confucius that all relations are love.
Dr. Howard Chang, a professor emeritus from the University of San Diego, and a globally prominent hydraulic engineer, then presented "The Major Projects of Pacific Development." With many illustrations, Dr. Chang gave a breathtaking tour of the Kra Canal, the Nicaragua Canal, the North-South Diversion Project in China, the Three Gorges Dam, and NAWAPA. NAWAPA, he said, is the vision of the future, a tremendous vision.
Billington then introduced videos from Pakdee Tanapura from Thailand and the International Director of the Thai Kra Canal Commission, established by the government of Thailand, and Ramtanu Maitra, EIR Asia specialist. Tanapura's chronology of the battle for the canal over the past 30 years, through military coups and political crises, demonstrated what one individual committed to the fight is capable of doing. Maitra presented the current Asian and Middle East developments as both a danger and an opportunity.
Co-chairman David Christie then read two messages to the conference from Greece.
Selections from the "Requiem Mass" by W.A. Mozart, performed by the chorus, received an enthusiastic response.
The Science of Human Culture
The second panel of the afternoon, "The Science of Human Culture," was introduced by Christie, who stated that science and art are what makes us human, and represent a real commitment to the future.
Megan Beets of the LaRouchePAC Basement Scientific Team discussed the biogeochemical effect of culture, and contrasted the depraved culture of today with the beautiful culture required to create a real human future, a new civilization. It is by knowing that sense-perception does not present truth that we then can find truth. Einstein and Planck bring science and art together under the idea of creativity. Beets concluded with a series of quotes from Schiller's "Aesthetic Letters" and "The Role of Chorus in Tragedy."
LaRouche movement leader Phil Rubinstein concluded this panel, beginning with the provocative statement that our ideas and words cannot be treated the way most people treat religion. People go to church every Sunday and then sin the rest of the week. Creativity, he said, is a strategic necessity, and that comes from the social organization of human society.
What we have today is a product of past generations. Humorously comparing humans to animals, he made the point that animals are driven by instincts they cannot control. For the last 50 years, society has gone backwards, largely driven by the culture. We have the capability to feed everyone in the world, but we choose not to do so. Virtually nothing man does is "natural," and man is the only species that deliberately changes his relationship to nature, which is a product of creativity.
Using the example of fire—which in nature every species of animal fears, but only man uses—Rubinstein explained the concept of increased energy-flux density as the means of increasing man's population density potential. We communicate these discoveries to others in order for society to master nature. Why did man stop thinking that way? It is monetarism, he said. The result is that now Obama is escalating the killing for the insurance companies. We have become a nation that can't.
In concluding, Rubinstein challenged the audience to become an immortal species and do what no animal can do—give all human beings an opportunity to contribute to the future.
The Legacy and Future of JFK
The evening session, "The Legacy and Future of JFK," opened with the "Ave Verum Corpus" by Mozart, and then the video presentation from the chairman of the Philippines LaRouche Society, Butch Valdes (see below).
The first presentation by Harley Schlanger brought the real John Kennedy to life for everyone, and challenged the audience to confront the challenge his life represents to them. Lincoln dedicated his life to taking on evil force, and Kennedy, just beginning to assert the powers of his office, did that. We must take his example and make it personal. Schlanger located Kennedy in the ideas of the U.S. Constitution and the actions of FDR, in which the powers of government are intended to protect the individual from the private interests of bankers, cartels, and oligarchs. Stressing the peace intention of Kennedy, while not neglecting other of his intentions and actions, Schlanger showed two videos: Kennedy at American University in June 1963, and at the UN in September 1963. He concluded, saying, the living image of John Kennedy is a shining example for the dark ages of today.
Engineer Hal Cooper next discussed the Bering Strait Tunnel and NAWAPA, interspersed with a narrative about oil development in Alberta.
Ben Deniston of the Basement Team concluded the evening panel by presenting the challenge of being able to see oneself, not in the here and now, but in two contrasting 50 year processes that we can choose to contribute to or not. The first is the last 50 years of decay and decline, with the zero growth paradigm that abandoned the idea of progress. The second is the next 50 years, in which we create a new paradigm of progress once again. We must understand the tools required to do that and the Pacific orientation necessary to do it. Fusion power and the Pacific alliance will create a dynamic and a rate of growth to develop the world. Using the charts on energy-flux density and the funding of fusion research that have been presented in EIR and on the LaRouchePAC website, Deniston concluded that there is no reason to accept this insanity; there are no limits to growth.
After further discussion, the conference concluded with "Traumerei" for solo piano, by Robert Schumann, played by My-Hoa Steger.