The Power of Pacific Development
Nov. 15—The history and extraordinary works-in-progress toward the development of the Eurasian Land-Bridge, within the Pacific Basin, were the subject of the second panel of the Schiller Institute's "Developing the Pacific and Ending the Grip of Empire" conference held in Los Angeles on Nov. 2. The four major presentations are provided here.
The panel opened with a video from China, provided by Ding Yifan, the Deputy Director of the Institute for World Development, a department of the State Council of the government of China. Ding's message, which we published in our last issue, gave an overview of the Chinese government's perspective on the Eurasian Land-Bridge, and acknowledged the foresight of Lyndon LaRouche in advancing this project.
EIR's UN correspondent, and editor of EIR's Chinese newsletter, Leni Rubinstein, then reported on the historical battle for the Land-Bridge, from the time of Leibniz, through U.S. President John Quincy Adams, and the father of the Chinese republic, Sun Yat-sen. The mammoth and exciting projects which the Land-Bridge development concept encompasses, were presented by the globally prominent hydraulic engineer Dr. Howard Chang, who has worked on major projects, such as the Three Gorges Dam, for decades.
At the conclusion of the panel, EIR Asia specialist Michael Billington introduced two video presentations, from individuals who have collaborated over many years with the LaRouche movement in creating the conditions for Pacific development: Pakdee Tanapura of Thailand, and Ramtanu Maitra of India. Both went through their organizing efforts, which are now coming to fruition.
The video presentations can be found at the website