The Empire Lashes Out
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Jan. 25—The violent events now unfolding in Kiev, Bangkok, and Cairo cannot be seen as separate and unrelated events. In every case, the hand of the Anglo-Dutch empire is visible, reflecting what Lyndon LaRouche has identified as the growing danger of a global war leading to potential war of thermonuclear extinction. The driving force behind all of these acts of asymmetric warfare is not to be found in the local conditions, per se, rather, it is the desperate and dying forces of the trans-Atlantic Anglo-Dutch empire who are driving the chaos.
The case of Ukraine is exemplary. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, it has been the strategic goal of that empire, centered in the British monarchy, but extending into the Bush and Obama White Houses, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and other controlled assets, to split Ukraine from Russia, and draw it into the European Union as an agricultural feudal satrap. That effort was dealt a stunning blow late last year when President Yanukovych rejected the Eastern Partnership Agreement with the EU, and instead moved to deepen economic and political cooperation with Russia. From that moment on, the British have been driving to overthrow the Yanukovych government and install pro-EU forces. When mass protests fizzled, the British reached back to longtime hooligan networks, including outright fascist gangs and remnants of the wartime pro-Nazi circles which were absorbed into NATO intelligence at the close of World War II through the CIA's Gehlen organization.
Now, those rampaging hooligans, allied with pro-EU factions of the opposition parties, are demanding the ouster of Yanukovych, rejecting an offer over the weekend for a stake in a coalition govermnent. Natalia Vitrenko, a leading Ukrainian political figure, former President candidate, and former member of the National Assembly, denounced the Yanukovych offer of a compromise with the opposition as a dangerous capitulation, and called on the government to stand its ground (see below for a political statement signed by Vitrenko and 28 other political and social organization leaders).
The use of terrorism has been the hallmark of recent British operations on the ground in Thailand and Egypt as well, where the ruling parties have refused to cave in to Western demands for unconditional surrender.
Geneva II Sabotage
In Geneva last week, a similar scenario played out at the opening of the Geneva II talks to bring an end to the three-year conflict in Syria. At the start of the session, clearly on orders from President Obama and National Security Advisor Susan Rice, Secretary of State John Kerry put the removal of President Bashar Assad on the table as an unconditional demand. This demand, echoed by British Foreign Secretary William Hague and representatives of the Turkish and French governments, was in contrast to the language of the Geneva I agreement of June 2012, in which the Geneva II negotiations were framed.
As the result of this act of sabotage, the outcome of the talks is now in doubt, and the idea of launching American military strikes against the Assad government has now been once again put on the table in an editorial in the Washington Post. President Obama, under extraordinary pressure from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and from the American people, cancelled military strikes in early September 2013, after he had given the order to strike. The order was delayed but never rescinded, and so now, Syria has again become a flashpoint for war.
As the result of this, the gains made in the recent P5+1 interim deal with Iran are now also jeopardized. As of Jan. 20, IAEA inspectors arrived in Iran, and verified that the Iranians were in full compliance with the interim agreement. In his appearance last week at the annual World Economic Forum at Davos, President Hassan Rouhani reiterated his pledge that Iran will never seek a nuclear weapon, and that he is prepared to normalize political and economic relations with the rest of the world. Already, Asian diplomats and business leaders have begun to resume trade with Iran following decades of crippling sanctions.
Under the sanctions regime, the hardline factions, led by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), had taken over the economy, which largely ran as a black market enterprise, breaking the sanctions and blockades. Rouhani represents forces committed to normalizing Iran's role in the world, and that means stripping the IRGC "mafia" of much of its economic clout. The President is hypersensitive to the fact that a hardline turn in Washington or other Western capitals could give the hardliners the leverage to crush his reform agenda.
Congress Reacts
It was in this context that a group of leading members of Congress in Washington joined Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, in putting the kabosh on a new sanctions bill that has been pushed in the Senate.
The core issue facing the world as a whole is whether the bankrupt Anglo-Dutch financial system, centered in the trans-Atlantic region, will trigger a global showdown with the nations of Eurasia—notably, Russia, China, and India—the part of the world that is still growing, and has a perspective of future progress. That future orientation is best expressed in China's successful lunar exploration program, including its declared intention to develop the Moon's helium-3 resources to accelerate the transition to a thermonuclear fusion economy in the coming decades.
The Anglo-Dutch, on the other hand, face the problem that their system is hopelessly bankrupt. Every lever for global conflict is being pushed to the limit at the same time.
As LaRouche has warned, so long as Barack Obama, a certifiable tool of the Anglo-Dutch empire, is in White House, the world remains on the cusp of potential thermonuclear extinction. There are ample reasons for Obama's immediate impeachment, but the overarching reason is that his removal is the only assured path to survival for mankind as a whole. With Obama's finger on the nuclear trigger, the danger in Ukraine, Syria, Iran, and elsewhere is that U.S. actions can become the detonator for a conflict that rapidly draws in all of the world powers in a showdown between the dying trans-Atlantic forces and the still-advancing Eurasian forces.
It is the clear understanding of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff that the war danger is real and imminent. This was clearly reflected last week, when JCS chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey met with his Russian counterpart Gen. Valery Gerasimov, and they agreed that even if political and diplomatic crises erupt between the two countries, the military commanders must maintain their cooperation as a war-avoidance factor. While invaluable, such measures are no longer sufficient. Nothing short of Obama's removal by constitutional means and the immediate passage of Glass-Steagall in the U.S., a move that will bankrupt the Anglo-Dutch system, can assure true war prevention at this crucial moment.