The British Coup vs. Clinton
Brought U.S. to Edge of Hell
by an EIR Research Team
Feb. 1—From the moment Bill Clinton entered office as the 42nd President of the United States, in January 1993, a new stage of warfare between the British Empire and the American Republic began. Faced with the financial implosion of its system, the British Empire was determined to expand its global looting, and destroy any potential for the U.S. Presidency to take the lead in stymying that policy, by implementing new global measures, best captured in the "The New Bretton Woods" program then being put forward by Lyndon LaRouche. That British policy demanded that the Empire control the U.S. President, in driving a system of economic genocide, and global confrontation against the resistance expected from major powers Russia and China, as well as others.
At the same time, LaRouche, having been imprisoned by the Bush crowd, was putting forward the concrete policies for organizing exactly such a new financial architecture, through promoting new cooperative relationships among the U.S., Russia, and China—relationships which would effectively serve as a basis for leaps in economic development and the avoidance of war. From the earliest days of his administration, President Clinton had indicated that he was receptive to this point of view.
This is the strategic backdrop to the unending campaign of media slanders, assassination attempts, entrapment operations, and finally the impeachment of Clinton in December 1998. At the culmination of the attempted coup—run by British Intelligence and its treasonous assets within the United States, including the Republican Party leadership and British agents-of-influence such as Vice President Al Gore—in 1998-99, a full-scale assault was underway on economic and foreign policy, in which President Clinton expressed his intention to go with a revival of FDR-like policies against the economic and financial collapse, and with close cooperation with Russia and China.
During that 1998-99 period, LaRouche was actively intervening to build support for his New Bretton Woods program, promulgated in 1997-98.
It was to prevent that action that the British and their agents played their "Lewinsky card," and bludgeoned President Clinton into submission. One of the crucial, intended results was the repeal of FDR's Glass-Steagall act in November 1999, with the passage of what would appropriately be called the Gramm-Leach-Bliley-Lewinsky bill. Other results included the capitulation of the United States to the Tony Blair policy of preventive war—a shift which began with the lawless assault on Serbia in March 1999, and today leads inexorably toward thermonuclear confrontation with Russia.
In other words: One of the most proximate reasons why the world today stands at the brink of thermonuclear war, a meltdown of the trans-Atlantic financial system, and an Obama dictatorship, is the relative success of the British Empire's impeachment operation against President Bill Clinton. The very same players—including notable Republican Party traitors to the United States—are today continuing that operation, under conditions in which the British literally control the Presidency of Barack Obama.
To save the United States and the world from a war of extinction today, the British Empire's assault on the Presidency must be understood, and its lessons learned. As LaRouche said in his March 24, 1994 introduction to the mass pamphlet "Assault on the Presidency!", "the global financial crash is now inevitable. It might happen this week next, a year from now. It will happen, and soon.... President Clinton must act according to the precedent set by the first President of the United States, George Washington, and the Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton.... We can not permit a pack of hysterical London freaks to destabilize our U.S. Presidency...."
That Hamiltonian solution still exists—but the time for realizing it is much, much shorter—perhaps as short as the time it takes to launch thermonuclear Armageddon.
The British Buildup
The groundwork for the impeachment of Clinton was set up even before he entered office. It included the activation of a wide network of right-wing, allegedly Republican Party networks around the likes of Mellon family scion Richard Mellon-Scaife, who got his start in media operations in London in the early 1970s; he was then a primary funder of the Bush operations in Iran-Contra in the 1980s, and was a known enemy of LaRouche as well. These networks were interfaced with British-owned publishing outfits such as the Hollinger Corporation, the American Spectator, and others. Joining them were a host of unwashed televangelists dedicated to whipping up fanatical opposition to Clinton's intention to promote Middle East peace, and the pro-war Likudniks in Israel, with the U.S. supporters. Finally, there was Clinton's own Vice President, Al Gore, himself a longtime British asset and comrade of Blair's, buttressed by other so-called Democrats who marched to the tune of London and Wall Street.
In addition to the cast of British agents-of-influence, there was one direct British intelligence agent on the scene to drive the process: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is a second-generation MI6 operative (his father, E.E. Evans-Pritchard, was a top British intelligence "academic," focused on Libya and North Africa), the younger Evans-Pritchard was deployed to the United States as the Washington bureau chief of the Daily Telegraph (then owned by Canadian Conrad Black), where he launched the media assault on the Clinton Presidency in November of 1993. Not only did Evans-Pritchard publish near daily columns against Clinton, dredging up the Paula Jones and other scandals, he was a direct MI6 liaison to radical "militia" networks throughout the United States who were waging their own campaign of threatened violence and vile slanders against the President. Evans-Pritchard was a regular source for leaks from the Kenneth Starr Independent Counsel probe of Clinton, and the starting point for a wave of publicity shopped from London, into the mainstream U.S. press.
Evans-Pritchard was also a publicly avowed enemy of LaRouche.
On April 6, 1994, Democratic Party consultant and combative supporter of President Clinton, James Carville, effectively exposed the game. He invited the Washington, D.C. press corps to a breakfast where he presented a "Media Food Chain" chart (later dubbed by the White House as the "Communications Stream of Conspiracy Commerce"), in which he documented that every single "Clinton scandal" story that had appeared in the American press and media, had first appeared in the British press.
As EIR's Debra Freeman reported his presentation in 1998:
"First, the story would be published, usually in its most scurrilous and vicious form, in the British press. Then, a week or two later, the story would come out in the Washington Times, or the American Spectator, or on the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal. Finally, the story's last stop would be under the by-line of some so-called investigative reporter, in the pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, or some other 'authoritative' outlet."
(Carville's documentation later was picked up by Hillary Clinton, who, in an interview with NBC's Matt Lauer in January 1998, dubbed the apparatus that went after her husband a "vast right-wing conspiracy.")
On the afternoon of April 6, 1994, there was another press event, this one hosted by LaRouche's Presidential exploratory committee, the Committee To Reverse the Accelerating Global Economic and Strategic Crisis. At that event, LaRouche spokesmen presented the 64-page dossier "Assault on the Presidency," which documented that it was British Intelligence that was behind the creation of the "Whitewater" scandal against President Clinton, as a means of preventing him from taking U.S. policy off the Thatcher-Bush track, and acting in the George Washington/Alexander Hamilton tradition to save the United States and world economy from the inevitable impending crash.
The press conference began with a review of how the attacks on the U.S. Presidency, the recent Hebron massacre to derail the Mideast peace talks, and the destabilization of Mexico, were all part of a British attempt to maintain the empire's oligarchical control in a time of financial collapse. Spokesmen stressed how important it was for the British, now without an independent power base, to maintain the "special relationship" with the United States, to keep themselves in power, and how this was threatened by certain independent tendencies shown by the Clinton Administration.
EIR Counterintelligence Editor Jeffrey Steinberg then reviewed the workings of the British media operation which—left, right, and center—launched the scandals against Clinton, emphasizing the role of the Hollinger Corporation. He detailed the history of Hollinger from its origins in the British intelligence front, War Supplies Ltd., and traced its tentacles into the United States, through media outlets run by Iran-Contra financiers such as Richard Mellon-Scaife, and then into the so-called mainstream press.
As EIR later elaborated in a March 1998 video, this conspiracy could not honestly be called "right-wing." Rather, it was a full-blown mobilization of British assets, from Wall Street bankers, to Confederate sympathizers, to the Bush wing of the Republican Party, and the treasonous wing of the Liberal Establishment, epitomized by the Washington Post.
The scurrilous lies retailed in the press helped to build a climate of hate against the President, which led to a flurry of assassination attempts and threats, as well as the legal actions that ultimately led to the appointment of Republican Party operative Kenneth Starr as Independent Counsel, and Clinton's impeachment.
The Lewinsky Affair
Among the set-up operations to "get" Clinton was the planting of Monica Lewinsky in the White House.
In July 1995, Lewinsky, a sexual predator who had a track record of stalking older men in positions of authority, was brought in as an unpaid intern on the staff of White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta. President Clinton was already, at the time, a target of a Republican Party assault, Starr having been appointed Independent Counsel on "Whitewatergate" in August 1994. Lewinsky got into the White House position through family connections. Her mother, Marcia Lewis, was engaged to wealthy New York City media mogul R. Peter Strauss, a top Democratic Party donor who served as director of Voice of America under President Jimmy Carter. A New York real estate executive close to Strauss and Lewis, Walter Kaye, called the White House to secure the post for Lewinsky. At the end of the internship, Lewinsky was hired to a paid position in the White House Office of Legislative Affairs.
Lewinsky's profile as a sexual predator became so obvious, that in April 1996, she was transferred out of the White House to a post at the Pentagon's Public Affairs office, explicitly based on her stalking of President Clinton. It was at the Pentagon that she was picked up by Linda Tripp, a crony of the "Get Clinton" networks, who passed word of Lewinsky's account of her "affair" with the President to Independent Counsel Starr.
In reality, Clinton was entrapped, on the basis of his known weakness. Although Lewinsky's contact with Clinton occurred during 1995 and 1996, it was only at the crucial moment when Clinton was making a major policy shift around the accelerating global financial crisis, two years later, that the plug was pulled—specifically in August-September 1998, when Clinton had denounced the $1.5 trillion-a-day market in short-term currency speculation, and vowed to change the system. He established an international commission to study ways to reform the global financial system, in sync with LaRouche's campaign at the time for just such an overhaul.
To prevent him from implementing a return to American System methods, Clinton was targeted for removal from office by a concert of Wall Street bankers, Likud fanatics, right-wing Republicans, and two top Democrats, Vice President Al Gore and Sen. Joe Lieberman. Had Clinton gone forward with the New Bretton Woods initiative, there would never have been a repeal of Glass-Steagall, which was only possible under the conditions of the concerted right-wing Republican/Wall Street assault on the Clinton Presidency.
As it happened, the efforts by Wall Street, the Likud, the right wing, and treasonous Democrats like Gore and Lieberman—all British assets—failed to bring down the Clinton Presidency. The initiative launched by Helga Zepp-LaRouche in September 1998, with the Committee To Save the Presidency, beat back those forces, but enough damage was done that we are still paying the strategic consequences.
The Showdown of 1998-99
The "Asia crisis" launched by British financier George Soros in the Summer of 1997, with a speculative attack on Thailand, Malaysia, and other Asian nations, proved to be (as LaRouche insisted at the time) a global crisis of the system as a whole. When, in August 1998, the Russian financial system under British puppet Boris Yeltsin exploded, in part because the just-created Russian bond market had been flooded with hot money fleeing Asia, the U.S. hedge fund Long-Term Credit Management (LTCM) was thrown into default, with $4 billion in losses on Russian GKO bond-related derivatives, nearly busting the entire world financial system.
This action coincided with the point at which Clinton was compelled to testify before a Federal grand jury, that same August.
Here are some key inflection points in that process, showing the interrelationship among the crisis, Clinton's response, and the British mobilization to stop him.
March: LaRouche's EIR releases a 55-minute video on the "Assault on the Presidency," in which LaRouche urges Clinton not to be pushed into war against Iraq, and to follow his advice on how to resolve the world economic crisis.
March 18: LaRouche at a Washington, D.C. EIR seminar elaborates on his policy for a New Bretton Woods reorganization of the world economy, based on national sovereignty, bankruptcy reorganization, and major development projects.
June: President Clinton visits China, for a summit meeting with President Jiang Zemin, with the aim of improving relations, despite an enormous outcry from Republican critics.
August: Clinton is hauled before a grand jury to testify on the Lewinsky affair.
Sept. 2: Clinton makes state visit to Russia, despite huge opposition.
Sept. 9: In the face of the gathering momentum, including by a faction of the Democratic Party, demanding that President Clinton resign, Helga Zepp-LaRouche founds "Americans To Save the Presidency," with the support of dozens of state legislators and others around the country, and begins to organize nationwide.
Sept. 10: Yevgeni Primakov is appointed Prime Minister of Russia after a failed attempt by British and other international interests to reinstate Victor Chernomyrdin as prime minister (one of the executors of London-directed genocide against Russia in the mid-1990s), and put Russia under the direct dictates of London-selected finance specialists Boris Fyodorov and Domingo Cavalho. Primakov appoints an economic policy team that is committed to reviving Russia's collapsed physical economy, paying back wages, and renegotiating the country's foreign debt, while creating a Russia-China-India alliance, and conducting crucial war-avoidance diplomacy with Clinton.
Sept. 14: President Clinton, at the Council on Foreign Relations and related meetings later that week, calls for reform of the world financial system in keeping with FDR's policies to "limit swings in the economy," noting that one-third of the world was living in economies undergoing collapse. The CFR event is the first public appearance by Clinton since he was dragged before the "Starr Chamber" (under Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr) grand jury in August on the Lewinsky affair.
Sept. 27-29: Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan visits the U.S., where cooperation on the financial crisis is discussed.
Sept. 21: Under the aegis of House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the House Judiciary Committee turns the Congress into a pornographic witchhunt against Clinton, releasing the tapes of the grand jury testimony.
Sept. 23: LTCM collapses over its Russia-related losses.
August and September: Al Gore holds a series of meetings on Wall Street with
- Edgar Bronfman,
- Hank Greenberg (AIG),
- Jon Corzine (Goldman Sachs),
- Steven Ratner (Lazard),
- D.E. Shaw, and others,
promising to use his influence with the Russian financial mafia to assure full payment of the GKO bonds, and planning joint attacks on Russia over anti-semitism charges from the Anti-Defamation League and Bronfman's World Jewish Congress.
Sept. 24: LaRouche issues a statement attacking Blair for his advocacy of a phony New Bretton Woods, in fact, a supranational world dictatorship.
Sept. 27: LaRouche issues a statement on world economic reorganization, entitled "What Nations Must Do."
Sept. 29: Clinton announces, together with Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, that "a new era in U.S.-China relations" will be launched, after several private meetings with Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan, specifically to collaborate on the global financial crisis.
Oct. 1: LaRouche issues a document entitled "People First!" outlining concrete measures for dealing with the world financial emergency.
November: Clinton cancels his scheduled attendance at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting in Malaysia, where he had been expected to pursue his cooperation with China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in dealing with the global financial crisis. Gore goes in his place, and utters a diatribe against Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir's stand against the speculators and the IMF, and backing British agent Anwar Ibrahim's anarchist demonstrations going on in the street outside the meeting.
Nov. 13: Blair ups his push for more armed action against Iraq, for alleged violations of sanctions.
Nov. 21: British establish new closer defense pact with Israel, now in the hands of warhawk Benjamin Netanyahu.
Nov. 23: New York Times author James Risen reports that Gore, who had co-chaired the Gore-Chernomyrdin Commission (U.S.-Russian Joint Commission on Economic and Technological Cooperation) since 1993, "did not want to hear allegations that Mr. Chernomyrdin was corrupt, and was not interested in ... intelligence reports on the matter." Risen writes that one secret CIA report that went to Gore, containing what was considered "conclusive evidence" of Chernomyrdin's personal corruption, was returned to the agency with a "barnyard epithet scrawled across its cover."
Dec. 9: After two months of widely publicized debate, the House Judiciary Committee votes up a bill of impeachment with four articles, based on the Lewinsky and Paula Jones affairs.
Dec. 16: U.S. and British planes bomb Iraq, allegedly for failure to comply with weapons inspectors.
Dec. 19: President Clinton is impeached by the House of Representatives on a nearly party-line vote.
Jan. 1: LaRouche issues statement "To Defeat Impeachment, Defeat the New Confederacy," to mobilize patriots against the impending impeachment trial in the Senate.
Feb. 12: Clinton is acquitted by the Senate, with only Republicans (but not all Republicans) voting for conviction.
March: Primakov's planned visit to Washington on March 22, for a meeting of the bilateral intergovernmental commission, is upgraded to include a one-on-one meeting with President Clinton, as well as emergency efforts to avert the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
March 11-15: Chernomyrdin and Russian moneybags Boris Berezovsky visit Washington, and meet with Gore and others in D.C., and on Wall Street.
March 22: Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu gets Primakov to postpone his U.S. visit by a day, meeting first with him in the Kremlin on March 22.
March 23: While on the plane to Washington, Primakov receives a call from Gore saying that the U.S. will not postpone the planned bombing raids against Yugoslavia. Primakov ordered the plane turned around in mid-flight and returned to Moscow. EIR's information is that the decision on the bombing was made by the so-called Principals Committee, against the will of President Clinton.
April 4-14: Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji pays an official visit to the U.S. at the invitation of Clinton, the first visit to the U.S. by a Chinese Premier in 15 years.
April 23: British imperial leader Tony Blair gives a speech in Chicago calling for the end of the Westphalian system of national sovereignty, and launching the campaign of military intervention for "humanitarian" purposes, so-called preventive war.
May: Russian President Yeltsin fires Primakov, after Berezovsky and Chernomyrdin visit Primakov to tell him he is finished.
May 6: The U.S. Senate passes the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, repealing Glass-Steagall.
May 8: NATO fires five bombs at the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia, killing three Chinese journalists and injuring 20 embassy staff. Who ordered that?
June: LaRouche issues "New Marshall Plan for the Balkans."
July 1: The House of Representatives passes the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.
Nov. 12: Clinton signs the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act into law.