LaRouche Dem Rogers Heads to
Senate Runoff in Texas
by Harley Schlanger
March 5—The plan of the dwindling number of defenders of President Barack Obama, to "Turn Texas Blue," took a big hit in the Texas Democratic Primary on March 4, as the results demonstrate an unmistakeable reality: The vast majority of Texans—as well as Americans overall—want Obama out of the White House, the sooner the better. It is this reality that put LaRouche Democrat Kesha Rogers into the runoff in the race for the Democratic Party nomination for the U.S. Senate, as she ran an intense and focused campaign on the existential issue of impeaching Obama immediately.
Rogers, who twice has won the Democratic nomination for Congress in the 22nd C.D. of Texas, is well-known, not only for her calls for Obama's impeachment, but for her advocacy for a return to Franklin Roosevelt's Glass-Steagall banking regulation, to crush the power of the Wall Street bankers, and a revival of great projects, including the building of the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) to reverse the devastating drought; expanded funding for NASA; and the development of thermonuclear fusion power.
Despite millions of dollars spent to defeat her, and a campaign of vilification, dictated by the Obama team, Rogers received over 110,000 votes, for 21.7%, while her principal opponent, David Alameel, received 47%, with 32% shared among the other three candidates. Because no candidate received over 50% of the vote, a runoff election will take place on May 27.
Make Impeachment the Issue
At her victory party last night, Rogers said of the vote, "We gained a clear victory. We have done our job, which is to change the subject of the 2014 midterm elections from 'business-as-usual,' to making the impeachment of Obama the issue. This message got out," she continued, pointing to the concerted media campaign, to attack her for her insistence that Obama must go. "But the more they attack me for this, the more it helps us, as even the majority of Democrats want him out, as demonstrated by the vote."
Rogers was referring to a spate of articles which appeared, in Texas and nationally, with headlines such as "Democrats Scramble To Stop LaRouche Candidate," and "Fear of a LaRouche Planet." The barrage began when a Texas Tribune/University of Texas poll was released, which showed Rogers leading the race, with 35% to Alameel's 27%. Instead of reporting on Rogers' campaign to restore the economics of the American System of Alexander Hamilton, Franklin Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy, they publicized the Party's vitriolic campaign against her, thinking they could discredit her, by frantically insisting, "She is not a Democrat."
A section of the media was also caught in an attempt to commit fraud against Rogers and the voters. The Associated Press reported, at the point that about half the votes were in, that Alameel's totals suddenly jumped by more than 50,000 votes, to 54%, and projected him as the winner, without the need for a runoff. This was reported in Politico, the Houston Chronicle, and other major newspapers. Later, as it became clear that this tally was fraudulent, as it differed significantly from the totals reported by the State Board of Elections, the AP was forced to send out a correction, which stated, "The Associated Press had called the race for Alameel, but uncalled it after a county's results had been miscounted"!
In commenting on this "miscounting," Lyndon LaRouche said that, "apparently, there was a systematic attempted fraud," in which the media, on behalf of Obama, "tried to ... pull off fraud against the Kesha Rogers vote."
Speaking after the results were released, Rogers said, "Now, we have to finish the job. The stakes are too high—the longer Obama remains in office, the greater danger the human race will be extinguished, by a thermonuclear war, provoked by him." She added that the results of the primary show that we have entered the "post-Obama era."
In mobilizing her supporters for the runoff campaign, she said, "From here, we have to communicate that we intend to build the future, by reviving the legacy of the great President John F. Kennedy. We will transform the nation through a Texas-California alliance, through my collaboration with my colleague on the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee, Michael Steger, who is running for Congress against Nancy Pelosi in California's 12th C.D. This collaborative effort is committed to defeating the drought with NAWAPA, and securing the future through the advancement of science and technology.
"But it all begins with getting that puppet of the genocidal Queen of England impeached."
The Collapse of Obama's Democratic Party
There is one other notable conclusion which can be drawn from the results of the primary election, which is that, with Obama in the White House, and his thugs controlling the national and state Democratic Party apparatus, the Party is in a free-fall to the bottom. Since Rogers' White House-controlled opponents knew they could not defeat her by debating the real issues facing voters, they vacillated between trying to ignore her—which was not possible after the release of the Texas Tribune poll—and slander her.
As Martin Frost, the former chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee said, "The party is working very hard to make sure she is not the nominee." State Chairman Gilbert Hinojosa sent out an email which said that she is "not a Democrat," and that no one should vote for her.
But they didn't stop there. Two well-placed sources in the Texas Democratic Party confirmed that the "strategy" dictated by Obama-linked operatives working against a Rogers victory could be summarized in three words: "Suppress the vote."
Despite national Democratic Party "talking points" that it is Republicans who wish to lower voter turnout, this is in fact the policy adopted by desperate Obama operatives. To do this, they used a warchest of $3.5 million that Alameel loaned to his own campaign, along with an undisclosed amount channeled through the Obama-controlled political action committees, "Battleground Texas," "Turn Texas Blue" and the "Texas Future Project," in an effort to get party "loyalists" out to vote.
Almost none of this money was used as part of an outreach campaign, to bring in new voters, due to the PACs' legitimate fears that the larger the turnout of unidentified voters, the larger the vote would be for Rogers. This was confirmed in an article in The Hill, which quoted University of Texas professor Sherri Greenberg, who said that the party is mobilizing "knowledgeable voters," by which she meant those who accept Obama's leadership as legitimate.
"Unless you have a hotly contested primary race, the Democrats who go to the polls are going to be well-motivated and well-informed," by which she meant only those who wish to stop Rogers.
Unhappily for these hacks, who are left with the task of defending the indefensible, i.e., Obama, the race did become "hotly contested," as many new voters, and discouraged former Democratic Party voters, were mobilized by Rogers to vote, excited to see an alternative to Obama within the Party. Rogers received many votes in rural counties, in East and West Texas, and in blue-collar communities—such as Jefferson County (Beaumont), which she won—and from Hispanic voters, who were angered that their "leaders" took money from the Alameel campaign, to herd them to the polls.
The voter suppression campaign backfired, however, as Rogers received enough votes to get into the runoff. Further, it continued the long-term trend of the Obama/Wall Street-controlled Democratic Party of Texas to irrelevance, as the total number of voters in the Senate primary was a paltry 507,000 votes, well below historic levels. For example, in 1990, there were nearly 1 million votes cast in the Democratic Senate primary. In contrast, more than 1.3 million voted in this year's GOP Senate primary.
Rogers said that,
"Given the cowardice of the Republican Party, which is controlled by the same genocidal interests as the Democratic Party, such as the Bush family, and therefore refuses to move to impeach Obama, it is up to us to clean these traitors out of our Party, and return to the tradition of FDR and JFK, which still resonates with many Texans. We have 12 weeks to do this. As we have seen with the rapid changes underway, such as with the Obama-supported Nazi coup in Ukraine, a lot can happen in 12 weeks."