Beat the Drought,
from Texas to California
[PDF version of this article and transcriptions of the three presentations at the webcast]
The Kesha Rogers for Senate campaign in Texas and the Michael Steger for Congress campaign in California's 12th Congressional District (San Francisco) held a joint webcast on the drought crisis on April 12. Steger, who is running against House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for the Democratic nomination, spoke from San Francisco; Rogers and host Harley Schlanger spoke from San Antonio, Texas; and Benjamin Deniston of the LaRouchePAC Science Team spoke from Northern Virginia.
Schlanger introduced the proceedings by saying:
"The purpose of this event is to direct the attention of citizens to the immediate crisis we face, with the drought that is destroying agricultural production, and also the potential for life in the western United States and the Southwest. This is a drought that is now in its fifth year. It's leading to a collapse of production, in agriculture, in livestock. In California, we've seen the state Water District shut off water supplies to the richest agricultural areas in the world. And here in San Antonio, we're near Mead Lake, which as of a month ago was at 3% of its capacity.
"So we're going to be addressing this question of the collapse of the physical economy of the United States, and worldwide, a physical economy which is reflected in the imminent blowout of the global financial system. And that's why there's a war drive from the British Empire, which is part of what we're addressing here: that we have a President in the United States who's functioning as an asset of the British Empire, of the financial interests that ran up the biggest speculative bubble in world history, which popped in 2008. And now they're building a new bubble! At the same time, they're preparing what's called a 'bail-in,' which means they're coming for you! What you think is your money, your savings, your pensions, are going to be gone, are going to be wiped out. By intent. And they can't put it back together.
"Now there are solutions, and these are solutions that are uniquely being presented by these two campaigns."
Kesha Rogers, Schlanger reported, came in second in the Democratic primary, and is in the May 27 runoff for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate—"much to the chagrin of the Obama team that was running the campaign of her opponent." Michael Steger is campaigning in San Francisco, as well as in the Imperial Valley and the Central Valley, agricultural areas which are being shut down.
"These two states are important," Schlanger said, "not just because California and Texas are the two largest states in population; but they also represent the most advanced agriculture, and science and technology, in the country. And the solutions to the crisis rest with a change in the financial system, to a Hamiltonian credit system, and, at the same time, with investment in the areas of science and technology that provide solutions.
"So if you're here for that, good. We need activists, people who will take up these ideas. You'll see in the cases of Kesha and Michael, two national and international leaders who aren't afraid to tell you the truth. And ultimately, the truth comes down to: What will you do to save this nation and the future?"