Eurasia Comes Together
To Challenge British Empire
by Nancy Spannaus
June 2—"The British Empire is in deep trouble," concluded American statesman Lyndon LaRouche in his May 31 webcast. Look at the situation globally, he said. We have a burgeoning revolt in continental Europe, involving opposition to the Empire's agenda of war and economic dictatorship in France, Germany, and potentially Italy.
"We have the development of the relationship of China, Russia, and India, now," LaRouche continued. "Now these are three nations in Eurasia, which now are the leading powers in Eurasia. Now you have three nations which are striking out against Britain—not explicitly, but implicitly. And implicitly is sometimes better than explicitly, implicitly lets you have some maneuvers to manipulate the fears of your enemies. That's sometimes useful.
"What this all means is, that we are now in a situation strategically, where what is clear, with one exception, is that the British Empire is now in a difficult situation. Because we have two parts of the Eurasian world which are now in question, and resistance against the British Empire is piling in. At the same time, we are on the verge of an imminent bail-in crisis which sweeps across from western Europe, across into the United States and areas beyond—the trans-Atlantic region. We're coming to a crisis point, because an actual bail-in explosion in the trans-Atlantic region would be absolutely chaotic in its effect on the planet as a whole."
What's missing, LaRouche went on to explain, is the United States, which remains politically, through its President, in particular, under the control of the British Empire. That's the nut that has to be cracked in the United States, by the removal of Obama by multiply-justified impeachment and the re-institution of FDR's Glass-Steagall law.
Until Obama is removed, the world remains in imminent danger of a British-instigated thermonuclear war; and until Glass-Steagall is in place, the City of London/Wall Street crowd threatens to bring on the same genocidal result through economic means.
It was 1998 when Lyndon LaRouche first put forward his concept of the Strategic Triangle of Russia, China, and India, as a coalition of powerful Asian powers, which should join with the United States as a counter to the British Imperial domination of the planet. The idea was that these four powers would form the basis for a new financial architecture based on credit for high-technology economic development.
Lyndon and Helga LaRouche had also promoted a "Eurasian Union," or "Eurasian Land-Bridge," as a broader concept, during several visits to Russia and Ukraine in the mid-1990s.
The trilateral development concept was pursued in Russia during the short premiership of Yevgeni Primakov in 1998-99, but progress has been slow, despite the powerful message sent by the 2007-08 financial blowout that the Western monetary system was dead. The October 2009 summit between Russia and China in Beijing, produced a major step forward in terms of a nexus of agreements that went beyond deals on raw materials, and the entry of Chinese President Xi Jinping into office in November 2012 has seen accelerated diplomatic and economic contacts.
The biggest breakthrough, however, came with the summit between the two giants last month, when the problems which had been holding up the 30-year gas deal between the two nations, which had been under negotiation for a decade, were finally resolved, in the context of a broad swath of economic agreements, which will involve significant investment in transport infrastructure, as well as pipelines.
Interestingly, this meeting is being followed up June 3 with a meeting between the Chinese and Russian finance ministers, scheduled to discuss investment projects involving Russia's sovereign wealth fund, the Russian National Welfare Fund, and the smaller Russian Direct Investment Fund. Also on the agenda, Russian agencies reported June 4, are bilateral currency and credit swap arrangements, as well as moves toward China's joining the Eurasian Development bank, an institution set up by Russia and Kazakstan in 2006, and later joined by Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.
India's participation in this process, as an Asian superpower with enormous technological capabilities, has now also come on line, with the election of its new President, Narendra Modi. India was a long-standing economic partner with Russia in the Soviet period, but their ties experienced a relative setback under the radical free-trade policies of 1990s Russia. Over the last years, moreover, the United States has sought to woo India into its "anti-China" alliance with promises of economic gains. More importantly, India was weakened by a government dominated by a Congress Party which failed to address the crying need to make economic development for all Indians its raison d'être.
Now, as we elaborated in our article on the recent presidential election, and in a followup in this issue, India has a new orientation, summed up in Modi's electoral slogan "Development, Development, Development." The Indian prime minister has expressed his desire to maintain India's historically close ties to Russia, and to press forward for good relations with China, overcoming the legacy of tensions from the past. It is a good sign that the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Li will visit Delhi on June 8—one of the first foreign visits to the new government, outside the inauguration itself.
Strategic Depth
Overall, all three of these Asian giants are primed to create an economic superpower alliance based on collaboration around the crucial projects required to bring the planet out of its current disastrous state—especially, nuclear fission and fusion, and exploration of space, as dramatized by the Chinese landing on the Moon. To be successful, however, such an orientation also requires a world without war—meaning, a world without the evil British Empire.
To accomplish this, will require a global political shift beyond Asia, some of which is already underway: first, as noted by LaRouche, the shift against the Empire's economic policy in continental Europe; second, a decisive shift within the Empire's current enforcer, the United States.
The role of the LaRouche movement is critical on all of these fronts. As our coverage of a high-level Moscow conference on "Problems of the Sustained Development of Mankind in the System "Nature-Society-Man" in this issue demonstrates, Lyndon LaRouche is continuing to provide the scientific leadership internationally which is necessary to successfully shifting to a post-imperialist era internationally.