Ensuring Sustained
Economic Development
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May 29, 2014
To the participants in the International Scientific Conference on the Sustained Development of Mankind in the System "Nature-Society-Man."
Dear conference participants,
I send you warmest greetings on the occasion of the International Scientific Conference on the Sustained Development of Mankind in the System "Nature-Society-Man." The topic of the conference is more timely than ever, as mankind faces real threats to our security in the areas of the economy, natural conditions, and technogenic safety problems. Warnings about this were voiced by such outstanding scientists of our era as K.E. Tsiolkovsky, V.I. Vernadsky, and P.G. Kuznetsov, the 90th anniversary of whose birth we are celebrating today.
In today's difficult geopolitical conditions, which are related to the deterioration of Russian-American relations caused by the events in Ukraine, it is more important than ever before to support and bring together the nations of the Eurasian community, leaders of which are now ready to sign the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union.
One of the most important objectives of the Eurasian Economic Union will be to ensure the sustained development of the economy, nature, man, and society. That is the topic of this conference, which the Russian Academy of Sciences Scientific Council on Eurasian Economic Integration, Competitiveness, and Sustainable Development has helped to organize. The Council has held a number of sessions and discussions of these issues, including a discussion of the challenges of monitoring outer-space and natural climatic threats to mankind. Appropriate proposals based on the record of that discussion were submitted to President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. The Council has established a now operational Commission on Sustainable Development of the Economy, Nature, Man, and Society, whose members have been among the active organizers of today's conference.
I hope that your work will be fruitful.
Chairman of the RAS Scientific Council on Eurasian Economic Integration, Competitiveness, and Sustainable Development;
Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation,
Academician S.Yu. Glazyev