Bringing the Real America Into a World Without War
by Nancy Spannaus
June 23—Over the course of its one-day 30th anniversary conference in New York City June 15, the Schiller Institute brought together a stunning array of forces, from both within and without the United States, to discuss how to create a “world without war.” While the first panel was largely devoted to exposing the existential danger to mankind coming from the British Empire and its stooge Barack Obama, the rest of the day’s presentations were focused on defining the requirements for freeing Americans to be able to act once again in their true Constitutional tradition, and for bringing the United States into collaboration with the nations of Eurasia. Those nations, led by Russia and China, have already taken up the objective of intense, high-technology collaboration around the concept of the Eurasian Land-Bridge, a concept the Schiller Institute has been fighting for since the fall of the Soviet Union.
We provided the major speeches and messages from the first panel in our last issue;[1] in this, we publish the presentations from the second panel, Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s stirring discussion of the principles of, and necessity for, Classical poetry and music, and the additional important contributions to the conference as a whole.
Keynoting the second phase of the event was former Texas Senate candidate Kesha Rogers, whose remarks served as a “call to mission” for the audience, to bring the United States back to the tradition of John F. Kennedy, in particular, by lifting the cultural level of the population such that it can participate in shaping effective solutions to the problems we face. Rogers identified Lyndon LaRouche’s “Four New Laws To Save the U.S.A. Now!,” as the immediate requirment, and challenged people with Vladimir Vernadsky’s concept of man as a “geological force” to manage the biosphere.
The subsequent presentations on Glass-Steagall and Classical culture by those involved in the fights to restore them were well-received. The conference was also privileged to receive a video presentation by former Congressman Neil Gallagher (D-N.J.), who described with passion, his own fight against the FBI’s police-state measures back in the 1970s; his full transcript is printed here.
The emotional capstone of the event came in the evening, with the Classical concert, and particularly the introduction to Schiller’s “Nänie” by Zepp-LaRouche, and the subsequent performance of the short setting of the poem by Brahms. Mrs. LaRouche’s presentation directly addressed the cultural disaster which prevents Americans, and others, today from acting on the most obvious solutions to the world crisis in the economy and strategically, by actually demonstrating the quality of Classical beauty which was conveyed, despite the fact that the poem was in a language foreign to most present.
The choral performance then had a stunning effect, leaving the audience momentarily silent, before bursting out into sustained applause.
The full audio and visual recordings of the conference have begun to be posted on the Schiller Institute’s website ( It is expected that the Institute will eventually produce proceedings in both DVD and written form, in order to spur further activity in this vein.
[1] See EIR, June 20, 2014, for previous coverage of the conference, including Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s keynote speech.