Europe’s Future:
Go Bankrupt or Join the New Silk Road
[PDF version of this article]Nov. 4—We continue our coverage of the Schiller Institute’s conference in Frankfurt, Germany, Oct. 18-19, on “The New Silk Road and China’s Lunar Program: Mankind Is the Only Creative Species!” The conference, which celebrated the Institute’s 30th anniversary, was convened by the organization’s founder, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and gathered 350 people from more than a dozen nations.
Last week’s issue featured the speeches from the first panel, “The New Silk Road Is Transforming the Planet.”
We now present the panel on “The Future of Europe—Trans-Atlantic Collapse or Alliance of Sovereign Republics?” With the European Union increasingly under the thumb of Anglo-American imperial policy, and with the economies of many EU nations in catastrophic decline, the speakers tackled the question of how Europe could best join the New Silk Road development policy announced by China and supported by the other BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa).
German steel industry expert Dr. Dieter Ameling opened the discussion with an overview of steel production internationally—a crucial component of any global infrastructure-building program.
Greek parliamentarian Panos Kammenos then reported on how his country could contribute to and benefit from the New Silk Road perspective.
Prof. Enzo Siviero of Italy presented a program for bridging the Mediterranean Sea, between Tunisia and Italy, linking Africa fully into the Eurasian development perspective.
Col. Alain Corvez (ret.) of France addressed “Common Security Interests in Eurasia,” with an emphasis on the Mideast.
Ray McGovern, of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) in the United States, concluded the panel with a provocative challenge to the audience: “How Long Will the ‘Sovereign Republics’ of Europe Keep Dancing to Washington’s Tune?”
Future issues will cover Panels 3 and 4 on the economic, strategic, and scientific requirements of the New Silk Road global development policy.