Science Drivers To Promote
the Common Aims of Mankind
Nov. 17—We conclude here our publication of selected speeches from the Schiller Institute’s Oct. 18-19 “New Silk Road” conference in Frankfurt, Germany. All presentations are available in video at
This final panel, on “Science Drivers,” is best introduced by referring back to Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s conference keynote. She said:
“Let us create a mass movement for the common aims of mankind for a vision of the future, a world where we have accomplished energy and raw materials security for all of humanity, because we have established an industrial base on the Moon, for mining of helium-3, for fusion energy production and other raw materials, which will give us the condition for an isotope economy, precision medical procedures, and manufacturing space propulsion with one-gravity constant acceleration, space travel to farther away heavenly bodies, Mars, and asteroids. And where we will be able to have the defense of the planet Earth against asteroids, meteorites, and comets.
“We will have new scientific revolutions to find out what our Solar System, our galaxy, the universe with its billions of galaxies—what it really is. This new inclusive security architecture has to proceed from that standpoint. The New Silk Road concept will not only be a connection among nations on the planet, like the ancient Silk Road, but it will be a World Land-Bridge connecting all continents, and it will also lift mankind up to the stars....
“This must become the identity of mankind in the New Silk Road: that of a creative species, which will be in cohesion with the laws of the cosmic order.”