Puts BRICS Alternative
Before D.C. Audience
Dec. 6—In a presentation to over 100 diplomats, policymakers, and citizens in the nation's capital Dec. 2, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, made an impassioned appeal for the United States to join in the process of building the World Land-Bridge, which is now underway under the leadership of China and other BRICS nations. The offer made by Chinese President Xi Jinping to the U.S. and Europe, to join in this process of development, is "a lifeboat for a bankrupt trans-Atlantic world," she said. For if the trans-Atlantic world stays on its present course, it is headed for confrontation with Russia and China—the path toward thermonuclear war.
During the course of her presentation, Mrs. LaRouche detailed the "blueprint" for development which has just been issued in the Special Report from Executive Intelligence Review, "The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge." Her extensive opening remarks were followed by an hour of discussion with the audience, which paid close attention to the details of the worldwide dynamic she presented.
The event was filmed by the Chinese news service Xinhua, which published an English-language report in Global Times, as well as in other newspapers.
The Dec. 2 event, sponsored by EIR, will be followed by a series of events around the United States, aimed at both educating and motivating the American public to take the necessary steps to get the U.S. government to take up the China/BRICS offer for economic cooperation, and abandon the current pathway toward confrontation with Russia and China. A listing of those events, to be held under the auspices of the Schiller Institute, can be found under "What's New" at www.schillerinstitute.org