The BRICS Is the Only Alternative
to Threat of WWIII
by Our European Bureaus
Feb. 2—As the British Empire and its key assets—Barack Obama and NATO—escalate provocations against Russia that can only end in World War III, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institutes, undertook a tour of European capitals to not only raise the alarum on the imminent thermonuclear war danger, but to provide the alternative, which is outlined in EIR’s Special Report “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge,” released in December 2014.
Zepp-LaRouche keynoted three EIR events last week, at which she presented a comprehensive picture of the emerging reality of a new, just world economic order, being put into place by the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa). It is the reaction of the Wall Street/London financial empire to the threat of their own bankruptcy and replacement, which is creating the war danger, she said. The only sane response—made even more palpable by the Greek election results—is for the nations of Europe and the U.S. to bury Wall Street and the City of London, and to join with the BRICS in a crash effort for a scientific and economic renaissance.
Zepp-LaRouche’s tour began Jan. 27 in Berlin, the political nerve center of Europe, with a seminar attended by a couple of dozen people, many linked to political or economic institutions (see report). Reverberations from this event, which was filmed by China’s Xinhua, will undoubtedly affect the battle raging in Germany over Chancellor Angela Merkel’s confrontational course toward Russia.
Leading political and military figures have minced no words in condemning the brinksmanship with Russia, and in pointing out that it can only lead to a war of extinction. Gen. Harald Kujat (ret.), former head of the NATO Military Committee (2002-05), has been on a campaign to convince NATO to back away from a military conflict in Ukraine. He has been joined by such prominents as Horst Teltschik, one of the architects of Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s diplomacy, which made possible the peaceful reunification of Germany, and Gernot Erler, Germany’s current special coordinator for Russia policy (see EIR, Jan. 23). (A report on the Ukraine crisis is included this issue.)
Unlike Zepp-LaRouche, who heads the Civil Rights Solidarity Movement (BüSo) in Germany, however, these forces have not identified a peace-winning strategy.
Zepp-LaRouche was joined at the Berlin event by a representative of the Chinese cultural center in that city, Chen Jianyang, who reported on the importance of the New Silk Road, as the same kind of bridging mechanism between Europe and Asia that the ancient Silk Road provided. Then, as now, not only material, but cultural, scientific, and religious goods and ideas would be exchanged, he said. The camel has been replaced by the high-speed train, and the development perspective is now bringing 40 countries, with a total of 4 billion people, into collaboration. Germany and China, Chen concluded, could, through a strategic partnership, be a driving force for reviving the global economy.
The German financial center of Frankfurt am Main was the location for Zepp-LaRouche’s next seminar on the New Silk Road report. Among those attending were representatives from China, Russia, Egypt, Chad, and Iran, as well as Germans working in and with those countries.
After Zepp-LaRouche gave a briefing on the war danger, and the BRICS process in motion, there was a very lively discussion. Many participants denounced the Green ideology the European Union has adopted, but the most passionate discussion was on the need to change the educational system, away from the mass-murder perspective endemic to the Green paradigm, back toward the Classical humanist tradition which Germany once embodied. This perspective was defended by defended by participants, both Germans and foreigners, including notably, those from Africa.
Zepp-LaRouche’s next stop, on Jan. 30, was Copenhagen. She was the main speaker at a diplomatic seminar held at the Russian Culture Center, which drew representatives from 13 embassies, along with Danish businessmen, and organizers for the Schiller Institute.
After her presentation on both the war danger and the BRICS alternative, embassy spokesmen from three of the five BRICS nations also gave speeches—Alexey Koleshnikov, Russia; Hu Yi, China; Machiel Renier van Niekerk, South Africa. There was also participation from the floor by the Brazilian representative. The presentation of the South African representative was cleared for public release, and is reprinted in this issue.
More To Come
More events on the New Silk Road report are scheduled in Europe in the weeks ahead, with the intention of building a drumbeat for the BRICS, to drown out that for war—and to support a crucial shift in the United States, toward the same perspective.