Take Personal Responsibility
To Prevent World War III
Feb. 16—One hundred and fifty people gathered at the latest Schiller Institute conference in Manhattan on Feb. 14, to discuss how to build a mass movement for development, and avoid the imminent threat of thermonuclear confrontation with Russia. The three-and-a-half-hour event, keynoted by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, also featured presentations on subjects ranging from the strategic situation, to the scientific and economic perspective needed to raise mankind to the level required to launch a new creative era.
After a prelude of choral music, short opening greetings were given by former Greek parliamentarian Theodore Katsanevas, a representative of the Indian consulate, and Lyndon LaRouche.
LaRouche’s recorded statement starkly posed the issue of war or peace, and the fact that the principles Alexander Hamilton organized in New York City were the solution. He concluded:
“But the issue is now, why are we talking about World War III? Why are we talking about it here? There’s no need for World War III. We’re going to slam the oligarchy. We’re going to take it away from them. How do we do that? We’ve given the solution, and we’ve given the solution for the question of World War III.
“It’s very simple. We don’t have to bail out Wall Street. We don’t have to submit. All we have to do, is instead of complaining about Wall Street is persecuting you, you have to eliminate Wall Street! And you have to eliminate similar institutions, you’ve got to eliminate the Saudi Kingdom. You’ve got to eliminate other pestilences—which are pestilences! You have to organize institutions which did not previously exist!”
A New Standard for Mankind
Following a poignant introduction by moderator Dennis Speed, emphasizing the LaRouches’ relentless 40-year battle for what has now created the BRICS and a potential to end the danger of war, a visibly moved Zepp-LaRouche reminded everyone that the last time she spoke publicly in Manhattan, she declared herself—à-la JFK in Berlin—a New Yorker.
But immediately, she assumed a very serious tone, underlining that human civilization remains on the edge of catastrophe, both because of the danger of global thermonuclear war and the blowout of the financial system. We reproduce the full transcript below, but summarize the key points here.
The strategic portrayal had three sections. First, a very precise description of the Minsk agreement scheduled to begin at midnight that night, as crafted by the Normandy Four. She warned that while this diplomacy represented improved cooperation, the agreement was very fragile. She emphasized that her view of the situation was not based on hearsay, but on a two-week intensive, on-the-scene investigation of the situation in Europe. Merkel and Hollande suddenly jumped into action because they recognized that any arming of the Kiev government by the U.S. would be a trigger for a military conflict with Russia, provoking thermonuclear war.
Summarizing various public warnings of this outcome, including a Spiegel Online article from that morning, Zepp-LaRouche linked the actual root of the war danger to the two principal lies created to cover for the overthrow of the Kiev government by Washington in February 2014:
- the coverup of the Nazi source of the Kiev allies of the Obama Administration; and
- the insanity of the demonization of Putin.
Her discussion of Putin, accompanied by review of the Western violations of the original agreements struck with Gorbachov back in the 1980s, was detailed. Emphasizing the heroism of the Russian people during World War II, Zepp-LaRouche then documented Putin’s intervention since the events of 9/11, through to his important address from 2007 in Munich, which illustrated his commitment to find a pathway for increased cooperation with Europe and the U.S., as opposed to war. She ridiculed the characterizations of Putin as a dictator now streaming around the trans-Atlantic region, noting that the Russian population has started buying items from a store chain called Putin Versteher, to defy the attacks on their nation.
The third section of Zepp-LaRouche’s strategic report focused on Greece and the criminality of the debt policies of the Western banks, reminding everyone of John Paul II’s warnings that the Western financial practices were “structures of sin.” Zepp-LaRouche was ruthless in characterizing the neo-conservative Project for the New American Century movement, and other conduits that have utilized the “good” Nazis—the ones who belong to the West, and have no moral resistance to the evil pouring out of Kiev—as well as the banks.
In conclusion, Zepp-LaRouche drew out what is necessary to defeat this evil, strategically, and through creating a new standard for humanity as exemplified in Germany’s Humboldt education system. She developed both the economic prerequisites for the development of humankind, as well as Friedrich Schiller’s demonstration of the quality of the Sublime. Only the morally educated person is entirely free, she noted. The experience of the Beautiful, combined with that of the Sublime, elevates us above the power of nature, because the sensuous instincts have no influence upon Reason; only when the Sublime is wedded with the Beautiful and our receptivity for both has been cultivated in equal measure, are we citizens of nature, without being its slaves, and without losing our identities as citizens in the intelligible world.
Elaborating the Conceptions
Following a musical offering, LaRouche movement leader Phil Rubinstein gave an address on the Hamiltonian conception of economics with its emphasis on productivity of labor, as the core of creativity of a society. This is what LaRouche represents, he stated, and it is the only way the U.S. can deal with the crisis, he argued. He cited Lincoln’s policies and those of FDR, and focused on the Hamilton-Lincoln connection—the point that both were sublime figures as Zepp-LaRouche had posed. Their identity was what they were doing for mankind. This kind of identity is the conception behind the establishment of the United States, and what it must become again today.
His presentation concluded with a video montage of Douglas MacArthur, JFK, de Gaulle, LaRouche, and President Reagan, on the theme of the post-World War II branching point (and the 70-year arc of Lyndon LaRouche’s work)—thermonuclear war or thermonuclear fusion/SDI—development as the basis for peace.
LaRouche Scientific Team member Ben Deniston was the final speaker. He focused on the Strategic Defense of Earth (SDE) as the continuation of an effort to move beyond thermonuclear confrontation, and to collaboration in pursuit of the common aims of mankind. He emphasized that the thermonuclear age is a natural part of the creative development of mankind—it is the policy of imperial conflict which must be overcome and left behind.