'The Mission of the Presidency'
by Tony Papert
March 27—Man is not an animal. Unlike any animal ever known to us, Man can directly apprehend the future, and correctly know the future, through a discovery of principle,—like the discoveries of physical principle by Albert Einstein, or, more profoundly, by Einstein’s acknowledged predecessor Johannes Kepler, who invented modern physical science. Animals, the creatures of flesh and blood, live in the present and the past. Man, who is not flesh and blood, lives in the future, to the extent that he is actually human,—that is, to the extent that he is creative.
“Practical people” are merely foolish people. “Practical knowledge,” is only another name for ignorance. Man’s continued existence in this Universe, depends on nothing but revolutionary advances of discovery of principle, typified by breakthroughs in science and art. It depends on the Promethean spirit which overturns all the tables of existing practical doctrines, all the cant of University-approved, orthodox scholars,—to create ever-new knowledge,—the same quality which uniquely makes man human.
In fact, history, art, and science correctly understood, all attest that the very inner nature, the true essence of the Universe itself, is in reality nothing other than the revolutionary advance of creative discovery itself. This was already understood by Heracleitus and Plato.
In the course of an inspiring discussion on these themes with associates on March 24, EIR’s Founding Editor, the great contemporary genius Lyndon LaRouche, noted that the large majority of people are only able to think creatively, on the condition that they have a President who at least has some idea of what creative thinking is (as the last two of course have had none).
The context in which he said this was that of a United States in existential crisis, just about to fall beneath the waves of another, far worse, 2008-like financial collapse. At the same time, the knowledge that the financial blowout is near, is prompting Barack Obama’s controllers in London to push him towards immediate thermonuclear war. Either financial collapse or war, may well intervene before you get a chance to read to the next page.
This remark of LaRouche’s about the U.S. Presidency, provoked the thought that this issue of EIR must be devoted to the subject, to be stated on the cover as “The Mission of the Presidency.” Stating it in that ambiguous way, is intended to weave together the three strands of:
the intrinsic mission of the U.S. Presidency, as discovered uniquely in the principle which Manhattan’s Alexander Hamilton embedded in our Constitution;
the prior history of development of that mission, which should be traced back to France’s Jeanne d’Arc (Joan of Arc) and her followers; and within all that, as it were:
the mission of the next U.S. President. Finally, that issue-title reminds us appropriately that the Presidency is a top-down institution incorporating numbers of highly-qualified professionals, both with and without official titles, rather than just a single individual as such. Without any public office, Lyndon LaRouche has been a critical, irreplaceable part of our country’s recent viable Presidencies, as were Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton earlier, the latter both as Treasury Secretary and as a private citizen. (And those are only three, although the most outstanding, among many such cases.)
Here we will make Hamilton’s principle understood as a driver program to change the economy of the entire planet, as LaRouche noted in a discussion on March 25. We will link a systematic outline of the principle, to our bringing that Hamilton principle back into Hamilton’s Manhattan,—right now, at this present moment.
“Hamilton may not have been the greatest man of the period,” LaRouche said. “He was not Benjamin Franklin. But people have to see what he was, and what we lost when he was assassinated.”
The Presidency Today
Right now, the United States must join with the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) for world development, as a Schiller Institute petition rightly demands. In order to do that, all viable candidates for President must join hands now, to rid the nation of the curse of Barack Obama. Wall Street must be crushed, as pre-candidate Martin O’Malley’s call for re-enactment of Franklin Roosevelt’s Glass-Steagall law would crush it, and the United States must create for itself a Hamiltonian credit institution to link up with the credit institutions of the BRICS and China.
In this context, we will also take up a thread of the March 23 LaRouche Policy Committee discussion. We will define the existential problem of the critical water shortage in the southwest of the United States, and show that the Keplerian path of controlling the Lunar orbit and nearby Solar space, as China has undertaken it, is the only path through which that water shortage can be solved. This is a task of the next President.
We will demonstrate that Martin O’Malley is the only Presidential pre-candidate who has shown himself qualified, and counterpose the Seven Dwarves. We will show that the declared Republican pre-candidates are only shills, whose intended purpose is to insure the nomination of Jeb Bush. But the American people have had enough of the Bushes, the progeny of the Sen. Prescott Bush who bankrolled the Nazis. Twenty years of Bushes (eight of George H.W. as Vice President, then four as President, and eight more of his cokehead son), have brought war and economic disaster to a point which almost no one would have believed possible. The kindest thing that can be said about those Bushes, is that Barack Obama is even worse than they were. It’s time to “burn the Bushes,” as LaRouche has said.
We will also discuss the tragic case of the unqualified Hillary Clinton.
All this and more, is required to understand “The Mission of the Presidency.”