EIR’s Silk Road Report in Chinese
Presented in Beijing
by William C. Jones
Sept. 29—At a press conference today in Beijing, sponsored by EIR and the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the initiator of the Schiller Institutes, and William Jones, the Washington Bureau Chief of Executive Intelligence Review, keynoted the presentation of the Chinese translation of EIR’s ground-breaking report, “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge,” to the public.
There were around 70 people in attendance, including 15 representatives from the Chinese media, as well as a few officials from government entities and numerous think-tanks. In addition, nine leading Chinese scholars made comments about the report and its significance for the Chinese “One Belt, One Road” project. The Chongyang Institute has also agreed to be a cosponsor of the report.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche outlined the work of the Schiller Institute in developing the Silk Road/World Land-Bridge project for over 20 years, outlining the efforts that went on for decades to realize the report. Its circulation represents a unique opportunity for changing the course of history, she said. “We must get away from geopolitics and move to a new paradigm for mankind,” Zepp-LaRouche said.
The comments from the scholars were absolutely effusive about the report. One scholar said that he had known the Schiller Institute for a long time and had learned much from its ideas. “They have very special ideas about the economy, emphasizing the notion of physical economy. Lyndon LaRouche developed the notion of negentropy to explain the laws of economics. We cannot allow capital to control everything. We must control capital,” he said.
Another scholar noted that the Schiller Institute had a different view of the economy from most economists in emphasizing the underlying importance of infrastructure. “Mrs. LaRouche has made great progress with her ideas,” he said. One scholar noted that China’s “One Belt, One Road” policy represents the beginning of a new world order, and that we must find out how it differs from the world order led by the United States. One scholar from the Chinese planning agency underlined the uniqueness of the report, praising the work behind it and urging Chinese experts to take heed of the methods of analysis used in the EIR report.
Again, another scholar who had just finished reading the Chinese report the evening before, said that it had obviously been written with a global perspective, noting that it is about forecasting the future, rather than simply explaining the past.
There was a lively question and answer period, and many people came up to get their copies signed by the authors. The Chongyang Institute has already purchased 1,000 copies of the report for distribution to its networks and to scholars in China.
EIR’s English-language report was released in November of 2014. The 400+ page report includes an extensive section on the Metrics of Progress, as developed by economist Lyndon LaRouche, as well as extensive expositions of how the New Silk Road development can uplift the economies of every section of the world economy. More information is available at https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder.com/wlb_ii/.